Products - Antigen - Gastroenterology - Calprotectin


For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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Calprotectin is a calcium and zinc binding protein produced by neutrophils and monocytes. It has bactericidal and fungicidal properties. When there is an inflammation anywhere in the gut, the neutrophils and monocytes migrate into the gut lumen and release calprotectin which is then secreted in stool. The concentration of calprotectin in stool is thus used as an indicator of an inflammatory process in the gut.

Diagnostic Guidelines

The determination of calprotectin levels in stool is a non-invasive technique that can provide essential diagnostic information on inflammatory conditions of the bowel/gut. It is used to differentiate irritable bowel syndrome from acute and chronic inflammations of the bowel (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis) as its levels are increased in chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (CIBD). Moreover, for tumors of the gut associated with any kind of information a similar rise in the levels is observed. However, levels of calprotectin do not increase with benign conditions such as intestinal polyps or benign tumors or simply an irritable bowel.

Additionally, the levels of calprotectin can also be used to monitor and evaluate the treatment response. With successful interventions for CIBDs, a drop in the levels is observed. However, if the levels increase again this indicates a relapse. Calprotectin estimation correlates with findings on histological and endoscopic investigations. Since it spares the patients the burden of an invasive procedure and biopsies, calprotectin-based diagnostics become the mainstay for CIBDs.

Calprotectin products

For Research Use Only. Not For Use In Diagnostic Procedures.
The individual product regulatory statements may vary, please refer to the instructions for use for more information.

wdt_ID Method Parameter Substrate Species/ Antigen
41 ELISA calprotectin
determination in stool
microplate wells
42 ChLIA calprotectin
determination in stool
from human stool probes
43 ChLIA control set
determination in stool
Method Parameter Substrate Species/ Antigen
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