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Indication Method Description Format Order No Regulatory Status
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 40 AF 101-0540-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Reagent IIFT FITC-labelled anti-human IgA (goat) 05 x 46 AF 101-0546-R RUO
Consumable IIFT cuvette with insert for incubation of IFT (slides with 50 fields) 01 x 01 ZZ 0017-0101 RUO
Consumable IIFT cuvette for incubation of IFT (slides with 50 fields, only to be used with ZZ 0019-0101) 01 x 01 ZZ 0018-0101 RUO
Consumable IIFT insert for incubation of IFT (slides with 50 fields) 01 x 01 ZZ 0019-0101 RUO
Consumable IIFT cuvette for incubation of IFT (slides with 5 or 10 fields) 01 x 01 ZZ 9722-0101 RUO
Consumable IIFT incubated slide for demonstration purposes 01 x 01 ZZ 9801-0101 RUO
Consumable IIFT slide tray for storage of incubated slides with 50 fields 01 x 02 ZZ 9991-0102-1 RUO
Consumable IIFT slide tray for storage of incubated slides with 50 fields 01 x 04 ZZ 9991-0104-1 RUO
Consumable IIFT slide tray for storage of incubated slides with up to 10 fields 01 x 10 ZZ 9991-0110 RUO
Consumable IIFT slide tray for storage of incubated slides with up to 10 fields 01 x 20 ZZ 9991-0120 RUO
Consumable IIFT box for packaging of incubated slides (demo slides) 01 x 02 ZZ 9997-0102 RUO
Consumable IIFT box for packaging of incubated slides (demo slides) 01 x 05 ZZ 9997-0105 RUO
Consumable IIFT TITERPLANE set for the incubation of slides with 10 fields 01 x 01 ZZ 9999-0101-18-R RUO
Consumable IIFT TITERPLANE set for the incubation of slides with 50 fields 01 x 01 ZZ 9999-0101-19-R RUO
Consumable IIFT coded reagent tray with data matrix code for slides with 5 fields 01 x 05 ZZ 9999-0105-11-R RUO
Consumable IIFT reagent tray for the incubation of slides 01 x 05 ZZ 9999-0105-R RUO
Consumable IIFT reagent tray for the incubation of slides 01 x 10 ZZ 9999-0110-R RUO
Consumable IIFT coded reagent tray with data matrix code for slides with 10 fields 01 x 10 ZZ 9999-0110-12-R RUO
Consumable IIFT coded reagent tray with data matrix code for slides with 50 fields 01 x 50 ZZ 9999-0150-13-R RUO
Consumable IIFT reagent tray for the incubation of slides with 2 to 4 BIOCHIPs per field 01 x 50 ZZ 9999-0150-2-R RUO
Consumable IIFT coded glass plate for the incubation of slides with 10 fields 05 x 10 ZZ 9999-0510-15-R RUO
Consumable IIFT coded glass plate for the incubation of slides with 50 fields 05 x 50 ZZ 9999-0550-16-R RUO
Reagent EUROLINE positive control serum: IgG, human, 100x concentrated for Purkinjezell profile 05 x 07 CL 1111-0507-13 G RUO
Reagent PCR croBEE 201A Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit MH 0098-0196 RUO
Consumable PCR CT/NG Screening Gpack MH 0099-0100 RUO
Consumable PCR Genital Ulcer Gpack MH 0100-0100 RUO
Consumable PCR Urethritis Gpack MH 0101-0100 RUO
Consumable PCR MGH/UUP/TV Diagnostic Gpack MH 0102-0100 RUO
Consumable PCR Urethritis Plus Gpack MH 0103-0100 RUO
Consumable NUL IDS-iSYS Cartridge Checking System CCS 01 x 01 IS-6010 IVD
Consumable NUL IDS-iSYS Cuvettes 01 x 960 IS-CC100 IVD
Reagent NUL IDS-iSYS System Liquid (Syst.l) 01 x 05 IS-CS100 IVD
Consumable NUL Sample Cups (500 µL) 01 x 1000 IS-CSC105 RUO
Reagent NUL IDS-iSYS Trigger Set 02 x 01 IS-CT100 IVD
Reagent NUL IDS-iSYS Wash Solution (Wash S) 01 x 10 IS-CW100 IVD
Reagent NUL IDS-iSYS D-SORB Solution 02 x 01 IS-DS200 IVD
Reagent NUL IDS Immunocleaner 03 x 01 IS-IM100 IVD
Consumable NUL Green paper (EUROLineScan) 01 x 500 ZD 9880-01500 RUO
Consumable NUL adhesive foil 01 x 16 ZD 9885-0116 RUO
Consumable NUL adhesive foil 01 x 30 ZD 9885-0130 RUO
Consumable NUL incubation tray 30 channels (black) 200 x 30 ZD 9895-20030-1 RUO
Consumable NUL Incubation tray, reduced volume 120 x 44 ZD 9897-12044-1 RUO
Consumable NUL Incubation tray, reduced volume 200 x 30 ZD 9897-20030-1 RUO
Consumable NUL incubation tray, white 50 x 08 ZD 9899-10508 RUO
Consumable NUL incubation tray, white ZD 9899-5008 RUO
Consumable NUL Setup Clean 05 x 05 ZG 0009-0505 RUO
Reagent NUL system liquid concentrate 10 x 100 ZG 0862-10100 IVD
Reagent MDX WASH REAGENT 1 100 x 50 ZM 0121-0050-R RUO
Reagent MDX WASH REAGENT 2 100 x 12 ZM 0122-0012-R RUO
Reagent MDX EUROArray wash buffer set 01 x 01 ZM 0123-0101-R RUO
Reagent MDX QIAamp DSP Blood Mini Kit 01 x 50 ZM 0201-0150-Q RUO
Reagent MDX QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit 01 x 50 ZM 0202-0150-Q RUO
Reagent MDX QIAamp DNA Mini Kit 01 x 50 ZM 0203-0150-Q RUO
Reagent MDX Copan regular FLOQSwab with 1 ml eNAT transport and conservation medium (608CS01R) 50 x 01 ZM 0281-5001 RUO
Reagent MDX Copan L-shape FLOQSwab with 2 ml eNAT transport and conservation medium (606CS01L) 50 x 01 ZM 0282-5002 RUO
Reagent MDX Buccal hDNAfree FLOQSwab, Regular size tip, 20 mm Breaking Point, in tube with Active Drying System (50E010D01) 50 x 01 ZM 0283-5001 RUO
Consumable MDX chemagic Low Well Plates 11 x 100 ZM 9106-1100 RUO
Consumable MDX 900 µL Cond Filter Tips 10 x 96 ZM 9107-1096 RUO
Consumable MDX 175 µl Conduc Filter Tip 10 x 96 ZM 9108-1096 RUO
Consumable MDX TITERPLANE reagent tray for EUROArray slides 01 x 05 ZM 9999-0105-R RUO
Endocrinology ELISA cortisol 96 x 01 EQ 6141-9601 S RUO
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS ACTH II 100 x 01 IS-4500NG IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS ACTH II Calibrator Set 5 concentration levels IS-4520NG IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS ACTH II Control Set 2 concentration levels IS-4530NG IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Cortisol 100 x 01 IS-4600 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Cortisol Calibrator Set 6 concentration levels IS-4620 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Cortisol Control Set 2 concentration levels IS-4630 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Salivary Cortisol 100 x 01 IS-4900 RUO
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Salivary Cortisol Control Set 3 concentration levels IS-4930 RUO
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Urinary Cortisol 100 determinations IS-5800 RUO
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Urinary Cortisol Calibrator Set 6 concentration levels IS-5820 RUO
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Urinary Cortisol Control Set 2 concentration levels IS-5830 RUO
Endocrinology ELISA aldosterone 96 x 01 EQ 6143-9601 RUO
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Aldosterone 100 x 01 IS-3300 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Aldosterone Control Set 3 concentration levels IS-3330 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Direct Renin 100 x 01 IS-3400 RUO
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Direct Renin Control Set 3 concentration levels IS-3430 RUO
Endocrinology ELISA 17-OH-progesterone 96 x 01 EQ 6163-9601 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS 17-OH Progesterone 100 x 01 IS-5100 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS 17-OH Progesterone Control Set 3 concentration levels IS-5130 IVD
Endocrinology IIFT adrenal cortex 10 x 05 FA 1050-1005 RUO
Reagent IIFT adrenal cortex 10 x 05 FB 1050-1005 RUO
Allergy NUL anti-CCD absorbent 01 x 01 ZD 3001-0101-2 RUO
Reagent NUL anti-CCD absorbent 01 x 04 ZD 3001-0104-2 RUO
Allergy EUROLINE atopy "Chile 1" (d1, d2, e1, e2, es2, g2, g4, g5, m2, m3, m6, t11, t14, t15, t19, w9, w100, f1, f75, f78, f2, f40, f41, fs12, f4, f9, f13, f14, f25, f33, f49, f92, f83, f96, f292,CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3702-1601-1 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE atopy "Chile 2" (d1, d2, e1, e2, es2, gs2, m5, i6, t1, t7, t11, t14, t19, ts30, ws23, f1, f2, f4, f6, f7, f13, f17, f36, f256, f14, f74, f105, f292, f26, f27, f83, f88, f3, f40, f41, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3702-1601-2 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE atopy "Ukraine 2" (d1, d2, e1, e2, e3, g6, t3, w6, m2, m3, f1, f75, f2, f3, f4, f13, f14, f31, f35, f49, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3703-1601-2 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE atopy "Venezuela 1" (f1, f75, f3, f24, f40, f308, f4, f5, f6, f7, f9, f14, f292, f79, f13, f17, f20, f2, f76, f77, f78, f105, f218, f25, f32, f33, f44, f49, f72, f26, f27, f83, f155, f45, u85, d1, d2, d201, e1, e2, e85, m1, m2, m3, m5, m6, g2, w8, i1, i3, i70, i71, i100, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3704-1601-1 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE atopy "Caribbean 1" (g6, g12, t3, t20, w6, e1, e2, e3, d1, m2, m6, f1, f2, f26, f79, f4, f9, f14, f13, f31, f35, f292, f49, f3, f24, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3706-1601-1 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE atopy "Indonesia 1" (g2, g6, gs1, t19, t223, u85, d1, d2, d4, d72, d73, d201, e1, e2, e3, e204, es2, u134, i1, i6, m5, ms1, f4, f79, f13, f14, f17, f20, f45, f336, f1, f2, f76, f77, f78, fs10, f3, f40, f41, f23, f24, f80, f157, f63, f64, f83, f88, f81, f25, f47, f44, f84, f74, f105, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3707-1601-1 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE atopy "Thailand 1" (g2, g6, g10, e1, e2, e84, d1, d2, i6, i100, m2, m3, m6, u85, f1, f75, f2, f3, f23, f24, f41, f177, f234, f258, f232, f233, f76, f77, f78, f4, f79, f13, f423, f427, f14, f36, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3709-1601-1 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE atopy "Thailand 2" (d1, d2, e1, e2, e71, e82, e84, e85, e86, u81, u85, g2, g6, g10, t18, t19, i6, i100, m1, m2, m3, m6, f1, f75, f2, f4, f10, f13, f14, f20, f158, f31, f35, f45, f336, f23, f24, f234, f40, f41, f3, f436, f324, f37, f258, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3709-1601-2 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE atopy (g6, g12, t3, w6, d1, e1, e2, e3, m2, m6, f1, f2, f3, f4, f9, f14, f17, f31, f35, f49, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3710-1601 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE Atopy: 13 (d1, d2, d4, t2, t3, t4, t15, gs2, w6, w9, e1, e2, e3, m1, m2, m3, m6, f13, f17, f20, f144, f158, f256, f4, f5, f11, f99, f10, f14, f1, f75, f2, f76, f77, f78, f3, f84, f49, f25, w1, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3710-1601-13 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE atopy 4 (f13, f17, f12, f14, f4, f85, f96, f26, f3, f24, f1, f2, f49, f84, f95, t3, t7, t9, t11, t15, t23, g6, w1, w6, w9, w21, e1, e5, m3, m6, d1, d2, i6, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3710-1601-4 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE pediatrics (gx, t3, w6, d1, d2, e1, e2, e3, m2, m3, m6, f1, f75, f2, f3, f76, f77, f78, e204, f4, f9, f14, f13, f17, f31, f35, f49, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3712-1601 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE pediatrics (gx, t3, w6, d1, d2, e1, e2, e3, m2, m3, m6, f1, f75, f2, f3, f76, f77, f78, e204, f4, f9, f14, f13, f17, f31, f35, f49, CCD) 64 x 01 DP 3712-6401 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE atopy "China" (ts20, w1, w6, ds1, h1, e1, e2, i6, ms1, u80, f1, f2, f13, f14, f27, f88, fs33, f24, f23, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3713-1601 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE atopy "China" (ts20, w1, w6, ds1, h1, e1, e2, i6, ms1, u80, f1, f2, f13, f14, f27, f88, fs33, f24, f23, CCD) 64 x 01 DP 3713-6401 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE atopy "China 5" (ds1, h1, i6, e1, e2, ms1, w1, w6, f1, f2, f13, f14, f23, f24, fs33, u80, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3713-1601-5 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE atopy "China 7" (ds1, h1, i6, e1, e2, ms1, w1, w6, f1, f2, fs33, u80, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3713-1601-7 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE atopy "South East Asia 3" (ts20, w1, w6, ds1, h1, e1, e2, i6, ms1, u80, f1, f2, f13, f14, f27, f88, fs33, fs34, f24, f23, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3715-1601-3 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE atopy "Peru" (e1, e2, e3, e11, e82, e84, es173, i1, i3, i6, m1, m2, m3, m6, t18, u85, w29, d1, d2, f75, f79, f1, f2, f23, f206, f13, f14, f104, f26, fs32, f44, f49, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3716-1601 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE atopy "Lithuania" (w6, w9, w103, w203, t3, t4, t11, g6, gs21, e1, e2, e3, e4, e82, es2, ds1, ms1, m5, f245, f2, f81, f13, f14, f17, f256, f4, f12, f15, f44, fs32, f26, f27, f83, f49, f3, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3718-1601 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE atopy "Latin America 1" (d1, d2, d201, h1, i71, i100, m1, m2, m3, m5, m6, g2, g6, t3, ts26, ws23, e1, e2, e3, f4, f6, f7, f9, f104, f1, f75, f3, f40, f41, f2, f78, f77, f76, f23, f24, f25, f31, f35, f96, f14, f13, f256, f26, f27, f83, f33, f44, f49, f72, f84, f92, f93, f95, f329, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3725-1601-1 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE atopy screen (d1, d2, i1, i3, i6, h1, e1, e2, e3, m1, m2, m3, m6, g1, g3, g6, g12, t2, t3, t4, t7, t23, w1, w6, w9, u85, f25, f31, f35, f85, f1, f75, f2, f3, f23, f24, e204, f76, f77, f78, f27, f88, f45, f4, f5, f9, f14, f10, f13, f17, f20, f49, f84, f237, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3790-1601 E RUO
Allergy EUROASSAY pediatrics/atopy (g6, g12, t3, w6, d1, d2, e1, e2, e3, m2, m3, m6, f1, f75, f3, f2, f76, f77, f78, e204, f4, f9, f14, f13, f17, f31, f35, f49, CCD) 10 x 01 DE 3712-1001 E RUO
Allergy EUROASSAY pediatrics/atopy 2 (t3, t4, t15, t2, gx2, g12, d1, w6, w1, d2, e1, e2, m6, m2, f1, f13, f5, f2, f14, f4, f25, f85, f31, f33, f92, f49, f17, f3, CCD) 10 x 01 DE 3712-1001-2 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE DPA-Dx pediatrics 1 (t215, f76, f77, f78, f334, e204, f232, f233, f323, f356, f422, f423, f424, f427, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3812-1601-1 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE DPA-Dx pediatrics 2 (f76, f77, f78, f334, e204, f232, f233, f323, f356, f422, f423, f424, f429, f445, f444, f427, t215, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3812-1601-2 E RUO
Allergy EUROASSAY DPA-Dx pediatrics 1 (t215, f76, f77, f78, e204, f232, f233, f323, f356, f422, f423, f424, f427, CCD) 05 x 01 DE 3812-0501-1 E RUO
Allergy ELISA total IgE 96 x 01 EV 3840-9601 E RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Positive Specific IgE Control (F003) Cod 1 concentration IS-1F003-30 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Positive Specific IgE Control (G006) Timothy Grass 1 concentration IS-1G006-30 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Negative Specific IgE Control (F003/G006) Cod/Timothy Grass 1 concentration IS-1SIGE930 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Total / Specific IgE Reagent Kit 50 x 01 IS-1TIGE900 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Total IgE Control Set 3 concentrations IS-1TIGE930 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (F076) Alpha-lactalbumin 50 x 01 IS-1F076 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (F077) Beta-lactoglobulin 50 x 01 IS-1F077 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (F078) Casein 50 x 01 IS-1F078 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (F233) nGal d 1 20 x 01 IS-1F233 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (F351) rPen a 1 20 x 01 IS-1F351 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (F423) rAra h 2 20 x 01 IS-1F423 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (F427) rAra h 9 20 x 01 IS-1F427 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (F428) rCor a 1 20 x 01 IS-1F428 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (F434) rMal d 1 20 x 01 IS-1F434 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (D202) rDer p 1 20 x 01 IS-1D202 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (D203) rDer p 2 20 x 01 IS-1D203 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (D205) rDer p 10 20 x 01 IS-1D205 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (E094) nFel d 1 20 x 01 IS-1E094 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (E101) nCan f 1 20 x 01 IS-1E101 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (G205) rPhl p 1 20 x 01 IS-1G205 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (G213) rPhl p 1, rPhl p 5b 20 x 01 IS-1G213 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (G215) rPhl p 5b 20 x 01 IS-1G215 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (M229) rAlt a 1 20 x 01 IS-1M229 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (T215) rBet v 1 20 x 01 IS-1T215 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (T216) rBet v 2 20 x 01 IS-1T216 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (T224) rOle e 1 20 x 01 IS-1T224 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (W230) nAmb a 1 20 x 01 IS-1W230 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (W231) nArt v 1 20 x 01 IS-1W231 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (K082) Latex 50 x 01 IS-1K082 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (F001) Egg white 50 x 01 IS-1F001 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (F002) Cow's Milk 50 x 01 IS-1F002 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (F003) Fish (cod) 50 x 01 IS-1F003 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (F013) Peanut 50 x 01 IS-1F013 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (F014) Soybean 50 x 01 IS-1F014 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (F017) Hazelnut 50 x 01 IS-1F017 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (F020) Almond 50 x 01 IS-1F020 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (F037) Mussel 50 x 01 IS-1F037 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (F075) Egg yolk 50 x 01 IS-1F075 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (F084) Kiwi 50 x 01 IS-1F084 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (F202) Cashew nut 50 x 01 IS-1F202 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (F203) Pistachio 50 x 01 IS-1F203 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (F245) Hen's Egg 50 x 01 IS-1F245 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (F256) Walnut 50 x 01 IS-1F256 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (D001) House dust mite 50 x 01 IS-1D001 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (D002) House dust mite 50 x 01 IS-1D002 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (E001) Cat dander 50 x 01 IS-1E001 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (E003) Horse dander 50 x 01 IS-1E003 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (E005) Dog dander 50 x 01 IS-1E005 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (G002) Bermuda grass 50 x 01 IS-1G002 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (G003) Cocksfoot 50 x 01 IS-1G003 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (G004) Meadow fescue 50 x 01 IS-1G004 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (G005) Rye-grass 50 x 01 IS-1G005 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (G006) Timothy grass 50 x 01 IS-1G006 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (G007) Common reed 50 x 01 IS-1G007 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (G008) Meadow grass 50 x 01 IS-1G008 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (G012) Cultivated rye 50 x 01 IS-1G012 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (G013) Velvet grass 50 x 01 IS-1G013 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (G014) Cultivated oat 50 x 01 IS-1G014 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (G015) Cultivated wheat 50 x 01 IS-1G015 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (G201) Barley 50 x 01 IS-1G201 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (GX03) Grass mix 3 50 x 01 IS-1GX03 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (M003) Aspergillus fumigatus 50 x 01 IS-1M003 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (M006) Alternaria alternata 50 x 01 IS-1M006 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (T002) Alder 50 x 01 IS-1T002 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (T003) Common silver birch 50 x 01 IS-1T003 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (T004) Hazel 50 x 01 IS-1T004 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (T009) Olive 50 x 01 IS-1T009 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (T025) European ash 50 x 01 IS-1T025 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (W001) Common ragweed 50 x 01 IS-1W001 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (W006) Mugwort 50 x 01 IS-1W006 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (W009) Plantain 50 x 01 IS-1W009 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (I001) Honey bee 50 x 01 IS-1I001 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (I003) Wasp 50 x 01 IS-1I003 RUO
Allergy ChLIA Control set Anti-Gliadin (GAF-3X)-ChLIA (IgG) 02 x 02 LR 3011-20210 G RUO
Allergy ChLIA Anti-Gliadin (GAF-3X) ChLIA (IgA) 100 x 1 LV 3011-10010 A RUO
Allergy ChLIA Anti-Gliadin (GAF-3X) ChLIA (IgG) 100 x 1 LV 3011-10010 G RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Deamidated Gliadin IgA 100 x 01 IS-AI1301 RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Deamidated Gliadin IgG 100 x 01 IS-AI1302 RUO
Allergy EUROLINE DPA-Dx milk 1 (f2, f76, f77, f78, f334, e204, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3510-1601-1 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE DPA-Dx peanuts 1 (t215, f422, f423, f424, f429, f445, f444, f427, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3511-1601-1 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE DPA-Dx pollen 1 (t3, g6, t215, t216, t220, t225, g205, g215, g210, g212, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3210-1601-1 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE DPA-Dx pollen "Southern Europe 1" (t3, t9, t23, g6, w21, m6, t215, t226, w211, g205, g215, g210, g212, t224, t231, t235, m229, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3211-1601-1 E RUO
Allergy EUROASSAY DPA-Dx pollen 1 (t3, g6, t215, t216, t220, t225, g205, g215, g210, g212, CCD) 05 x 01 DE 3210-0501-1 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE DPA-Dx insect venoms 3 (i1, i3, i75, i208, i213, i216, i209, i211, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3850-1601-3 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE DPA-Dx insect venoms "Southern Europe 1" (i1, i3, i75, i77, i208, i213, i216, i210, i209, i220, i211, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3851-1601-1 E RUO
Allergy EUROASSAY DPA-Dx insect venoms 3 (i1, i3, i75, i208, i213, i216, i209, i211, CCD) 05 x 01 DE 3850-0501-3 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE food (f1, f75, f2, f45, f4, f5, f9, f13, f14, f17, f20, f49, f84, f237, f25, f31, f35, f85, f3, f23, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3410-1601 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE food (f1, f75, f2, f45, f4, f5, f9, f13, f14, f17, f20, f49, f84, f237, f25, f31, f35, f85, f3, f23, CCD) 64 x 01 DP 3410-6401 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE food 2 (f1, f75, f2, f78, f4, f5, f14, f10, f13, f17, f20, f49, f84, f95, f25, f31, f35, f85, f3, f23, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3410-1601-1 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE food 3 (f13, f17, f20, f158, f12, f14, f89, f96, f25, f47, f48, f85, f49, f84, f92, f95, f26, f27, f83, f3, f23, f24, f40, f4, f8, f9, f10, f45, f2, f78, f218, f1, f75, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3410-1601-3 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE food "South East Asia 1" (f1, f75, f2, f4, f9, f10, f14, f13, f17, f63, f64, f83, fs10, fs14, f23, f24, f80, f234, f105, f336, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3411-1601 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE food "China 2" (f1, f2, f13, f14, f23, f24, fs33, fs34, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3414-1601-2 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE food "Gulf" (f1, f75, f2, f4, f14, f45, fs36, f13, f33, f44, f92, f93, f25, f31, f48, f83, f88, f3, f24, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3416-1601 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE food "Turkey 1" (f1, f75, f2, f169, f78, f4, f79, f9, f14, f10, f13, f17, f144, u87, f222, f33, f44, f49, f92, f84, f146, f328, f25, f31, f35, f48, f95, f97, f122, f132, fs14, fs10, fs43, f83, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3420-1601-11 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE food "India" (f1, f2, f360, f75, f4, f9, f14, f13, f36, f49, f50, f35, f38, f48, f244, f83, f89, f240, f23, f24, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3421-1601 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE food "India 2" (f1, f75, f2, f360, f4, f79, f7, f8, f9, f14, f13, f20, fs32, f33, f36, f49, f50, f12, f25, f35, f38, f47, f48, f159, f244, f262, f370, f364, f27, f83, f88, f89, f240, fs81, f3, f23, f24, f371, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3421-1601-2 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE food "Lebanon 3" (f23, f24, f40, f41, fs79, f45, f1, f2, f76, f77, f78, e204, f4, f9, f10, f12, f13, f14, f20, fs39, f44, f49, f84, f95, fs80, f25, f31, f35, f47, f48, f86, f96, f159, f292, fs78, f27, f83, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3423-1601-3 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE food "Screen South Africa" (f1, f2, f4, f13, f14, fs36, f3, fs12, fs58, fs53, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3424-1601 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE food "Mexico" (f1, f75, f2, f78, f95, f96, f44, fs32, f4, f7, f9, f45, f13, f14, f20, fs35, f12, f15, f49, f292, f25, f31, f35, f92, f216, f191, f263, f284, f83, f26, f27, fs27, f24, f40, fs12, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3425-1601 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE food dairy products and nuts (f1, f2, f75, f78, f13, f17, f20, f144, f158, f256, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3427-1601 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE food flour and meat (f4, f5, f7, f9, f26, f27, f83, f79, f3, f24, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3428-1601 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE food vegetables (f10, f14, f86, f25, f31, f35, f85, f46, f244, f292, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3429-1601 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE food fruits (f44, f49, f84, f92, f95, f97, f122, f237, f329, fs32, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3430-1601 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE food "Maghreb" (f1, f75, f2, f78, f4, f9, f10, f12, f13, f14, f17, f20, f33, f44, f49, f92, f25, f35, f47, f48, f85, f45, f27, f83, f3, f40, f41, f23, f24, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3431-1601 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE food 4 (f1, f75, f2, f78, f4, f5, f9, fs13, f10, f13, f14, f17, f20, f144, f256, f79, f44, f49, f50, f84, f92, f93, f95, f97, f87, fs32, f25, f35, f46, f47, f85, f262, f83, fs28, f24, fs12, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3432-1601-1 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE food "Venezuela 1" (f1, f232, f233, f75, f2, f76, f77, f78, f105, f4, f5, f6, f7, f9, f14, f292, f79, f13, f17, f20, f256, f3, f24, f37, f40, f41, f308, f155, f45, f25, f31, f35, f32, f33, f44, f49, f72, f92, f26, f27, f83, f81, f205, f218, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3433-1601-1 E RUO
Allergy EUROASSAY food (f1, f75, f2, f78, f45, f4, f5, f9, f14, f10, f13, f17, f20, f84, f95, f237, f25, f31, f35, f85, f3, f23, f49, CCD) 10 x 01 DE 3410-1001 E RUO
Allergy EUROASSAY food 2 (f47, f26, f75, f90, f10, f78, f89, u87, f35, f95, f329, f84, f24, f20, f1, f13, f5, f2, f14, f4, f25, f85, f31, f33, f92, f49, f17, f3, CCD) 10 x 01 DE 3410-1001-2 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE inhalation (g1, g3, g6, g12, t2, t3, t4, t7, w1, w6, w9, d1, d2, e1, e2, e3, m1, m2, m3, m6, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3110-1601 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE inhalation (g1, g3, g6, g12, t2, t3, t4, t7, w1, w6, w9, d1, d2, e1, e2, e3, m1, m2, m3, m6, CCD) 64 x 01 DP 3110-6401 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE inhalation 2 (g6, g12, t2, t3, t4, w6, w9, d1, d2, e1, e2, e3, e6, e82, e84, es4, m1, m2, m3, m6, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3110-1601-1 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE inhalation 3 (t3, t4, t7, t9, t11, t15, t23, g2, g3, g6, g8, g12, g101, u85, w1, w6, w9, w21, e1, e5, e3, e82, m3, m5, m6, i6, d1, d2, d70, d201, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3110-1601-3 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE pediatric inhalation (g6, g12, t2, t3, t4, w6, w8, w9, d1, d2, e1, e2, e3, e6, e82, e84, m1, m2, m3, m6, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3111-1601 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE Mediterranean inhalation (g2, g6, t3, t4, t9, t11, t23, t210, w1, w6, w9, w19, d1, d2, d70, e1, e2, e3, m2, m6, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3112-1601 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE Mediterranean inhalation 2 (d1, d2, d70, d71, d201, e1, e2, e3, m2, m3, m6, i6, g2, g3, g5, g6, g8, g12, t2, t3, t4, t9, t11, t23, w1, w6, w9, w10, w11, w19, w21, u85, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3112-1601-2 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE inhalation "South East Asia" (ts19, t19, t223, u85, gs1, ds1, i6, u134, e1, e2, es172, e6, e71, e82, e84, ms1, ms4, m5, m12, m45, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3113-1601 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE inhalation "China 2" (ds1, h1, i6, e1, e2, ms1, ts20, u80, w1, w6, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3116-1601-2 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE inhalation "Gulf" (g6, g12, w1, w6, t2, t3, t7, t9, d1, d2, i6, e1, e2, e3, m1, m2, m3, m5, m6, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3118-1601 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE inhalation "Turkey 1" (gs12, gs15, gs21, g12, ts23, ts24, t9, t70, ws19, ws20, d1, d2, i6, es2, es173, e1, e2, e3, e4, e80, e81, e84, m1, m2, m3, m6, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3119-1601-11 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE inhalation "India" (g6, g12, g20, t18, w4, w8, w12, w29, d1, d2, i6, e1, e2, e4, e11, e85, m3, m37, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3120-1601 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE inhalation "India 2" (g2, g6, g10, g12, g20, t18, t20, w6, w7, w8, w10, w12, w13, w14, w29, d1, d2, i6, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m37, e1, e2, e11, e85, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3120-1601-2 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE inhalation "Lebanon 2" (g2, g6, g12, g101, w7, w19, w21, ws24, t2, t3, t7, t9, t16, t23, ts32, m1, m2, m3, m5, m6, d1, d2, e1, e2, e3, e85, es170, es173, u85, i1, i3, i6, i71, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3123-1601-2 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE inhalation "Screen South Africa" (ts19, ts29, gs1, ws21, e1, e2, hs12, ms1, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3124-1601 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE inhalation "Mexico" (g2, g5, g6, g10, g14, t3, t7, t19, t210, t20, t14, t15, w1, w4, w6, w8, w10, w11, w14, w15, w100, d1, d2, h1, i6, e1, e2, es4, m1, m2, m3, m5, m6, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3126-1601 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE inhalation "Ukraine 1" (d1, d2, e1, e2, e3, e6, e82, e84, t2, t3, t4, t7, g6, g12, w6, w9, m1, m2, m3, m6, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3127-1601-1 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE inhalation trees (t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t7, t15, t12, t14, t16, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3128-1601 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE inhalation grass and weeds (g1, g3, g6, g12, w1, w6, w9, w10, w103, w203, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3129-1601 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE inhalation animals (e1, e2, e3, e6, e71, e73, e82, e84, es7, es173, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3130-1601 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE inhalation indoor allergens (ds1, es2, i6, e7, m1, m2, m3, m5, m6, m37, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3131-1601 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE inhalation "Maghreb" (g2, g3, g6, g8, g12, t3, t5, t7, t9, t11, t15, t18, t19, t23, w1, w4, w6, w7, w9, w10, w21, d1, d2, i6, e1, e2, e3, m3, m5, m6, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3132-1601 E RUO
Allergy EUROLINE Inhalation 4 (e1, e2, e3, e4, e81, es2, es173, g1, g3, g12, g14, g16, w6, w9, w10, w11, w14, w17, w100, t1, t15, t16, t70, ts22, ts26, i1, i6, h1, d1, d2, m1, m2, m3, m6, CCD) 16 x 01 DP 3133-1601-1 E RUO
Allergy EUROASSAY inhalation (g1, g3, g6, g12, t2, t3, t4, t7, w1, w8, w6, w9, d1, d2, es4, e2, e3, e6, e1, e82, e84, m1, m2, m3, m6, CCD) 10 x 01 DE 3110-1001 E RUO
Allergy EUROASSAY inhalation 2 (t3, t4, t15, t2, gx2, g12, d1, w6, w1, d2, e1, e2, m6, m2, t7, t11, t23, g6, i6, d70, w21, w9, d71, e3, u85, d72, m3, m1, CCD) 10 x 01 DE 3110-1001-2 E RUO
Allergy ChLIA IDS Specific IgE (G001) Sweet vernal grass 50 x 01 IS-1G001 RUO
Alzheimer’s disease ELISA beta-amyloid (1-40) determination in plasma 96 x 01 EQ 6511-9601* RUO
Alzheimer’s disease ELISA beta-amyloid (1-42) determination in plasma 96 x 01 EQ 6521-9601* RUO
Alzheimer’s disease ELISA plasma tau 96 x 01 EQ 6532-9601* RUO
Alzheimer’s disease ELISA BACE-1 determination in CSF 96 x 01 EQ 6541-9601-L* RUO
Alzheimer’s disease ELISA alpha-synuclein determination in CSF 96 x 01 EQ 6545-9601-L* RUO
Alzheimer’s disease ELISA neurogranin determination in CSF 96 x 01 EQ 6551-9601-L* RUO
Alzheimer’s disease ELISA beta-amyloid (1-40) determination in CSF 96 x 01 EQ 6511-9601-L RUO
Alzheimer’s disease ELISA beta-amyloid (1-42) determination in CSF 96 x 01 EQ 6521-9601-L RUO
Alzheimer’s disease ELISA total tau determination in CSF 96 x 01 EQ 6531-9601-L RUO
Alzheimer’s disease ELISA pTau(181) determination in CSF 96 x 01 EQ 6591-9601-L RUO
Alzheimer’s disease ChLIA Beta-Amyloid (1-40), determination in CSF 100 x 1 LQ 6511-10010-L RUO
Alzheimer’s disease ChLIA Beta-Amyloid (1-42), determination in CSF 100 x 1 LQ 6521-10010-L RUO
Alzheimer’s disease ChLIA Total-tau, determination in CSF 100 x 1 LQ 6531-10010-L RUO
Alzheimer’s disease ChLIA pTau(181), determination in CSF 100 x 1 LQ 6591-10010-L RUO
Alzheimer’s disease ChLIA Control set Beta-Amyloid (1-40) ChLIA 02 x 02 LR 6511-20210-L RUO
Alzheimer’s disease ChLIA Control set Beta-Amyloid (1-42) ChLIA 02 x 02 LR 6521-20210-L RUO
Alzheimer’s disease ChLIA Control set Total-tau ChLIA 02 x 02 LR 6531-20210-L RUO
Alzheimer’s disease ChLIA Control set pTau(181) ChLIA 02 x 02 LR 6591-20210-L RUO
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ELISA neurofilament (pNf-H) determination in CSF and serum 96 x 01 EQ 6561-9601 RUO
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ELISA neurofilament (pNf-H) highly sensitive determination in serum and plasma 96 x 01 EQ 6562-9601 RUO
Autoimmune ELISA cardiolipin IgA 96 x 01 EA 1621-9601 A RUO
Autoimmune ELISA cardiolipin IgG 96 x 01 EA 1621-9601 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA cardiolipin IgM 96 x 01 EA 1621-9601 M RUO
Autoimmune ELISA cardiolipin IgAGM 96 x 01 EA 1621-9601 P RUO
Autoimmune ELISA phosphatidylserine IgA 96 x 01 EA 162a-9601 A RUO
Autoimmune ELISA phosphatidylserine IgG 96 x 01 EA 162a-9601 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA phosphatidylserine IgM 96 x 01 EA 162a-9601 M RUO
Autoimmune ELISA phosphatidylserine IgAGM 96 x 01 EA 162a-9601 P RUO
Autoimmune ELISA ß2-glycoprotein IgA 96 x 01 EA 1632-9601 A RUO
Autoimmune ELISA ß2-glycoprotein IgG 96 x 01 EA 1632-9601 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA ß2-glycoprotein IgM 96 x 01 EA 1632-9601 M RUO
Autoimmune ELISA ß2-glycoprotein IgAGM 96 x 01 EA 1632-9601 P RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS Cardiolipin IgG 100 x 01 IS-AI1501 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS B2-Glycoprotein I IgG 100 x 01 IS-AI1502 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS APS IgG Control Set 2 concentrations IS-AI1530 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS Cardiolipin IgM 100 x 01 IS-AI1601 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS B2-Glycoprotein I IgM 100 x 01 IS-AI1602 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS APS IgM Control Set 2 concentrations IS-AI1630 RUO
Endocrinology ChLIA Nu.Q® NETs 100 x 01 2001-02-01 RUO
Endocrinology ELISA Serum CrossLaps® (CTX-I) ELISA 96 x 01 AC-02F1 IVD
Endocrinology ELISA Urine CrossLaps® (CTX-I) EIA 96 x 01 AC-03F1 IVD
Endocrinology ELISA Urine Alpha CrossLaps® (CTX-I) EIA 96 x 01 AC-04F1 IVD
Endocrinology ELISA N-MID® Osteocalcin ELISA 96 x 01 AC-11F1 IVD
Endocrinology ELISA Ostase® BAP EIA 96 x 01 AC-20F1 IVD
Endocrinology ELISA BoneTRAP® (TRAcP 5b) ELISA 96 x 01 SB-TR201A RUO
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Ostase® BAP 100 x 01 IS-2800 RUO
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Ostase® BAP Control Set 3 concentration levels IS-2830 RUO
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS N-MID® Osteocalcin 100 x 01 IS-2900 RUO
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS N-MID® Osteocalcin Control Set 3 concentration levels IS-2930 RUO
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Beta CrossLaps® (CTX-I) 100 x 01 IS-3000N IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Beta CrossLaps® (CTX-I) Calibrator Set 6 concentration levels IS-3020N IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Beta CrossLaps® (CTX-I) Control Set 2 concentration levels IS-3030N IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Intact PINP 100 x 01 IS-4000 RUO
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Intact PINP Control Set 01 x 01 IS-4030 RUO
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS TRAcP 5b (BoneTRAP®) 100 x 01 IS-4100 RUO
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS TRAcP 5b (BoneTRAP®) Control Set 3 concentration levels IS-4130 RUO
Endocrinology ELISA Urine CartiLaps® (CTX-II) EIA 96 x 01 AC-10F1 IVD
Endocrinology ELISA Human COMP ELISA 96 x 01 AC-23F1 RUO
Consumable NUL stool dosage tubes, unfilled 100 x 01 ZE 6010-0100-3 RUO
Consumable NUL Stool Dosage Tubes, ready for use 45 x 01 ZE 6010-4501-2 RUO
Autoimmune ELISA CXCL13 96 x 01 EQ 6811-9601-L RUO
Endocrinology ELISA leptin 96 x 01 EQ 6444-9601 RUO
Endocrinology ELISA adiponectin 96 x 01 EQ 6446-9601 RUO
Endocrinology ELISA 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D S EIA 96 x 01 AC-57SF1 IVD
Endocrinology ELISA 1,25-Dihydroxy Vitamin D EIA 96 x 01 AC-62F1 IVD
Endocrinology ELISA 25-OH vitamin D 96 x 01 EQ 6411-9601 IVD
Endocrinology ELISA intact PTH 96 x 01 EQ 6421-9601 RUO
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS 1,25 VitD Xp 100 x 01 IS-2000 RUO
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS 1,25 VitD Xp Control Set 2 concentration levels IS-2030 RUO
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS 1,25-Dihydroxy Vitamin D 100 x 01 IS-2400 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS 1,25-Dihydroxy Vitamin D Control Set 2 concentration levels IS-2430 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS 25 VitD S 100 x 01 IS-2500N IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS 25 VitD S Calibrator Set 6 concentration levels IS-2520N IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS 25 VitD S Control Set 2 concentration levels IS-2530N IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Intact PTH 100 x 01 IS-3200 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Intact PTH Control Set 3 concentration levels IS-3230 IVD
Endocrinology ELISA calcitonin 96 x 01 EQ 6431-9601 RUO
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS human Growth Hormone (hGH) 100 x 01 IS-3700 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Insulin-like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I) 01 x 01 IS-3900 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Insulin-like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I) Control Set 01 x 01 IS-3930 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein-3 (IGFBP-3) 100 x 01 IS-4400 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein-3 (IGFBP-3) Control Set 3 concentration levels IS-4430 IVD
Endocrinology ELISA free testosterone 96 x 01 EQ 6151-9601 IVD
Endocrinology ELISA Dihydrotestosteron 96 x 01 EQ 6152-9601-1 RUO
Endocrinology ELISA androstenedione 96 x 01 EQ 6153-9601 IVD
Endocrinology ELISA dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) 96 x 01 EQ 6154-9601-1 IVD
Endocrinology ELISA total estrogens 96 x 01 EQ 6160-9601-1 IVD
Endocrinology ELISA Mullerian duct repression hormone 96 x 01 EQ 6161-9601 RUO
Endocrinology ELISA pregnenolone 96 x 01 EQ 6164-9601 IVD
Endocrinology ELISA estrone 96 x01 EQ 6165-9601-1 RUO
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Total Testosterone 100 x 01 IS-5000 RUO
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Total Testosterone Control Set 3 concentration levels IS-5030 RUO
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Free Testosterone 100 x 01 IS-5300 RUO
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Free Testosterone Control Set 3 concentration levels IS-5330 RUO
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Androstenedione 100 x 01 IS-5400 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Androstenedione Calibrator Set 6 concentration levels IS-5420 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Androstenedione Control Set 2 concentration levels IS-5430 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS SHBG 100 x 01 IS-5600 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS SHBG Control Set 3 concentration levels IS-5630 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Prolactin 100 x 01 IS-5700 RUO
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Prolactin Calibrator Set 5 concentration levels IS-5720 RUO
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS InaKtif MGP (dp-uc MGP) 100 x 01 IS-4700 RUO
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS InaKtif MGP (dp-uc MGP) Control Set 3 concentration levels IS-4730 RUO
Endocrinology ELISA uromodulin 96 x 01 EQ 6821-9601 RUO
Infection ELISA Aspergillus antigen 96 x 01 EQ 6911-9601 RUO
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS ACE 100 x 01 IS-5900 RUO
Autoimmune ELISA sCD163 96 x 01 EQ 6851-9601-U RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER Adalimumab 48 x 01 LTA 002-48 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER anti-Adalimumab 48 x 01 LTA 003-48 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER Duo Adalimumab 48 x 02 LTA 005 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER Bevacizumab 48 x 01 LTB 002-48 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER anti-Bevacizumab 48 x 01 LTB 003-48 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER Duo Bevacizumab 48 x 02 LTB 005 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER Certolizumab 48 x 01 LTC 002-48 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER anti-Certolizumab 48 x 01 LTC 003-48 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER Duo Certolizumab 48 x 02 LTC 005 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER Etanercept 48 x 01 LTE 002-48 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER anti-Etanercept 48 x 01 LTE 003-48 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER Duo Etanercept 48 x 02 LTE 005 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER Golimumab 48 x 01 LTG 002-48 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER anti-Golimumab 48 x 01 LTG 003-48 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER Duo Golimumab 48 x 02 LTG 005 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER Infliximab 48 x 01 LTI 002-48 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER anti-Infliximab 48 x 01 LTI 003-48 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER Duo Infliximab 48 x 02 LTI 005 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER Rituximab 48 x 01 LTR 002-48 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER anti-Rituximab 48 x 01 LTR 003-48 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER Duo Rituximab 48 x 02 LTR 005  RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER Secukinumab 48 x 01 LTS 002-48 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER anti-Secukinumab 48 x 01 LTS 003-48 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER Duo Secukinumab 48 x 02 LTS 005  RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER Tocilizumab 48 x 01 LTT 002-48 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER anti-Tocilizumab 48 x 01 LTT 003-48 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER TNF 96 x 01 LTT 004-96  RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER Duo Tocilizumab 48 x 02 LTT 005 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER Trastuzumab 48 x 01 LTTR 002-48 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER anti-Trastuzumab 48 x 01 LTTR 003-48 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER Duo Trastuzumab 48 x 02 LTTR 005 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER Ustekinumab 48 x 01 LTU 002-48 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER anti-Ustekinumab 48 x 01 LTU 003-48 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER Duo Ustekinumab 48 x 02 LTU 005 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER Vedolizumab 48 x 01 LTV 002-48 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER anti-Vedolizumab 48 x 01 LTV 003-48 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ELISA LISA-TRACKER Duo Vedolizumab 48 x 02 LTV 005 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ChLIA i-Tracker Adalimumab 100 x 01 CTA 002-100 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ChLIA i-Tracker Anti-Adalimumab 100 x 01 CTA 003-100 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ChLIA i-Tracker Certolizumab 50 x 01 CTC 002-50 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ChLIA i-Tracker Anti-Certolizumab 50 x 01 CTC 003-50 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ChLIA i-Tracker Golimumab 50 x 01 CTG 002-50 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ChLIA i-Tracker Anti-Golimumab 50 x 01 CTG 003-50 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ChLIA i-Tracker Infliximab 100 x 01 CTI 002-100 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ChLIA i-Tracker Anti-Infliximab 10 x 001 CTI 003-100 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ChLIA i-Tracker Rituximab 50 x 01 CTR 002-50 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ChLIA i-Tracker Anti-Rituximab 50 x 01 CTR 003-50 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ChLIA i-Tracker Ustekinumab 50 x 01 CTU 002-50 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ChLIA i-Tracker Anti-Ustekinumab 50 x 01 CTU 003-50 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ChLIA i-Tracker Vedolizumab 50 x 01 CTV 002-50 RUO
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ChLIA i-Tracker Anti-Vedolizumab 50 x 01 CTV 003-50 RUO
Alzheimer’s disease EUROArray EUROArray APOE Direct 05 x 05 MN 5710-0505-V RUO
Alzheimer’s disease EUROArray EUROArray APOE Direct 08 x 03 MN 5710-0803-V RUO
Alzheimer’s disease EUROArray EUROArray APOE Direct 10 x 05 MN 5710-1005-V RUO
Alzheimer’s disease EUROArray EUROArray APOE Direct 20 x 05 MN 5710-2005-V RUO
Autoimmune IIFT laminin 332 (LAM332) 10 x 05 FA 150b-1005-50 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against epidermis: desmosomes (pemphigus vulgaris control) 05 x 02 CA 1501-0502 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against epidermis: basement membrane (bullous pemphigoid control) 05 x 02 CA 1502-0502 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT epidermis: prickle cell desmosomes epidermal basement membrane 10 x 05 FA 1501-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT epidermis: prickle cell desmosomes epidermal basement membrane 10 x 10 FA 1501-1010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT epidermis: prickle cell desmosomes epidermal basement membrane 20 x 05 FA 1501-2005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT epidermis: prickle cell desmosomes epidermal basement membrane 10 x 05 FB 1501-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT epidermis: prickle cell desmosomes epidermal basement membrane 10 x 10 FB 1501-1010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT epidermis: prickle cell desmosomes epidermal basement membrane 20 x 05 FB 1501-2005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Dermatology Mosaic 20 epidermis pemphigoid antigens 10 x 05 FA 1501-1005-20 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Dermatology Mosaic 20 epidermis pemphigoid antigens 10 x 10 FA 1501-1010-20 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Dermatology Mosaic 20 epidermis pemphigoid antigens 20 x 05 FA 1501-2005-20 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Dermatology Mosaic 20 epidermis pemphigoid antigens 10 x 05 FB 1501-1005-20 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Dermatology Mosaic 20 epidermis pemphigoid antigens 10 x 10 FB 1501-1010-20 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Dermatology Mosaic 7 epidermis pemphigoid antigens BP230gC desmoglein 1 desmoglein 3 BP180-NC16A-4X 10 x 05 FA 1501-1005-7 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Dermatology Mosaic 7 epidermis pemphigoid antigens BP230gC desmoglein 1 desmoglein 3 BP180-NC16A-4X 10 x 10 FA 1501-1010-7 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Dermatology Mosaic 7 epidermis pemphigoid antigens BP230gC desmoglein 1 desmoglein 3 BP180-NC16A-4X 10 x 05 FB 1501-1005-7 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Dermatology Mosaic 7 epidermis pemphigoid antigens BP230gC desmoglein 1 desmoglein 3 BP180-NC16A-4X 10 x 10 FB 1501-1010-7 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Dermatology Screen (EM) EUROPattern epidermis: prickle cell desmosomes epidermal basement membrane 10 x 05 FC 1501-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Dermatology Screen (EM) EUROPattern epidermis: prickle cell desmosomes epidermal basement membrane 10 x 10 FC 1501-1010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Dermatology Screen (EM) EUROPattern epidermis: prickle cell desmosomes epidermal basement membrane 20 x 05 FC 1501-2005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Dermatology Mosaic 7 EUROPattern epidermis pemphigoid antigens BP230gC desmoglein 1 desmoglein 3 BP180-NC16A-4X 10 x 05 FC 1501-1005-7 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Dermatology Mosaic 7 EUROPattern epidermis pemphigoid antigens BP230gC desmoglein 1 desmoglein 3 BP180-NC16A-4X 10 x 10 FC 1501-1010-7 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Dermatology Mosaic 7 EUROPattern epidermis pemphigoid antigens BP230gC desmoglein 1 desmoglein 3 BP180-NC16A-4X 20 x 05 FC 1501-2005-7 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Dermatology Mosaic 7 EUROPattern epidermis pemphigoid antigens BP230gC desmoglein 1 desmoglein 3 BP180-NC16A-4X 20 x 10 FC 1501-2010-7 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Dermatology Mosaic 20 EUROPattern epidermis pemphigoid antigens 10 x 10 FC 1501-1010-20 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Dermatology Mosaic 20 EUROPattern epidermis pemphigoid antigens 20 x 05 FC 1501-2005-20 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Dermatology Mosaic 20 EUROPattern epidermis pemphigoid antigens 20 x 10 FC 1501-2010-20 RUO
Autoimmune ELISA Dermatology Profile (BP180-NC16A-4X, BP230-CF, desmoglein 1, desmoglein 3, envoplakin, collagen type VII separately) 12 x 08 EA 1490-1208-1 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA envoplakin 48 x 01 EA 1491-4801 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA desmoglein 1 48 x 01 EA 1495-4801 G IVD
Autoimmune ELISA desmoglein 3 48 x 01 EA 1496-4801 G IVD
Autoimmune ELISA BP230-CF 48 x 01 EA 1502-4801-1 G IVD
Autoimmune ELISA BP180-NC16A-4X 48 x 01 EA 1502-4801-2 G IVD
Autoimmune ELISA collagen type VII 48 x 01 EA 1947-4801 G RUO
Autoimmune IIFT autoantibody-free control 05 x 02 CA 1000-0502 RUO
Reagent IIFT autoantibody-free control (aab negative) 05 x 10 CA 1000-0510 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against renal glomeruli (Goodpasture syndrome; GBM ab control) 05 x 02 CA 1251-0502 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT hippocampus antigens cerebellum antigens 10 x 05 FA 111a-1005-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT hippocampus antigens cerebellum antigens 10 x 10 FA 111a-1010-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT hippocampus antigens cerebellum antigens glutamate receptor (type NMDA) 10 x 05 FA 111m-1005-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT hippocampus antigens cerebellum antigens glutamate receptor (type NMDA) 10 x 10 FA 111m-1010-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT hippocampus antigens cerebellum antigens glutamate receptor (type NMDA) 10 x 05 FB 111m-1005-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT hippocampus antigens cerebellum antigens glutamate receptor (type NMDA) 10 x 10 FB 111m-1010-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT skeletal muscle 10 x 05 FA 1430-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT skeletal muscle 10 x 05 FB 1430-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Heart Muscle/Skeletal Muscle heart muscle skeletal muscle 10 x 05 FA 1430-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Heart Muscle/Skeletal Muscle heart muscle skeletal muscle 10 x 05 FB 1430-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT heart muscle 10 x 05 FA 1461-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT heart muscle 20 x 05 FA 1461-2005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT heart muscle 10 x 05 FB 1461-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT heart muscle 20 x 05 FB 1461-2005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Myasthenia gravis Screen (SMM) EUROPattern skeletal muscle 20 x 05 FC 1430-2005 RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE autoantibody-free control (aab negative) 05 x 01 CL 1000-0501 Z RUO
Autoimmune NUL IDS Top Cap Set 01 x 01 IS-CAP300 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against glutamate receptor (type NMDA) 05 x 02 CA 112d-0502 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against GABA B receptor 05 x 02 CA 112l-0502 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against dipeptidyl aminopeptidase-like protein 6 (DPPX ab control) 05 x 02 CA 112m-0502 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT RC-IIFT Neurology Mosaic 14A glutamate receptor (type NMDA) contactin-associated protein 2 (CASPR2) IgLON family member 5 (IgLON5) dipeptidyl aminopeptidase-like protein 6 (DPPX) leucine-rich glioma-inactivated protein 1 (LGI1) GABA B receptor 10 x 05 FA 112d-1005-14 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT glutamate receptor (type NMDA) 10 x 05 FA 112d-1005-51 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT glutamate receptor (type NMDA) 10 x 10 FA 112d-1010-51 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT glutamate receptor (type NMDA) 10 x 05 FB 112d-1005-51 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT glutamate receptor (type NMDA) 10 x 10 FB 112d-1010-51 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Autoimmune Encephalitis Mosaic 6 glutamate receptor (type NMDA) contactin-associated protein 2 (CASPR2) glutamate receptors (type AMPA1/2) leucine-rich glioma-inactivated protein 1 (LGI1) dipeptidyl aminopeptidase-like protein 6 (DPPX) GABA B receptor 10 x 05 FA 112d-1005-6 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Autoimmune Encephalitis Mosaic 6 glutamate receptor (type NMDA) contactin-associated protein 2 (CASPR2) glutamate receptors (type AMPA1/2) leucine-rich glioma-inactivated protein 1 (LGI1) dipeptidyl aminopeptidase-like protein 6 (DPPX) GABA B receptor 10 x 10 FA 112d-1010-6 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Autoimmune Encephalitis Mosaic 6 glutamate receptor (type NMDA) contactin-associated protein 2 (CASPR2) glutamate receptors (type AMPA1/2) leucine-rich glioma-inactivated protein 1 (LGI1) dipeptidyl aminopeptidase-like protein 6 (DPPX) GABA B receptor 10 x 05 FB 112d-1005-6 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Glutamate Receptor (Type AMPA1/2) 10 x 05 FA 112k-1005-53 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT GABA B receptor 10 x 05 FA 112l-1005-50 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT GABA B receptor 10 x 05 FB 112l-1005-50 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT dipeptidyl aminopeptidase-like protein 6 10 x 05 FA 112m-1005-50 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT glutamate receptor (type NMDA) EUROPattern 10 x 05 FC 112d-1005-51 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT glutamate receptor (type NMDA) EUROPattern 10 x 10 FC 112d-1010-51 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT glutamate receptor (type NMDA) EUROPattern 120 x 10 FC 112d-12010-51 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT glutamate receptor (type NMDA) EUROPattern 20 x 05 FC 112d-2005-51 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT glutamate receptor (type NMDA) EUROPattern 20 x 10 FC 112d-2010-51 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Autoimmune Encephalitis Mosaic 6 EUROPattern glutamate receptor (type NMDA) contactin-associated protein 2 (CASPR2) glutamate receptors (type AMPA1/2) leucine-rich glioma-inactivated protein 1 (LGI1) dipeptidyl aminopeptidase-like protein 6 (DPPX) GABA B receptor 10 x 05 FC 112d-1005-6 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Autoimmune Encephalitis Mosaic 6 EUROPattern glutamate receptor (type NMDA) contactin-associated protein 2 (CASPR2) glutamate receptors (type AMPA1/2) leucine-rich glioma-inactivated protein 1 (LGI1) dipeptidyl aminopeptidase-like protein 6 (DPPX) GABA B receptor 10 x 10 FC 112d-1010-6 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Autoimmune Encephalitis Mosaic 6 EUROPattern glutamate receptor (type NMDA) contactin-associated protein 2 (CASPR2) glutamate receptors (type AMPA1/2) leucine-rich glioma-inactivated protein 1 (LGI1) dipeptidyl aminopeptidase-like protein 6 (DPPX) GABA B receptor 20 x 05 FC 112d-2005-6 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Autoimmune Encephalitis Mosaic 6 EUROPattern glutamate receptor (type NMDA) contactin-associated protein 2 (CASPR2) glutamate receptors (type AMPA1/2) leucine-rich glioma-inactivated protein 1 (LGI1) dipeptidyl aminopeptidase-like protein 6 (DPPX) GABA B receptor 20 x 10 FC 112d-2010-6 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT dipeptidyl aminopeptidase-like protein 6 20 x 05 FC 112m-2005-50 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against IgLON family member 5 (IgLON5) 05 x 02 CA 1151-0502 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against leucine-rich glioma-inactivated protein 1 (LGI1 ab control) 05 x 02 CA 1439-0502-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against contactin-associated protein 2 (CASPR2 ab control) 05 x 02 CA 1439-0502-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT IgLON family member 5 (IgLON5) 10 x 05 FA 1151-1005-50 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Anti-VGKC-Ass. Proteins Mosaic 1 leucine-rich glioma-inact. prot. 1 (LGI1) contactin-associated protein 2 (CASPR2) 10 x 05 FA 1439-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Anti-VGKC-Ass. Proteins Mosaic 1 leucine-rich glioma-inact. prot. 1 (LGI1) contactin-associated protein 2 (CASPR2) 10 x 05 FB 1439-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT contactin-associated protein 2 (CASPR2) 10 x 05 FA 1439-1005-50 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT leucine-rich glioma-inactivated protein 1 (LGI1) 10 x 05 FA 1439-1005-51 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Anti-VGKC-Ass. Proteins Mosaic 1 EUROPattern leucine-rich glioma-inact. prot. 1 (LGI1) contactin-associated protein 2 (CASPR2) 10 x 05 FC 1439-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Anti-VGKC-Ass. Proteins Mosaic 1 EUROPattern leucine-rich glioma-inact. prot. 1 (LGI1) contactin-associated protein 2 (CASPR2) 120 x 10 FC 1439-12010-1 RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Autoimmune Gastrointestinal Diseases IgA (tissue transglutaminase (endomysium), gliadin-analogue fusion peptide (GAF-3X), mannan (ASCA)) 05 x 10 DL 1360-0510 A RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Autoimmune Gastrointestinal Diseases IgA (tissue transglutaminase (endomysium), gliadin-analogue fusion peptide (GAF-3X), mannan (ASCA)) 16 x 01 DL 1360-1601 A RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Autoimmune Gastrointestinal Diseases IgA (tissue transglutaminase (endomysium), gliadin-analogue fusion peptide (GAF-3X), mannan (ASCA)) 64 x 01 DL 1360-6401 A RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Autoimmune Gastrointestinal Diseases IgG (tissue transglutaminase (endomysium), gliadin-analogue fusion peptide (GAF-3X), parietal cell antigen (PCA) separately Intrinsic factor, mannan (ASCA)) 16 x 01 DL 1360-1601 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Autoimmune Gastrointestinal Diseases IgG (tissue transglutaminase (endomysium), gliadin-analogue fusion peptide (GAF-3X), parietal cell antigen (PCA) separately Intrinsic factor, mannan (ASCA)) 50 x 01 DL 1360-5001 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Autoimmune Gastrointestinal Diseases IgG (tissue transglutaminase (endomysium), gliadin-analogue fusion peptide (GAF-3X), parietal cell antigen (PCA) separately Intrinsic factor, mannan (ASCA)) 64 x 01 DL 1360-6401 G RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against parietal cells 05 x 02 CA 1361-0502 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against parietal cells + intrinsic factor (PCA + intrinsic factor ab control) 05 x 02 CA 1363-0502 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT parietal cells 10 x 05 FA 1360-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT parietal cells (PCA) 10 x 10 FA 1360-1010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT parietal cells (PCA) 20 x 05 FA 1360-2005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT parietal cells (PCA) 20 x 10 FA 1360-2010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT parietal cells (PCA) 10 x 05 FB 1360-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT parietal cells (PCA) 10 x 10 FB 1360-1010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT parietal cells (PCA) 20 x 05 FB 1360-2005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT parietal cells (PCA) 20 x 10 FB 1360-2010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT intrinsic factor 10 x 05 FA 1362-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT intrinsic factor 10 x 05 FB 1362-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS parietal cells (PCA) intrinsic factor 10 x 05 FA 1362-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS parietal cells (PCA) intrinsic factor 10 x 10 FA 1362-1010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS parietal cells (PCA) intrinsic factor 20 x 05 FA 1362-2005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS parietal cells (PCA) intrinsic factor 10 x 05 FB 1362-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS parietal cells (PCA) intrinsic factor 10 x 10 FB 1362-1010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS parietal cells (PCA) intrinsic factor 20 x 05 FB 1362-2005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Anti-Parietal cells (SM) IIFT EUROPattern 20 x 05 FC 1360-2005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Anti-Parietal cells (SM) IIFT EUROPattern 20 x 10 FC 1360-2010 RUO
Autoimmune ELISA parietal cells (PCA) 96 x 01 EA 1361-9601 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA ATP4B 96 x 01 EA 1361-9601-1 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA intrinsic factor 96 x 01 EA 1362-9601 G RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against liver-kidney microsomes (LKM ab control) 05 x 02 CA 1320-0502 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against F-actin 05 x 02 CA 1651-0502 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against smooth muscles 05 x 02 CA 1710-0502 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT soluble liver antigen/ liver-pancreas antigen (SLA/LP) 10 x 05 FA 1302-1005-50 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT soluble liver antigen/ liver-pancreas antigen (SLA/LP) 10 x 10 FA 1302-1010-50 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT F-actin 10 x 05 FA 1651-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT F-actin 10 x 10 FA 1651-1010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 05 FA 1710-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 10 FA 1710-1010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 05 FA 1710-2005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 10 FA 1710-2010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 05 FB 1710-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 10 FB 1710-1010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 05 FB 1710-2005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 10 FB 1710-2010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT smooth muscles (ASMA) F-actin 10 x 05 FA 1710-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT smooth muscles (ASMA) F-actin 20 x 10 FA 1710-2010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT smooth muscles (ASMA) F-actin 10 x 05 FB 1710-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT F-actin EUROPattern 10 x 05 FC 1651-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT F-actin EUROPattern 10 x 10 FC 1651-1010 RUO
Autoimmune ELISA soluble liver antigen/ liver-pancreas antigen (SLA/LP) 96 x 01 EA 1302-9601 G IVD
Autoimmune ELISA cytosolic liver antigen type 1 (LC-1) 96 x 01 EA 1307-9601 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA liver-kidney microsomes (LKM-1) 96 x 01 EA 1321-9601 G IVD
Autoimmune EUROASSAY SLA/LP 10 x 03 DA 1302-1003 G RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS LKM-1 50 x 01 IS-AI1802 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS Liver Control Set 2 concentrations IS-AI1830 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Liver Mosaic 1 liver-kidney microsomes (LKM), ANA mitochondria (AMA), LKM 10 x 05 FA 1300-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Liver Mosaic 1 liver-kidney microsomes (LKM), ANA mitochondria (AMA), LKM 10 x 10 FA 1300-1010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Liver Mosaic 1 liver-kidney microsomes (LKM), ANA mitochondria (AMA), LKM 20 x 05 FA 1300-2005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Liver Mosaic 1 liver-kidney microsomes (LKM), ANA mitochondria (AMA), LKM 10 x 05 FB 1300-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Liver Mosaic 1 liver-kidney microsomes (LKM), ANA mitochondria (AMA), LKM 10 x 10 FB 1300-1010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Liver Mosaic 1 liver-kidney microsomes (LKM), ANA mitochondria (AMA), LKM 20 x 05 FB 1300-2005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Liver Sreen 1 mitochondria (AMA), LKM soluble liver antigen/ liver-pancreas antigen (SLA/LP) LKM, ANA smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 05 FA 1300-1005-21 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Liver Sreen 1 mitochondria (AMA), LKM soluble liver antigen/ liver-pancreas antigen (SLA/LP) LKM, ANA smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 10 FA 1300-1010-21 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Liver Mosaic 8 liver antigens, cell nuclei (ANA) F-actin cell nuclei (ANA) LKM, ANA mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 05 FA 1300-1005-8 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Liver Mosaic 8 liver antigens, cell nuclei (ANA) F-actin cell nuclei (ANA) LKM, ANA mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 10 FA 1300-1010-8 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Liver Mosaic 8 liver antigens, cell nuclei (ANA) F-actin cell nuclei (ANA) LKM, ANA mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 05 FA 1300-2005-8 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Liver Mosaic 8 liver antigens, cell nuclei (ANA) F-actin cell nuclei (ANA) LKM, ANA mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 05 FB 1300-1005-8 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Liver Mosaic 8 liver antigens, cell nuclei (ANA) F-actin cell nuclei (ANA) LKM, ANA mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 10 FB 1300-1010-8 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Liver Mosaic 8 liver antigens, cell nuclei (ANA) F-actin cell nuclei (ANA) LKM, ANA mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 05 FB 1300-2005-8 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Liver Mosaic 9 mitochondria (AMA), LKM LKM, ANA smooth muscles (ASMA) F-actin 10 x 05 FA 1300-1005-9 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Liver Mosaic 9 mitochondria (AMA), LKM LKM, ANA smooth muscles (ASMA) F-actin 10 x 10 FA 1300-1010-9 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Liver Mosaic 9 mitochondria (AMA), LKM LKM, ANA smooth muscles (ASMA) F-actin 10 x 05 FB 1300-1005-9 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Liver Mosaic 9 mitochondria (AMA), LKM LKM, ANA smooth muscles (ASMA) F-actin 10 x 10 FB 1300-1010-9 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Autoimmune liver diseases Screen 9 EUROPattern mitochondria (AMA), LKM LKM, ANA smooth muscles (ASMA) F-actin 10 x 05 FC 1300-1005-9 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Autoimmune liver diseases Screen 9 EUROPattern mitochondria (AMA), LKM LKM, ANA smooth muscles (ASMA) F-actin 10 x 10 FC 1300-1010-9 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Autoimmune liver diseases Screen 9 EUROPattern mitochondria (AMA), LKM LKM, ANA smooth muscles (ASMA) F-actin 20 x 05 FC 1300-2005-9 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Autoimmune liver diseases Screen 9 EUROPattern mitochondria (AMA), LKM LKM, ANA smooth muscles (ASMA) F-actin 20 x 10 FC 1300-2010-9 RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE positive control serum: IgG, human, 100x concentrated for DL 1300-X G 05 x 07 CL 1300-0507 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Liver Profile 2 (AMA M2, M2-3E, LKM-1, LC-1, SLA/LP separately) 16 x 01 DL 1300-1601-2 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Liver Profile 2 (AMA M2, M2-3E, LKM-1, LC-1, SLA/LP separately) 64 x 01 DL 1300-6401-2 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Liver Profile (AMA M2, LKM-1, LC-1, SLA/LP separately) 16 x 01 DL 1300-1601-3 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Liver Profile (AMA M2, LKM-1, LC-1, SLA/LP separately) 64 x 01 DL 1300-6401-3 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Autoimmune Liver Diseases (AMA M2, M2-3E, Sp100, PML, gp210, LKM-1, LC-1, SLA/LP, Ro-52 separately) 16 x 01 DL 1300-1601-4 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Autoimmune Liver Diseases (AMA M2, M2-3E, Sp100, PML, gp210, LKM-1, LC-1, SLA/LP, Ro-52 separately) 50 x 01 DL 1300-5001-4 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Autoimmune Liver Diseases (AMA M2, M2-3E, Sp100, PML, gp210, LKM-1, LC-1, SLA/LP, Ro-52 separately) 64 x 01 DL 1300-6401-4 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Autoimmune Liver Diseases 14 Ag (AMA-M2, M2-3E, Sp100, PML, gp210, LKM-1, LC-1, SLA/LP, SS-A, Ro-52, Scl-70, CENP A, CENP B, PGDH separately) 16 x 01 DL 1300-1601-5 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Autoimmune Liver Diseases 14 Ag (AMA-M2, M2-3E, Sp100, PML, gp210, LKM-1, LC-1, SLA/LP, SS-A, Ro-52, Scl-70, CENP A, CENP B, PGDH separately) 50 x 01 DL 1300-5001-5 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Autoimmune Liver Diseases 9 Ag plus F-Actin (AMA-M2, M2-3E, Sp100, PML, gp210, LKM-1, LC-1, SLA/LP, F-Aktin und Ro-52) 16 x 01 DL 1300-1601-9 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Autoimmune Liver Diseases 9 Ag plus F-Actin (AMA-M2, M2-3E, Sp100, PML, gp210, LKM-1, LC-1, SLA/LP, F-Aktin und Ro-52) 50 x 01 DL 1300-5001-9 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Autoimmune Liver Diseases 9 Ag plus F-Actin (AMA-M2, M2-3E, Sp100, PML, gp210, LKM-1, LC-1, SLA/LP, F-Aktin und Ro-52) 64 x 01 DL 1300-6401-9 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROASSAY AMA M2, LKM-1, SLA/LP 10 x 03 DA 1300-1003 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROASSAY Liver Profile 10 x 03 DA 1300-1003-3 G RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 1 cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 05 FA 1800-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 1 cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 10 FA 1800-1010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 1 cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 05 FA 1800-2005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 1 cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 05 FB 1800-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 1 cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 10 FB 1800-1010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 1 cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 05 FB 1800-2005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 2 cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 05 FA 1800-1005-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 2 cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 10 FA 1800-1010-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 2 cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 120 x 10 FA 1800-12010-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 2 cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 05 FA 1800-2005-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 2 cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 10 FA 1800-2010-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 2 cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 05 FB 1800-1005-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 2 cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 10 FB 1800-1010-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 2 cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 05 FB 1800-2005-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 2 cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 10 FB 1800-2010-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 3 cell nuclei (ANA) cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 05 FA 1800-1005-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 3 cell nuclei (ANA) cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 10 FA 1800-1010-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 3 cell nuclei (ANA) cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 05 FA 1800-2005-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 3 cell nuclei (ANA) cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 05 FB 1800-1005-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 3 cell nuclei (ANA) cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 10 FB 1800-1010-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 3 cell nuclei (ANA) cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 05 FB 1800-2005-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 3A cell nuclei (ANA) cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 05 FA 1802-1005-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 3A cell nuclei (ANA) cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 10 FA 1802-1010-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 3A cell nuclei (ANA) cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 05 FA 1802-2005-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 3A cell nuclei (ANA) cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 10 FA 1802-2010-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 3A cell nuclei (ANA) cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 05 FB 1802-1005-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 3A cell nuclei (ANA) cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 10 FB 1802-1010-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 3A cell nuclei (ANA) cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 05 FB 1802-2005-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 3A cell nuclei (ANA) cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 10 FB 1802-2010-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 3C cell nuclei (ANA) cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 05 FA 1812-1005-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 3C cell nuclei (ANA) cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 10 FA 1812-1010-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 3C cell nuclei (ANA) cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 05 FA 1812-2005-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 3C cell nuclei (ANA) cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 10 FA 1812-2010-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 3C cell nuclei (ANA) cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 05 FB 1812-1005-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 3C cell nuclei (ANA) cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 10 FB 1812-1010-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 3C cell nuclei (ANA) cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 05 FB 1812-2005-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 2 EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 10 FC 1800-1010-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 2 EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 120 x 10 FC 1800-12010-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 2 EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 05 FC 1800-2005-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 2 EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 10 FC 1800-2010-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 3A EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 05 FC 1802-1005-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 3A EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 10 FC 1802-1010-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 3A EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 05 FC 1802-2005-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 3A EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 10 FC 1802-2010-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 3C EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 05 FC 1812-1005-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 3C EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 10 FC 1812-1010-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 3C EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 05 FC 1812-2005-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against pancreas acini (CUZD1 control; associated with Crohn's disease) 05 x 02 CA 1391-0502 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT CIBD Screen 3 pancreas ag rPAg1(CUZD1) / rPAg2(GP2) intestinal goblet cells 10 x 05 FA 1391-1005-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT CIBD Screen 3 pancreas ag rPAg1(CUZD1) / rPAg2(GP2) intestinal goblet cells 10 x 05 FB 1391-1005-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT CIBD Profile 7 upper row: pancreas ag rPAg1(CUZD1) / rPAg2(GP2) intestinal goblet cells pANCA bottom row: Saccharomyces cerevisiae 10 x 05 FA 1391-1005-7 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT CIBD Profile 7 upper row: pancreas ag rPAg1(CUZD1) / rPAg2(GP2) intestinal goblet cells pANCA bottom row: Saccharomyces cerevisiae 10 x 05 FB 1391-1005-7 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against endomysium (EMA IgA control) 05 x 02 CA 1910-0502 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against endomysium (EMA IgG control) 05 x 02 CA 1910-0502 G RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against endomysium plus gliadin (GAF-3X) (EMA plus gliadin GAF-3X IgA control) 05 x 02 CA 1913-0502 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against endomysium plus gliadin (GAF-3X) (EMA plus gliadin GAF-3X IgG control) 05 x 02 CA 1913-0502 G RUO
Autoimmune IIFT endomysium 10 x 05 FA 1913-1005 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT endomysium 10 x 10 FA 1913-1010 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT endomysium 20 x 05 FA 1913-2005 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT endomysium 10 x 05 FB 1913-1005 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT endomysium 10 x 10 FB 1913-1010 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT endomysium 20 x 05 FB 1913-2005 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS endomysium gliadin (GAF-3X) 10 x 05 FA 1913-1005-1 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS endomysium gliadin (GAF-3X) 10 x 10 FA 1913-1010-1 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS endomysium gliadin (GAF-3X) 20 x 05 FA 1913-2005-1 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS endomysium gliadin (GAF-3X) 10 x 05 FB 1913-1005-1 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS endomysium gliadin (GAF-3X) 10 x 10 FB 1913-1010-1 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS endomysium gliadin (GAF-3X) 20 x 05 FB 1913-2005-1 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT endomysium 10 x 05 FA 1914-1005 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT endomysium 10 x 05 FA 1914-1005 G RUO
Autoimmune IIFT endomysium 10 x 10 FA 1914-1010 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT endomysium 10 x 10 FA 1914-1010 G RUO
Autoimmune IIFT endomysium 120 x 10 FA 1914-12010 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT endomysium 120 x 10 FA 1914-12010 G RUO
Autoimmune IIFT endomysium 20 x 05 FA 1914-2005 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT endomysium 20 x 05 FA 1914-2005 G RUO
Autoimmune IIFT endomysium 20 x 10 FA 1914-2010 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT endomysium 10 x 05 FB 1914-1005 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT endomysium 10 x 05 FB 1914-1005 G RUO
Autoimmune IIFT endomysium 10 x 10 FB 1914-1010 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT endomysium 10 x 10 FB 1914-1010 G RUO
Autoimmune IIFT endomysium 20 x 05 FB 1914-2005 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT endomysium 20 x 05 FB 1914-2005 G RUO
Autoimmune IIFT endomysium 20 x 10 FB 1914-2010 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS endomysium gliadin (GAF-3X) 10 x 05 FA 1914-1005-1 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS endomysium gliadin (GAF-3X) 10 x 05 FA 1914-1005-1 G RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS endomysium gliadin (GAF-3X) 10 x 10 FA 1914-1010-1 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS endomysium gliadin (GAF-3X) 10 x 10 FA 1914-1010-1 G RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS endomysium gliadin (GAF-3X) 20 x 05 FA 1914-2005-1 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS endomysium gliadin (GAF-3X) 20 x 05 FA 1914-2005-1 G RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS endomysium gliadin (GAF-3X) 10 x 05 FB 1914-1005-1 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS endomysium gliadin (GAF-3X) 10 x 05 FB 1914-1005-1 G RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS endomysium gliadin (GAF-3X) 10 x 10 FB 1914-1010-1 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS endomysium gliadin (GAF-3X) 10 x 10 FB 1914-1010-1 G RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS endomysium gliadin (GAF-3X) 20 x 05 FB 1914-2005-1 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS endomysium gliadin (GAF-3X) 20 x 05 FB 1914-2005-1 G RUO
Autoimmune IIFT endomysium 10 x 05 FA 1914-1005-2 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT endomysium endomysium 10 x 10 FA 1914-1010-2 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT endomysium endomysium 20 x 05 FA 1914-2005-2 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT endomysium endomysium 10 x 05 FB 1914-1005-2 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT endomysium endomysium 10 x 10 FB 1914-1010-2 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT endomysium endomysium 20 x 05 FB 1914-2005-2 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Coeliac Disease Screen (LM) EUROPattern endomysium 10 x 05 FC 1914-1005 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Coeliac Disease Screen (LM) EUROPattern endomysium 10 x 05 FC 1914-1005 G RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Coeliac Disease Screen (LM) EUROPattern endomysium 10 x 10 FC 1914-1010 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Coeliac Disease Screen (LM) EUROPattern endomysium 10 x 10 FC 1914-1010 G RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Coeliac Disease Screen (LM) EUROPattern endomysium 20 x 05 FC 1914-2005 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Coeliac Disease Screen (LM) EUROPattern endomysium 20 x 05 FC 1914-2005 G RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Coeliac Disease Screen (LM) EUROPattern endomysium 20 x 10 FC 1914-2010 A RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Coeliac Disease Screen (LM) EUROPattern endomysium 20 x 10 FC 1914-2010 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA tissue transglutaminase (endomysium) 96 x 01 EA 1910-9601 A IVD
Autoimmune ELISA tissue transglutaminase (endomysium) 96 x 01 EA 1910-9601 G IVD
Autoimmune EUROLINE positive control serum: IgA, human, 100x concentrated for DL 1910 A 05 x 07 CL 1910-0507 A RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE positive control serum: IgG, human, 100x concentrated for DL 1910 G 05 x 07 CL 1910-0507 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Coeliac Disease Profile (tissue transglutaminase (endomysium), gliadin-analogue fusion peptide (GAF-3X) separately) 16 x 01 DL 1910-1601 A RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Coeliac Disease Profile (tissue transglutaminase (endomysium), gliadin-analogue fusion peptide (GAF-3X) separately) 16 x 01 DL 1910-1601 G RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS t-TG IgA 100 x 01 IS-AI1303 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS CELIAC Control Set 2 concentrations IS-AI1330 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS t-TG IgG 50 x 01 IS-AI1401 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS t-TG IgG Control Set 2 concentrations IS-AI1430 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS Jo-1 50 x 01 IS-AI1109 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against dsDNA 05 x 02 CA 1572-0502 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT dsDNA 10 x 05 FA 1572-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT dsDNA 10 x 10 FA 1572-1010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT dsDNA 20 x 05 FA 1572-2005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT dsDNA 20 x 10 FA 1572-2010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT dsDNA 10 x 05 FB 1572-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT dsDNA 10 x 10 FB 1572-1010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT dsDNA 20 x 05 FB 1572-2005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT dsDNA 20 x 10 FB 1572-2010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT dsDNA (sensitive) 10 x 05 FA 1572-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT dsDNA (sensitive) 10 x 10 FA 1572-1010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT dsDNA (sensitive) 20 x 05 FA 1572-2005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT dsDNA (sensitive) 20 x 10 FA 1572-2010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT dsDNA EUROPattern 10 x 05 FC 1572-1005 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT dsDNA EUROPattern 10 x 10 FC 1572-1010 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT dsDNA EUROPattern 20 x 05 FC 1572-2005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT dsDNA EUROPattern 20 x 10 FC 1572-2010 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT dsDNA (sensitive) EUROPattern 10 x 05 FC 1572-1005-1 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT dsDNA (sensitive) EUROPattern 10 x 10 FC 1572-1010-1 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT dsDNA (sensitive) EUROPattern 120 x 10 FC 1572-12010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT dsDNA (sensitive) EUROPattern 20 x 05 FC 1572-2005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT dsDNA (sensitive) EUROPattern 20 x 10 FC 1572-2010-1 IVD
Autoimmune ELISA double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) 96 x 01 EA 1571-9601 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA dsDNA-NcX 96 x 01 EA 1572-9601 G IVD
Autoimmune ELISA nucleosomes 96 x 01 EA 1574-9601 G RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS dsDNA IgG 100 x 01 IS-AI1101 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) 10 x 05 FA 1510-1005-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) 10 x 10 FA 1510-1010-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) 10 x 05 FB 1510-1005-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) 10 x 10 FB 1510-1010-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) 10 x 05 FA 1512-1005-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) 10 x 10 FA 1512-1010-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) 10 x 50 FA 1512-1050-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) 10 x 05 FB 1512-1005-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) 10 x 10 FB 1512-1010-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) mitochondria (AMA) 10 x 50 FB 1512-1050-2 RUO
Autoimmune ELISA single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) 96 x 01 EA 1576-9601 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA PM-Scl 96 x 01 EA 1584-9601 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA Anti-ENA ProfilePlus 1 (nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, SS-B, Scl-70, Jo-1 separately) 12 x 08 EA 1590-1208-1 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA Anti-ENA SLE Profile 2 (dsDNA, histones, nucleosomes, nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, SS-B, Scl-70 separately) 12 x 08 EA 1590-1208-12 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA Anti-ENA ProfilePlus 2 (ribosomal P-proteins, nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, SS-B, Scl-70, Jo-1, centromeres, separately) 12 x 08 EA 1590-1208-2 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA ANA screen 11 (antigen mixture: PCNA, PM-Scl, ribosomal P-proteins, nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, Ro-52, SS-B, Scl-70, Jo-1, centromeres) 96 x 01 EA 1590-9601-11 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA ANA screen 9 (antigen mixture: PCNA, PM-Scl, ribosomal P-proteins, nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, SS-B, Scl-70, Jo-1) 96 x 01 EA 1590-9601-14 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA Anti-ENA PoolPlus (antigen mixture: nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, SS-B, Scl-70, Jo-1) 96 x 01 EA 1590-9601-7 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA ANA screen (antigen mixture: dsDNA, histones, ribosomal P-proteins, nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, SS-B, Scl-70, Jo-1, centromeres) 96 x 01 EA 1590-9601-8 G IVD
Autoimmune ELISA Anti-ENA Pool (antigen mixture: nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, SS-B, Scl-70, ribosomal P-proteins, Ro-52) 96 x 01 EA 1590-9601-9 G IVD
Autoimmune ELISA nRNP/Sm 96 x 01 EA 1591-9601 G IVD
Autoimmune ELISA SS-A (Ro) 96 x 01 EA 1595-9601 G IVD
Autoimmune ELISA SS-B (La) 96 x 01 EA 1597-9601 G IVD
Autoimmune ELISA Scl-70 96 x 01 EA 1599-9601 G IVD
Autoimmune ELISA DFS70 96 x 01 EA 159z-9601 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA centromeres 96 x 01 EA 1611-9601 G IVD
Autoimmune ELISA Jo-1 96 x 01 EA 1661-9601 G IVD
Autoimmune ELISA cN-1A (Mup44, NT5C1A) 48 x 01 EA 1675-4801 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE positive control serum: IgG, human, 100x concentrated for DL 1530-X G 05 x 07 CL 1530-0507 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE positive control serum: IgG, human, 100x concentrated for DL 1532 G 05 x 07 CL 1532-0507 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE positive control serum: IgG, human, 100x concentrated for DL 1590-X G 05 x 07 CL 1590-0507 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE positive control serum: IgG, human, 100x concentrated for DL 1590-35 G 05 x 07 CL 1590-0507-35 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE positive control serum: IgG, human, 100x concentrated for DL 159z-X G 05 x 07 CL 159z-0507 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Myositis Profile (Mi-2, Ku, PM-Scl, Jo-1, PL-7, PL-12, Ro-52 separately) 16 x 01 DL 1530-1601 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Myositis Profile 3 (Mi-2, Ku, PM-Scl100, PM-Scl75, Jo-1, SRP, PL-7, PL-12, EJ, OJ, Ro-52 separately) 16 x 01 DL 1530-1601-3 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Myositis Profile 3 (Mi-2, Ku, PM-Scl100, PM-Scl75, Jo-1, SRP, PL-7, PL-12, EJ, OJ, Ro-52 separately) 50 x 01 DL 1530-5001-3 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Myositis Profile 3 (Mi-2, Ku, PM-Scl100, PM-Scl75, Jo-1, SRP, PL-7, PL-12, EJ, OJ, Ro-52 separately) 64 x 01 DL 1530-6401-3 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Autoimmune Inflammatory Myopathies 16 Ag (Mi-2 alpha, Mi-2 beta, TIF1g, MDA5, NXP2, SAE1, Ku, PM-Scl100, PM-Scl75, Jo-1, SRP, PL-7, PL-12, EJ, OJ, Ro-52 separately) 16 x 01 DL 1530-1601-4 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Autoimmune Inflammatory Myopathies 16 Ag (Mi-2 alpha, Mi-2 beta, TIF1g, MDA5, NXP2, SAE1, Ku, PM-Scl100, PM-Scl75, Jo-1, SRP, PL-7, PL-12, EJ, OJ, Ro-52 separately) 50 x 01 DL 1530-5001-4 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Autoimmune Inflammatory Myopathies 16 Ag (Mi-2 alpha, Mi-2 beta, TIF1g, MDA5, NXP2, SAE1, Ku, PM-Scl100, PM-Scl75, Jo-1, SRP, PL-7, PL-12, EJ, OJ, Ro-52 separately) 64 x 01 DL 1530-6401-4 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Autoimmune Inflammatory Myopathies 16 Ag et cN-1A (Mi-2 alpha, Mi-2 beta, TIF1g, MDA5, NXP2, SAE1, Ku, PM-Scl100, PM-Scl75, Jo-1, SRP, PL-7, PL-12, EJ, OJ, Ro-52, cN-1A separately) 16 x 01 DL 1530-1601-7 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Autoimmune Inflammatory Myopathies 16 Ag et cN-1A (Mi-2 alpha, Mi-2 beta, TIF1g, MDA5, NXP2, SAE1, Ku, PM-Scl100, PM-Scl75, Jo-1, SRP, PL-7, PL-12, EJ, OJ, Ro-52, cN-1A separately) 50 x 01 DL 1530-5001-7 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Autoimmune Inflammatory Myopathies 16 Ag et cN-1A (Mi-2 alpha, Mi-2 beta, TIF1g, MDA5, NXP2, SAE1, Ku, PM-Scl100, PM-Scl75, Jo-1, SRP, PL-7, PL-12, EJ, OJ, Ro-52, cN-1A separately) 64 x 01 DL 1530-6401-7 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Autoimmune Inflammatory Myopathies 20 Ag ( Mi-2 alpha, Mi-2 beta, TIF1g, MDA5, NXP2, SAE1, Ku, PM-Scl100, PM-Scl75, Jo-1, SRP, PL-7, PL-12, EJ, OJ, Ro-52, cN-1A, Ha, Ks, Zo) 16 x 01 DL 1530-1601-9 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Autoimmune Inflammatory Myopathies 20 Ag ( Mi-2 alpha, Mi-2 beta, TIF1g, MDA5, NXP2, SAE1, Ku, PM-Scl100, PM-Scl75, Jo-1, SRP, PL-7, PL-12, EJ, OJ, Ro-52, cN-1A, Ha, Ks, Zo) 50 x 01 DL 1530-5001-9 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Autoimmune Inflammatory Myopathies 20 Ag ( Mi-2 alpha, Mi-2 beta, TIF1g, MDA5, NXP2, SAE1, Ku, PM-Scl100, PM-Scl75, Jo-1, SRP, PL-7, PL-12, EJ, OJ, Ro-52, cN-1A, Ha, Ks, Zo) 64 x 01 DL 1530-6401-9 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Systemic Sclerosis Profile (Nucleoli) (Scl-70, CENP A, CENP B, RP11, RP155, fibrillarin, NOR90, Th/To, PM-Scl100, PM-Scl75, Ku, PDGFR, Ro-52 separately) 16 x 01 DL 1532-1601 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Systemic Sclerosis Profile (Nucleoli) (Scl-70, CENP A, CENP B, RP11, RP155, fibrillarin, NOR90, Th/To, PM-Scl100, PM-Scl75, Ku, PDGFR, Ro-52 separately) 50 x 01 DL 1532-5001 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Systemic Sclerosis Profile (Nucleoli) (Scl-70, CENP A, CENP B, RP11, RP155, fibrillarin, NOR90, Th/To, PM-Scl100, PM-Scl75, Ku, PDGFR, Ro-52 separately) 64 x 01 DL 1532-6401 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Systemic Sclerosis Profile 2 (Scl-70, CenpA, Cenp B, RP11, RP155, Fibrillarin, NOR90, Th/To, PM-Scl100, PM-Scl75, Ku, NVL und Ro-52) 16 x 01 DL 1532-1601-2 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Systemic Sclerosis Profile 2 (Scl-70, CenpA, Cenp B, RP11, RP155, Fibrillarin, NOR90, Th/To, PM-Scl100, PM-Scl75, Ku, NVL und Ro-52) 50 x 01 DL 1532-5001-2 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Systemic Sclerosis Profile 2 (Scl-70, CenpA, Cenp B, RP11, RP155, Fibrillarin, NOR90, Th/To, PM-Scl100, PM-Scl75, Ku, NVL und Ro-52) 64 x 01 DL 1532-6401-2 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Anti-ENA ProfilePlus 2 (nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, Ro-52, SS-B, Scl-70, Jo-1, ribosomal P-proteins separately) 16 x 01 DL 1590-1601-2 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Anti-ENA ProfilePlus 2 (nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, Ro-52, SS-B, Scl-70, Jo-1, ribosomal P-proteins separately) 64 x 01 DL 1590-6401-2 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Cytoplasm Profile 13 Ag CAMA-M2, M2-3E, ribosomale P-Proteine, Jo-1, SRP, PL-7, PL-12, EJ, OJ, Ro-52, Ha, Ks, Zo) 16 x 01 DL 1590-1601-37 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Cytoplasm Profile 13 Ag CAMA-M2, M2-3E, ribosomale P-Proteine, Jo-1, SRP, PL-7, PL-12, EJ, OJ, Ro-52, Ha, Ks, Zo) 50 x 01 DL 1590-5001-37 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Cytoplasm Profile 13 Ag CAMA-M2, M2-3E, ribosomale P-Proteine, Jo-1, SRP, PL-7, PL-12, EJ, OJ, Ro-52, Ha, Ks, Zo) 64 x 01 DL 1590-6401-37 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE EUROLINE Anti-DFS70 16 x 01 DL 159z-1601 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE EUROLINE Anti-DFS70 50 x 01 DL 159z-5001 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROASSAY Anti-ENA ProfilePlus (nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, SS-B, Scl-70, Jo-1 separately) 10 x 03 DA 1590-1003-1 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROASSAY Anti-ENA ProfilePlus (nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, SS-B, Scl-70, Jo-1 separately) 10 x 05 DA 1590-1005-1 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROASSAY Anti-ENA ProfilePlus with histones (nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, SS-B, Scl-70, Jo-1, histones separately) 10 x 05 DA 1590-1005-20 G RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS ANA Screen 100 x 01 IS-AI1001 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS ENA Screen 100 x 01 IS-AI1002 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS ANA Screen Control Set 2 concentrations IS-AI1030 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS SS-A/Ro 50 x 01 IS-AI1102 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS SS-A/Ro 52 kDa 50 x 01 IS-AI1103 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS SS-A/Ro 60 kDa 50 x 01 IS-AI1104 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS SS-B/La 50 x 01 IS-AI1105 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS U1-snRNP 50 x 01 IS-AI1107 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS Scl-70 50 x 01 IS-AI1108 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS Centromere B 50 x 01 IS-AI1110 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against cell nuclei (ANA control), homogeneous pattern 05 x 02 CA 1570-0502 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA global test) 10 x 05 FA 1510-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA global test) 10 x 10 FA 1510-1010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA global test) 10 x 50 FA 1510-1050-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA global test) 120 x 10 FA 1510-12010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA global test) 20 x 05 FA 1510-2005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA global test) 20 x 10 FA 1510-2010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA global test) 24 x 50 FA 1510-2450-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA global test) 10 x 05 FB 1510-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA global test) 10 x 10 FB 1510-1010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA global test) 10 x 50 FB 1510-1050-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA global test) 20 x 05 FB 1510-2005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA global test) 20 x 10 FB 1510-2010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA global test) 10 x 05 FA 1512-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA global test) 10 x 10 FA 1512-1010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA global test) 10 x 50 FA 1512-1050-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA global test) 120 x 10 FA 1512-12010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA global test) 20 x 05 FA 1512-2005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA global test) 20 x 10 FA 1512-2010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA global test) 24 x 50 FA 1512-2450-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA global test) 10 x 05 FB 1512-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA global test) 10 x 10 FB 1512-1010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA global test) 10 x 50 FB 1512-1050-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA global test) 20 x 05 FB 1512-2005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA global test) 20 x 10 FB 1512-2010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) 10 x 05 FA 1520-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) 10 x 10 FA 1520-1010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) 10 x 50 FA 1520-1050 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) 120 x 10 FA 1520-12010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) 20 x 05 FA 1520-2005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) 20 x 10 FA 1520-2010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) 10 x 05 FB 1520-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) 10 x 10 FB 1520-1010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) 10 x 50 FB 1520-1050 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) 20 x 05 FB 1520-2005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) 20 x 10 FB 1520-2010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) 10 x 05 FA 1522-1005 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) 10 x 10 FA 1522-1010 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) 20 x 05 FA 1522-2005 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) 20 x 10 FA 1522-2010 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) 10 x 05 FB 1522-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) 10 x 10 FB 1522-1010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) 20 x 05 FB 1522-2005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) 20 x 10 FB 1522-2010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA) 10 x 05 FC 1510-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA) 10 x 10 FC 1510-1010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA) 120 x 10 FC 1510-12010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA) 20 x 05 FC 1510-2005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA) 20 x 10 FC 1510-2010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA) 24 x 50 FC 1510-2450-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA) 10 x 50 FW 1510-1050-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA) 20 x 10 FW 1510-2010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA) 10 x 05 FC 1512-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA) 10 x 10 FC 1512-1010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA) 10 x 50 FC 1512-1050-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA) 120 x 10 FC 1512-12010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA) 20 x 05 FC 1512-2005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA) 20 x 10 FC 1512-2010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA) 24 x 50 FC 1512-2450-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA) 10 x 05 FW 1512-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA) 10 x 10 FW 1512-1010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA) 10 x 50 FW 1512-1050-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA) 20 x 10 FW 1512-2010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern mitochondria (AMA) 10 x 05 FC 1512-1005-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern mitochondria (AMA) 120 x 10 FC 1512-12010-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern mitochondria (AMA) 24 x 50 FC 1512-2450-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern 10 x 05 FC 1520-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern 10 x 10 FC 1520-1010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern 10 x 50 FC 1520-1050 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern 120 x 10 FC 1520-12010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern 20 x 05 FC 1520-2005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern 20 x 10 FC 1520-2010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern 24 x 50 FC 1520-2450 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern 10 x 05 FW 1520-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern 10 x 10 FW 1520-1010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern 10 x 50 FW 1520-1050 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern 20 x 05 FW 1520-2005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern 20 x 10 FW 1520-2010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) 10 x 05 FC 1522-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern 10 x 10 FC 1522-1010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern 10 x 50 FC 1522-1050 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern 120 x 10 FC 1522-12010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern 20 x 05 FC 1522-2005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern 20 x 10 FC 1522-2010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern 10 x 05 FW 1522-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern 20 x 05 FW 1522-2005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cell nuclei (ANA) EUROPattern 20 x 10 FW 1522-2010 RUO
Autoimmune ELISA histones 96 x 01 EA 1560-9601 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA Sm 96 x 01 EA 1593-9601 G IVD
Autoimmune EUROLINE Anti-ENA ProfilePlus 1 (nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, Ro-52, SS-B, Scl-70, Jo-1 separately) 16 x 01 DL 1590-1601-1 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Anti-ENA ProfilePlus 1 (nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, Ro-52, SS-B, Scl-70, Jo-1 separately) 64 x 01 DL 1590-6401-1 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE ANA Profile 23 (nucleosomes, dsDNA, histones, SS-A, Ro-52, SS-B, nRNP/Sm, Sm, Mi-2 alpha, Mi-2 beta, Ku, CENP A, CENP B, Sp100, PML, Scl-70, PM-Scl100, PM-Scl75, RP11, RP155, gp210, PCNA, DFS70 separately) 16 x 01 DL 1590-1601-23 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE ANA Profile 23 (nucleosomes, dsDNA, histones, SS-A, Ro-52, SS-B, nRNP/Sm, Sm, Mi-2 alpha, Mi-2 beta, Ku, CENP A, CENP B, Sp100, PML, Scl-70, PM-Scl100, PM-Scl75, RP11, RP155, gp210, PCNA, DFS70 separately) 50 x 01 DL 1590-5001-23 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE ANA Profile 23 (nucleosomes, dsDNA, histones, SS-A, Ro-52, SS-B, nRNP/Sm, Sm, Mi-2 alpha, Mi-2 beta, Ku, CENP A, CENP B, Sp100, PML, Scl-70, PM-Scl100, PM-Scl75, RP11, RP155, gp210, PCNA, DFS70 separately) 64 x 01 DL 1590-6401-23 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE ANA Profile 3 (nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, Ro-52, SS-B, Scl-70, PM-Scl, Jo-1, CENP B, PCNA, dsDNA, nucleosomes, histones, ribosomal P-proteins, AMA M2 separately) 16 x 01 DL 1590-1601-3 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE ANA Profile 3 (nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, Ro-52, SS-B, Scl-70, PM-Scl, Jo-1, CENP B, PCNA, dsDNA, nucleosomes, histones, ribosomal P-proteins, AMA M2 separately) 50 x 01 DL 1590-5001-3 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE ANA Profile 3 (nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, Ro-52, SS-B, Scl-70, PM-Scl, Jo-1, CENP B, PCNA, dsDNA, nucleosomes, histones, ribosomal P-proteins, AMA M2 separately) 64 x 01 DL 1590-6401-3 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE ANA Profile 3 plus DFS70 (nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, Ro-52, SS-B, Scl-70, PM-Scl, Jo-1, CENP B, PCNA, dsDNA, nucleosomes, histones, ribosomal P-proteins, AMA M2, DFS70 separately) 16 x 01 DL 1590-1601-30 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE ANA Profile 3 plus DFS70 (nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, Ro-52, SS-B, Scl-70, PM-Scl, Jo-1, CENP B, PCNA, dsDNA, nucleosomes, histones, ribosomal P-proteins, AMA M2, DFS70 separately) 50 x 01 DL 1590-5001-30 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE ANA Profile 3 plus DFS70 (nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, Ro-52, SS-B, Scl-70, PM-Scl, Jo-1, CENP B, PCNA, dsDNA, nucleosomes, histones, ribosomal P-proteins, AMA M2, DFS70 separately) 64 x 01 DL 1590-6401-30 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE ANA Profile et Mi-2 et Ku (Mi-2, Ku, nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, Ro-52, SS-B, Scl-70, PM-Scl, Jo-1, CENP B, PCNA, dsDNA, nucleosomes, histones, ribosomal P-proteins, AMA M2 separately) 16 x 01 DL 1590-1601-31 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE ANA Profile et Mi-2 et Ku (Mi-2, Ku, nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, Ro-52, SS-B, Scl-70, PM-Scl, Jo-1, CENP B, PCNA, dsDNA, nucleosomes, histones, ribosomal P-proteins, AMA M2 separately) 64 x 01 DL 1590-6401-31 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE dsDNA, nucleosomes, histones, DFS70 16 x 01 DL 1590-1601-32 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE dsDNA, nucleosomes, histones, DFS70 50 x 01 DL 1590-5001-32 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE ANA Profile et Mi-2, Ku, DFS70 (Mi-2, Ku, nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, Ro-52, SS-B, Scl-70, PM-Scl100, Jo-1, CENP B, PCNA, dsDNA, nucleosomes, histones, ribosomal P-proteins, AMA M2, DFS70 separately) 16 x 01 DL 1590-1601-33 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE ANA Profile et Mi-2, Ku, DFS70 (Mi-2, Ku, nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, Ro-52, SS-B, Scl-70, PM-Scl100, Jo-1, CENP B, PCNA, dsDNA, nucleosomes, histones, ribosomal P-proteins, AMA M2, DFS70 separately) 50 x 01 DL 1590-5001-33 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE ANA Profile et Mi-2, Ku, DFS70 (Mi-2, Ku, nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, Ro-52, SS-B, Scl-70, PM-Scl100, Jo-1, CENP B, PCNA, dsDNA, nucleosomes, histones, ribosomal P-proteins, AMA M2, DFS70 separately) 64 x 01 DL 1590-6401-33 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Cytoplasm profile (AMA M2, M2-3E, ribosomal P-proteins, Jo-1 SRP, PL-7, PL-12, EJ, OJ, Ro-52 separately) 16 x 01 DL 1590-1601-35 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Cytoplasm profile (AMA M2, M2-3E, ribosomal P-proteins, Jo-1 SRP, PL-7, PL-12, EJ, OJ, Ro-52 separately) 50 x 01 DL 1590-5001-35 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Cytoplasm profile (AMA M2, M2-3E, ribosomal P-proteins, Jo-1 SRP, PL-7, PL-12, EJ, OJ, Ro-52 separately) 64 x 01 DL 1590-6401-35 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE ANA Profile 5 (nRNP/Sm, Sm, RNP70, RNPA, RNPC, SS-A, Ro-52, SS-B, Scl-70, PM-Scl, Jo-1, CENP B, PCNA, dsDNA, nucleosomes, histones, ribosomal P-proteins, AMA M2 separately) 16 x 01 DL 1590-1601-5 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE ANA Profile 5 (nRNP/Sm, Sm, RNP70, RNPA, RNPC, SS-A, Ro-52, SS-B, Scl-70, PM-Scl, Jo-1, CENP B, PCNA, dsDNA, nucleosomes, histones, ribosomal P-proteins, AMA M2 separately) 64 x 01 DL 1590-6401-5 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE ANA Profile 1 (nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, Ro-52, SS-B, Scl-70, Jo-1, CENP B, dsDNA, nucleosomes, histones, ribosomal P-proteins separately) 16 x 01 DL 1590-1601-8 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE ANA Profile 1 (nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, Ro-52, SS-B, Scl-70, Jo-1, CENP B, dsDNA, nucleosomes, histones, ribosomal P-proteins separately) 50 x 01 DL 1590-5001-8 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE ANA Profile 1 (nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, Ro-52, SS-B, Scl-70, Jo-1, CENP B, dsDNA, nucleosomes, histones, ribosomal P-proteins separately) 64 x 01 DL 1590-6401-8 G RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS Sm 50 x 01 IS-AI1106 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS ANA Control Set 2 concentrations IS-AI1130 RUO
Autoimmune ELISA ribosomal P-proteins 96 x 01 EA 1641-9601 G IVD
Autoimmune NUL ELISA CSF sample buffer 10 x 100 ZE 1100-10100-1 L RUO
Autoimmune ELISA zinc transporter 8 96 x 01 EA 1027-9601 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against pancreas islets 05 x 02 CA 1021-0502 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT pancreas islets 10 x 05 FA 1020-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT pancreas islets 10 x 10 FA 1020-1010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT pancreas islets 20 x 05 FA 1020-2005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT pancreas islets 20 x 10 FA 1020-2010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT pancreas islets 10 x 05 FB 1020-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT pancreas islets 10 x 10 FB 1020-1010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT pancreas islets 20 x 05 FB 1020-2005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT pancreas islets 20 x 10 FB 1020-2010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT pancreas islets, GAD brain: grey and white matter, Purkinje cell cytoplasm (Yo), Hu and Ri antigen 10 x 05 FA 1020-1005-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT pancreas islets, GAD brain: grey and white matter, Purkinje cell cytoplasm (Yo), Hu and Ri antigen 10 x 10 FA 1020-1010-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT pancreas islets, GAD brain: grey and white matter, Purkinje cell cytoplasm (Yo), Hu and Ri antigen 20 x 05 FA 1020-2005-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT pancreas islets, GAD brain: grey and white matter, Purkinje cell cytoplasm (Yo), Hu and Ri antigen 20 x 10 FA 1020-2010-3 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT islet cells antibodies (PM) EUROPattern pancreas islets 20 x 05 FC 1020-2005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT islet cells antibodies (PM) EUROPattern pancreas islets 20 x 10 FC 1020-2010 RUO
Autoimmune ELISA GAD 96 x 01 EA 1022-9601 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA GAD/IA2 Pool 96 x 01 EA 1022-9601-1 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA IA2 96 x 01 EA 1023-9601 G RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against ovary: theca cells (ovary ab control) 05 x 02 CA 1061-0502 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT spermatozoa 10 x 05 FA 1086-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT spermatozoa 10 x 10 FA 1086-1010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT spermatozoa 10 x 05 FB 1086-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT spermatozoa 10 x 10 FB 1086-1010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against adrenal cortex (adrenal cortex ab control) 05 x 02 CA 1051-0502 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT thyroid gland (Mab) 10 x 05 FA 1010-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS thyroid gland (MAb) thyroglobulin (TG) 10 x 05 FA 1010-1005-3 RUO
endocrinology IIFT EUROPLUS thyroid gland (MAb) thyroglobulin (TG) 10 x 10 FA 1010-1010-3 RUO
Autoimmune ELISA thyroid peroxidase (TPO) 96 x 01 EA 1012-9601 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA thyroglobulin (TG) 96 x 01 EA 1013-9601 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA TSH receptor (thyrotropin receptor) 96 x 01 EA 1015-9601 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA TSH receptor (thyrotropin receptor) Fast ELISA 96 x 01 EA 1015-9601-1 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA reverse triiodothyronine (RT3) 96 x 01 EQ 1016-9601-9 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Endocrinology Screen (AM) EUROPattern adrenal cortex 10 x 05 FC 1050-1005 RUO
endocrinology IIFT Endocrinology Screen (AM) EUROPattern adrenal cortex 10 x 10 FC 1050-1010 RUO
endocrinology IIFT Endocrinology Screen (AM) EUROPattern adrenal cortex 20 x 05 FC 1050-2005 RUO
endocrinology IIFT Endocrinology Screen (AM) EUROPattern adrenal cortex 20 x 10 FC 1050-2010 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS Thyroid Control Set 2 concentrations IS-AI1930 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS Anti-TG 100 x 01 IS-AI1901 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS Anti-TPO 100 x 01 IS-AI1902 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT renal glomeruli (GBM) and renal tubuli 10 x 05 FA 1250-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT renal glomeruli (GBM) and renal tubuli 10 x 10 FA 1250-1010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT renal glomeruli (GBM) and renal tubuli 10 x 05 FB 1250-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT renal glomeruli (GBM) and renal tubuli 10 x 10 FB 1250-1010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS 10 x 05 FA 1250-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS kidney glomeruli and tubuli glomerular basement membrane (GBM) 10 x 10 FA 1250-1010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS kidney glomeruli and tubuli glomerular basement membrane (GBM) 10 x 05 FB 1250-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS kidney glomeruli and tubuli glomerular basement membrane (GBM) 10 x 10 FB 1250-1010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Nephrology Screen (KM) EUROPattern renal glomeruli (GBM) 20 x 05 FC 1250-2005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Nephrology Screen 1 EUROPattern Renal glomeruli (GBM) glomerular basement membrane (GBM) 20 x 05 FC 1250-2005-1 RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE myeloperoxidase (MPO) proteinase 3 (PR3) glomerular basement membrane (GBM) 16 x 01 DL 1200-1601-3 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE myeloperoxidase (MPO) proteinase 3 (PR3) glomerular basement membrane (GBM) 64 x 01 DL 1200-6401-3 G RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS ANCA/GBM Control Set 2 concentrations IS-AI1730 RUO
Autoimmune ELISA glomerular basement membrane (GBM) 96 x 01 EA 1251-9601 G RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS GBM 50 x 01 IS-AI1703 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA Anti-GBM ChLIA (IgG) 100 x 1 LA 1251-10010 G RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA Control set Anti-GBM ChLIA (IgG) 02 x 02 LR 1251-20210 G RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against mitochondria (AMA M2 control; associated with PBC) 05 x 02 CA 1622-0502 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT mitochondria (AMA) 10 x 05 FA 1620-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT mitochondria (AMA) 10 x 10 FA 1620-1010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT mitochondria (AMA) 20 x 05 FA 1620-2005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT mitochondria (AMA) 20 x 10 FA 1620-2010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT mitochondria (AMA) 10 x 05 FB 1620-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT mitochondria (AMA) 10 x 10 FB 1620-1010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT mitochondria (AMA) 20 x 05 FB 1620-2005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT mitochondria (AMA) 20 x 10 FB 1620-2010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 05 FA 1620-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 10 FA 1620-1010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 50 FA 1620-1050-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 05 FA 1620-2005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 10 FA 1620-2010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 05 FB 1620-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 10 FB 1620-1010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 50 FB 1620-1050-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 05 FB 1620-2005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 10 FB 1620-2010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) cell nuclei (ANA) M2 antigen 10 x 05 FA 1620-1005-5 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) cell nuclei (ANA) M2 antigen 10 x 10 FA 1620-1010-5 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) cell nuclei (ANA) M2 antigen 10 x 05 FB 1620-1005-5 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) cell nuclei (ANA) M2 antigen 10 x 10 FB 1620-1010-5 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT AMA/ASMA IIFT (KR/SR) EUROPattern mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 05 FC 1620-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT AMA/ASMA IIFT (KR/SR) EUROPattern mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 10 FC 1620-1010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT AMA/ASMA IIFT (KR/SR) EUROPattern mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 05 FC 1620-2005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT AMA/ASMA IIFT (KR/SR) EUROPattern mitochondria (AMA) smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 10 FC 1620-2010-1 RUO
Autoimmune ELISA AMA M2-3E 96 x 01 EA 1622-9601 G IVD
Autoimmune EUROASSAY AMA Profile (AMA M2, M4, M9 separately) 10 x 03 DA 1620-1003-1 O RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS AMA (M2) 50 x 01 IS-AI1801 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against striated muscles (myasthenia gravis control) 05 x 02 CA 1431-0502 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Muscle-specific Kinase (MuSK) 10 x 05 FA 1434-1005-90 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Muscle-specific Kinase (MuSK) 10 x 10 FA 1434-1010-90 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG ab control) 05 X 02 CA 1123-0502 M RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against aquaporin-4 (neuromyelitis optica control) 05 X 02 CA 1128-0502 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against myelin oligodendrocytes glycoprotein (MOG CBA control) 05 x 02 CA 1156-0502 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT medullated nerves 10 x 05 FA 1120-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT medullated nerves 10 x 05 FB 1120-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT NMOSD Screen 1 10 x 05 FA 1128-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT NMOSD Screen 1 aquaporin-4 (AQP-4) Myelin-oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) 10 x 10 FA 1128-1010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT aquaporin-4 10 x 05 FA 1128-1005-50 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT aquaporin-4 10 x 10 FA 1128-1010-50 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT aquaporin-4 10 x 05 FB 1128-1005-50 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT aquaporin-4 10 x 10 FB 1128-1010-50 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Myelin-oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) 10 x 05 FA 1156-1005-50 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Myelin-oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) 10 x 10 FA 1156-1010-50 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Myasthenia gravis Mosaic 2 adult acetylcholine receptor (AChR-E) fetal acetylcholine receptor (AChR-G) Muscle-specific Kinase (MuSK) 10 x 05 FA 1435-1005-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Myasthenia gravis Mosaic 2 adult acetylcholine receptor (AChR-E) fetal acetylcholine receptor (AChR-G) Muscle-specific Kinase (MuSK) 10 x 10 FA 1435-1010-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Anti-Acetylcholine Receptor (AChR) IIFT adulter Acetylcholinrezeptor (AChR-E) fetaler Acetylcholinrezeptor (AChR-G) --- 10 x 05 FA 1435-1005-90 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Anti-Acetylcholine Receptor (AChR) IIFT adulter Acetylcholinrezeptor (AChR-E) fetaler Acetylcholinrezeptor (AChR-G) --- 10 x 10 FA 1435-1010-90 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT aquaporin-4 EUROPattern 10 x 05 FC 1128-1005-50 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT aquaporin-4 EUROPattern 10 x 10 FC 1128-1010-50 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT aquaporin-4 EUROPattern 20 x 05 FC 1128-2005-50 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT aquaporin-4 EUROPattern 20 x 10 FC 1128-2010-50 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT NMOSD Screen 1 EUROPattern aquaporin-4 (AQP-4) Myelin-oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) 20 x 05 FC 1128-2005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Myelin-Oligodendrocyte-Glycoprotein (MOG) EUROPattern 20 x 05 FC 1156-2005-50 RUO
Autoimmune ELISA acetylcholine receptor 96 x 01 EA 1435-9601 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Positive control serum: IgG, human, 50x concentrated for DL 1130-X G 05 x 07 CL 1130-0507 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Positive control serum: IgM, human, 50x concentrated for DL 1130-X M 05 x 07 CL 1130-0507 M RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Gangliosides Profile 1 16 x 01 DL 1130-1601-1 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Gangliosides Profile 1 (GM1, GD1b, GQ1b separately) 16 x 01 DL 1130-1601-1 M RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Gangliosides Profile 2 (GM1, GM2, GM3, GD1a, GD1b, GT1b, GQ1b separately) 16 x 01 DL 1130-1601-2 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Gangliosides Profile 2 (GM1, GM2, GM3, GD1a, GD1b, GT1b, GQ1b separately) 16 x 01 DL 1130-1601-2 M RUO
Autoimmune NUL adjustment solution 18 x 50 ZE 1120-1850-7 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT brain: grey and white matter, Purkinje cell cytoplasm (Yo), Hu and Ri antigen CV2, Ma, amphiphysin 10 x 05 FA 1111-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT brain: grey and white matter, Purkinje cell cytoplasm (Yo), Hu and Ri antigen CV2, Ma, amphiphysin 10 x 10 FA 1111-1010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT brain: grey and white matter, Purkinje cell cytoplasm (Yo), Hu and Ri antigen CV2, Ma, amphiphysin 10 x 05 FB 1111-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT brain: grey and white matter, Purkinje cell cytoplasm (Yo), Hu and Ri antigen CV2, Ma, amphiphysin 10 x 10 FB 1111-1010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Neurology Mosaic 1 Yo, Hu, Ri, CV2, Ma, amphiphysin medullated nerves non-medullated nerves 10 x 05 FA 1111-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Neurology Mosaic 1 Yo, Hu, Ri, CV2, Ma, amphiphysin medullated nerves non-medullated nerves 10 x 10 FA 1111-1010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Neurology Mosaic 1 Yo, Hu, Ri, CV2, Ma, amphiphysin medullated nerves non-medullated nerves 10 x 05 FB 1111-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Neurology Mosaic 1 Yo, Hu, Ri, CV2, Ma, amphiphysin medullated nerves non-medullated nerves 10 x 10 FB 1111-1010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Neurology Mosaic14 cerebellum antigens non-medullated nerves 10 x 05 FA 1111-1005-14 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Neurology Mosaic14 cerebellum antigens non-medullated nerves 10 x 10 FA 1111-1010-14 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Yo, Hu, Ri, CV2, Ma, amphiphysin medullated nerves non-medullated nerves cell nuclei (ANA) 10 x 05 FA 1111-1005-16 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Yo, Hu, Ri, CV2, Ma, amphiphysin medullated nerves non-medullated nerves cell nuclei (ANA) 10 x 10 FA 1111-1010-16 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Yo, Hu, Ri, CV2, Ma, amphiphysin medullated nerves non-medullated nerves cell nuclei (ANA) 10 x 05 FB 1111-1005-16 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Yo, Hu, Ri, CV2, Ma, amphiphysin medullated nerves non-medullated nerves cell nuclei (ANA) 10 x 10 FB 1111-1010-16 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Neurology Mosaic 17 Yo, Hu, Ri, CV2, Ma, amphiphysin, NMO cerebrum antigens, NMO NMO, optic nerve antigens aquaporin-1 10 x 05 FA 1111-1005-17 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Neurology Mosaic 17 Yo, Hu, Ri, CV2, Ma, amphiphysin, NMO cerebrum antigens, NMO NMO, optic nerve antigens aquaporin-0 10 x 10 FA 1111-1010-17 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Neurology Mosaic 17 Yo, Hu, Ri, CV2, Ma, amphiphysin, NMO cerebrum antigens, NMO NMO, optic nerve antigens aquaporin-1 20 x 05 FA 1111-2005-17 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Neurology Mosaic 17 Yo, Hu, Ri, CV2, Ma, amphiphysin, NMO cerebrum antigens, NMO NMO, optic nerve antigens aquaporin-2 10 x 05 FB 1111-1005-17 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Neurology Mosaic 17 Yo, Hu, Ri, CV2, Ma, amphiphysin, NMO cerebrum antigens, NMO NMO, optic nerve antigens aquaporin-3 10 x 10 FB 1111-1010-17 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Neurology Mosaic 17 Yo, Hu, Ri, CV2, Ma, amphiphysin, NMO cerebrum antigens, NMO NMO, optic nerve antigens aquaporin-4 20 x 05 FB 1111-2005-17 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Neurology Mosaic 2 Yo, Hu, Ri, CV2, Ma, amphiphysin medullated nerves 10 x 05 FA 1111-1005-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Neurology Mosaic 2 Yo, Hu, Ri, CV2, Ma, amphiphysin medullated nerves 10 x 10 FA 1111-1010-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Neurology Mosaic 8 Yo, Hu, Ri, CV2, Ma, amphiphysin medullated nerves non-medullated nerves pancreas islets 10 x 05 FA 1111-1005-8 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Neurology Mosaic 8 Yo, Hu, Ri, CV2, Ma, amphiphysin medullated nerves non-medullated nerves pancreas islets 10 x 10 FA 1111-1010-8 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Neurology Mosaic 8 Yo, Hu, Ri, CV2, Ma, amphiphysin medullated nerves non-medullated nerves pancreas islets 120 x 10 FA 1111-12010-8 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Neurology Mosaic 8 Yo, Hu, Ri, CV2, Ma, amphiphysin medullated nerves non-medullated nerves pancreas islets 10 x 05 FB 1111-1005-8 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Neurology Mosaic 8 Yo, Hu, Ri, CV2, Ma, amphiphysin medullated nerves non-medullated nerves pancreas islets 10 x 10 FB 1111-1010-8 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Neurology Mosaic14 cerebellum antigens non-medullated nerves 10 x 05 FB 1111-1005-14 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Neurology Mosaic14 cerebellum antigens non-medullated nerves 10 x 10 FB 1111-1010-14 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Neurology Mosaic 1 EUROPattern Yo, Hu, Ri, CV2, Ma, amphiphysin medullated nerves non-medullated nerves 10 x 05 FC 1111-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Neurology Mosaic 1 EUROPattern Yo, Hu, Ri, CV2, Ma, amphiphysin medullated nerves non-medullated nerves 10 x 10 FC 1111-1010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Neurology Mosaic 8 EUROPattern Yo, Hu, Ri, CV2, Ma, amphiphysin medullated nerves non-medullated nerves pancreas islets 10 x 05 FC 1111-1005-8 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Neurology Mosaic 8 EUROPattern Yo, Hu, Ri, CV2, Ma, amphiphysin medullated nerves non-medullated nerves pancreas islets 10 x 10 FC 1111-1010-8 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Neurology Mosaic 14 EUROPattern cerebellum antigens medullated nerves 120 x 10 FC 1111-12010-14 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Neurology Mosaic 14 EUROPattern cerebellum antigens medullated nerves 20 x 10 FC 1111-2010-14 RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Paraneoplastic Neurologic Syndromes - 12 Ag (amphiphysin, CV2, PNMA2 (Ma-2/Ta), Ri, Yo, Hu, recoverin, SOX1, titin, Zic4, GAD65, Tr (DNER) separately) 16 x 01 DL 1111-1601-6 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Paraneoplastic Neurologic Syndromes - 12 Ag (amphiphysin, CV2, PNMA2 (Ma-2/Ta), Ri, Yo, Hu, recoverin, SOX1, titin, Zic4, GAD65, Tr (DNER) separately) 16 x 01 DL 1111-1601-7 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Paraneoplastic Neurologic Syndromes - 12 Ag (amphiphysin, CV2, PNMA2 (Ma-2/Ta), Ri, Yo, Hu, recoverin, SOX1, titin, Zic4, GAD65, Tr (DNER) separately) 50 x 01 DL 1111-5001-7 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Paraneoplastic Neurologic Syndromes - 12 Ag (amphiphysin, CV2, PNMA2 (Ma-2/Ta), Ri, Yo, Hu, recoverin, SOX1, titin, Zic4, GAD65, Tr (DNER) separately) 64 x 01 DL 1111-6401-7 G RUO
Autoimmune NUL Secondary reagents immunoblot (IgA) 01 x 01 ZD 1129-0101-1 A RUO
Autoimmune NUL Additional Reagents EUROLINE (IgE) 01 x 01 ZD 1129-0101-1 E RUO
Autoimmune NUL Secondary reagents immunoblot (IgG) 01 x 01 ZD 1129-0101-1 G RUO
Autoimmune NUL Secondary reagents immunoblot (IgM) 01 x 01 ZD 1129-0101-1 M RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against neuronal nuclei: Hu antigen 05 x 02 CA 1116-0502 RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE positive control serum: IgG, human, 100x concentrated for DL 1111-1 G, DL 1111-2 G, DL 1111-4 G and DL 1111-7 G 05 x 07 CL 1111-0507 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE positive control serum: IgG, human, 100x concentrated for DL 1111-6 G 05 x 07 CL 1111-0507-6 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Neuronal Antigens Profile 2 (amphiphysin, CV2, PNMA2 (Ma-2/Ta), Ri, Yo, Hu separately) 16 x 01 DL 1111-1601-2 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Neuronal Antigens Profile PLUS RST (amphiphysin, CV2, PNMA2 (Ma-2/Ta), Ri, Yo, Hu, recoverin, SOX1, titin separately) 16 x 01 DL 1111-1601-4 G RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD ab control) 05 x 02 CA 1022-0502 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) 65 kDa (stiff-person syndrome) 10 x 05 FA 1022-1005-50 RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE AMA-Profile EUROLINE (separate: AMA-M2, M2-3E, M4, M9) 16 x 01 DL 1620-1601-1 O RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE AMA-Profile EUROLINE (separate: AMA-M2, M2-3E, M4, M9) 64 x 01 DL 1620-6401-1 O RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 13B cell nuclei (ANA) cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 05 FA 1805-1005-13 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 13B cell nuclei (ANA) cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 10 FA 1805-1010-13 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 13B cell nuclei (ANA) cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 05 FA 1805-2005-13 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 13B cell nuclei (ANA) cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 05 FB 1805-1005-13 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 13B cell nuclei (ANA) cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 10 FB 1805-1010-13 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 13B cell nuclei (ANA) cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 05 FB 1805-2005-13 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 13B EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 10 x 10 FC 1805-1010-13 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 13B EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 05 FC 1805-2005-13 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Mosaic Basic Profile 13B EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), LKM mitochondria (AMA), LKM smooth muscles (ASMA) 20 x 10 FC 1805-2010-13 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R ab control) 05 x 02 CA 1254-0502 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Membranous Nephropathy Mosaic 1 phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R) Thrombospondin type-1 domain-containing protein 7A (THSD7A) 10 x 05 FA 1254-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Membranous Nephropathy Mosaic 1 phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R) Thrombospondin type-1 domain-containing protein 7A (THSD7A) 10 x 10 FA 1254-1010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Membranous Nephropathy Mosaic 1 phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R) Thrombospondin type-1 domain-containing protein 7A (THSD7A) 10 x 05 FB 1254-1005-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Membranous Nephropathy Mosaic 1 phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R) Thrombospondin type-1 domain-containing protein 7A (THSD7A) 10 x 10 FB 1254-1010-1 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R) 10 x 05 FA 1254-1005-50 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R) 10 x 10 FA 1254-1010-50 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R) 20 x 10 FA 1254-2010-50 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R) 10 x 05 FB 1254-1005-50 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R) 10 x 10 FB 1254-1010-50 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Thrombospondin type-1 domain- containing protein 7A (THSD7A) 10 x 05 FA 1254-1005-51 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Thrombospondin type-1 domain- containing protein 7A (THSD7A) 20 x 05 FA 1254-2005-51 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R) EUROPattern 10 x 05 FC 1254-1005-50 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R) EUROPattern 10 x 10 FC 1254-1010-50 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R) EUROPattern 20 x 05 FC 1254-2005-50 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R) EUROPattern 20 x 10 FC 1254-2010-50 RUO
Autoimmune ELISA phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R) 96 x 01 EA 1254-9601 G IVD
Autoimmune ChLIA Anti-PLA2R ChLIA (IgG) 100 x 1 LA 1254-10010 G RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA Control set Anti-PLA2R ChLIA (IgG) 02 x 02 LR 1254-20210 G RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against granulocyte cytoplasm, cytoplasmic pattern (cANCA control, PR3 ab control) 05 x 02 CA 1200-0502 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against granulocyte cytoplasm, perinuclear pattern (pANCA control) 05 x 02 CA 1210-0502 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT antibodies against granulocyte cytoplasm, perinuclear pattern (pANCA control, MPO ab control) 05 x 02 CA 1211-0502 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cytoplasm of granulocytes (cANCA, pANCA), nuclei of granulocytes (GS-ANA) 10 x 05 FA 1200-1005 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT cytoplasm of granulocytes (cANCA, pANCA), nuclei of granulocytes (GS-ANA) 10 x 10 FA 1200-1010 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT cytoplasm of granulocytes (cANCA, pANCA), nuclei of granulocytes (GS-ANA) 180 x 10 FA 1200-18010 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT cytoplasm of granulocytes (cANCA, pANCA), nuclei of granulocytes (GS-ANA) 20 x 05 FA 1200-2005 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT cytoplasm of granulocytes (cANCA, pANCA), nuclei of granulocytes (GS-ANA) 10 x 05 FB 1200-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cytoplasm of granulocytes (cANCA, pANCA), nuclei of granulocytes (GS-ANA) 10 x 10 FB 1200-1010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cytoplasm of granulocytes (cANCA, pANCA), nuclei of granulocytes (GS-ANA) 20 x 05 FB 1200-2005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT granulocytes (cANCA, pANCA) 10 x 05 FA 1201-1005 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT granulocytes (cANCA, pANCA) 10 x 10 FA 1201-1010 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT granulocytes (cANCA, pANCA) 10 x 05 FB 1201-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT granulocytes (cANCA, pANCA) 10 x 10 FB 1201-1010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 13 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA 10 x 05 FA 1201-1005-13 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 13 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA 10 x 10 FA 1201-1010-13 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 13 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA 10 x 50 FA 1201-1050-13 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 13 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA 120 x 10 FA 1201-12010-13 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 13 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA 20 x 05 FA 1201-2005-13 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 13 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA 20 x 10 FA 1201-2010-13 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 13 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA 24 x 50 FA 1201-2450-13 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 13 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA 10 x 05 FB 1201-1005-13 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 13 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA 10 x 10 FB 1201-1010-13 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 13 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA 10 x 50 FB 1201-1050-13 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 13 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA 20 x 05 FB 1201-2005-13 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 13 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA 20 x 10 FB 1201-2010-13 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 15 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA 10 x 05 FA 1201-1005-15 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 15 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA 10 x 10 FA 1201-1010-15 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 15 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA 20 x 05 FA 1201-2005-15 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 15 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA 20 x 10 FA 1201-2010-15 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 15 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA 10 x 05 FB 1201-1005-15 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 15 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA 10 x 10 FB 1201-1010-15 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 15 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA 20 x 05 FB 1201-2005-15 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 15 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA 20 x 10 FB 1201-2010-15 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 2 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cANCA, pANCA 10 x 05 FA 1201-1005-2 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 2 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cANCA, pANCA 10 x 10 FA 1201-1010-2 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 2 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cANCA, pANCA 20 x 05 FA 1201-2005-2 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 2 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cANCA, pANCA 20 x 10 FA 1201-2010-2 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 2 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cANCA, pANCA 10 x 05 FB 1201-1005-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 2 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cANCA, pANCA 10 x 10 FB 1201-1010-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 2 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cANCA, pANCA 20 x 05 FB 1201-2005-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 2 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cANCA, pANCA 20 x 10 FB 1201-2010-2 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 22 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cANCA, pANCA pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO) cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3) 10 x 05 FA 1201-1005-22 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 22 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cANCA, pANCA pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO) cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3) 10 x 10 FA 1201-1010-22 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 22 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cANCA, pANCA pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO) cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3) 20 x 05 FA 1201-2005-22 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 22 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cANCA, pANCA pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO) cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3) 10 x 05 FB 1201-1005-22 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 22 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cANCA, pANCA pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO) cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3) 10 x 10 FB 1201-1010-22 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 25 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA glomerular basement membrane (GBM) pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO) cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3) 10 x 05 FA 1201-1005-25 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 25 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA glomerular basement membrane (GBM) pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO) cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3) 10 x 10 FA 1201-1010-25 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 25 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA glomerular basement membrane (GBM) pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO) cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3) 20 x 05 FA 1201-2005-25 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 25 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA glomerular basement membrane (GBM) pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO) cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3) 20 x 10 FA 1201-2010-25 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 25 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA glomerular basement membrane (GBM) pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO) cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3) 10 x 05 FB 1201-1005-25 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 25 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA glomerular basement membrane (GBM) pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO) cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3) 20 x 05 FB 1201-2005-25 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 25 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA glomerular basement membrane (GBM) pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO) cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3) 20 x 10 FB 1201-2010-25 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 32 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cANCA, pANCA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO) cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3) 10 x 05 FA 1201-1005-32 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 32 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cANCA, pANCA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO) cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3) 10 x 10 FA 1201-1010-32 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 32 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cANCA, pANCA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO) cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3) 20 x 05 FA 1201-2005-32 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 32 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cANCA, pANCA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO) cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3) 20 x 10 FA 1201-2010-32 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 32 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cANCA, pANCA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO) cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3) 10 x 05 FB 1201-1005-32 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 32 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cANCA, pANCA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO) cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3) 10 x 10 FB 1201-1010-32 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 32 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cANCA, pANCA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO) cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3) 20 x 05 FB 1201-2005-32 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 32 cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA cANCA, pANCA cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO) cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3) 20 x 10 FB 1201-2010-32 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cytoplasm of granulocytes (cANCA, pANCA), nuclei of granulocytes (GS-ANA) EUROPattern 10 x 05 FC 1200-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cytoplasm of granulocytes (cANCA, pANCA), nuclei of granulocytes (GS-ANA) EUROPattern 10 x 10 FC 1200-1010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cytoplasm of granulocytes (cANCA, pANCA), nuclei of granulocytes (GS-ANA) EUROPattern 120 x 10 FC 1200-12010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cytoplasm of granulocytes (cANCA, pANCA), nuclei of granulocytes (GS-ANA) EUROPattern 20 x 05 FC 1200-2005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT cytoplasm of granulocytes (cANCA, pANCA), nuclei of granulocytes (GS-ANA) EUROPattern 20 x 10 FC 1200-2010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT granulocytes (cANCA, pANCA) EUROPattern 10 x 05 FC 1201-1005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT granulocytes (cANCA, pANCA) EUROPattern 10 x 10 FC 1201-1010 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT granulocytes (cANCA, pANCA) EUROPattern 20 x 05 FC 1201-2005 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 13 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA, EUROPattern 10 x 05 FC 1201-1005-13 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 13 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA, EUROPattern 10 x 10 FC 1201-1010-13 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 13 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA, EUROPattern 120 x 10 FC 1201-12010-13 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 13 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA, EUROPattern 20 x 05 FC 1201-2005-13 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 13 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA, EUROPattern 20 x 10 FC 1201-2010-13 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 13 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA, EUROPattern 24 x 50 FC 1201-2450-13 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 13 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA, EUROPattern 10 x 05 FW 1201-1005-13 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 13 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA, EUROPattern 20 x 10 FW 1201-2010-13 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 15 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA 10 x 05 FC 1201-1005-15 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 15 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA 10 x 10 FC 1201-1010-15 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 15 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA 10 x 50 FC 1201-1050-15 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 15 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA 20 x 10 FC 1201-2010-15 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 15 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA 10 x 05 FW 1201-1005-15 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 2 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, EUROPattern 10 x 05 FC 1201-1005-2 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 2 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, EUROPattern 10 x 10 FC 1201-1010-2 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 2 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, EUROPattern 120 x 10 FC 1201-12010-2 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 2 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, EUROPattern 20 x 05 FC 1201-2005-2 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Granulocyte Mosaic 2 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, EUROPattern 20 x 10 FC 1201-2010-2 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 22 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, EUROPattern pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO), EUROPattern cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3), EUROPattern 10 x 05 FC 1201-1005-22 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 22 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, EUROPattern pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO), EUROPattern cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3), EUROPattern 10 x 10 FC 1201-1010-22 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 22 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, EUROPattern pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO), EUROPattern cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3), EUROPattern 20 x 10 FC 1201-2010-22 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 25 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA, EUROPattern glom. basement membrane (GBM), EUROPattern pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO), EUROPattern cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3), EUROPattern 10 x 05 FC 1201-1005-25 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 25 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA, EUROPattern glom. basement membrane (GBM), EUROPattern pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO), EUROPattern cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3), EUROPattern 10 x 10 FC 1201-1010-25 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 25 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA, EUROPattern glom. basement membrane (GBM), EUROPattern pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO), EUROPattern cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3), EUROPattern 20 x 05 FC 1201-2005-25 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 25 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA, EUROPattern glom. basement membrane (GBM), EUROPattern pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO), EUROPattern cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3), EUROPattern 20 x 10 FC 1201-2010-25 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 25 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA, EUROPattern glom. basement membrane (GBM), EUROPattern pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO), EUROPattern cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3), EUROPattern 10 x 05 FW 1201-1005-25 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 25 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA cANCA, pANCA, EUROPattern glom. basement membrane (GBM), EUROPattern pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO), EUROPattern cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3), EUROPattern 20 x 10 FW 1201-2010-25 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 32 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO), EUROPattern cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3), EUROPattern 10 x 05 FC 1201-1005-32 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 32 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO), EUROPattern cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3), EUROPattern 10 x 10 FC 1201-1010-32 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 32 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO), EUROPattern cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3), EUROPattern 120 x 10 FC 1201-12010-32 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 32 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO), EUROPattern cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3), EUROPattern 20 x 05 FC 1201-2005-32 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 32 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO), EUROPattern cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3), EUROPattern 20 x 10 FC 1201-2010-32 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 32 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO), EUROPattern cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3), EUROPattern 10 x 05 FW 1201-1005-32 RUO
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 32 EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, GS-ANA, EUROPattern cANCA, pANCA, EUROPattern cell nuclei (ANA), cANCA, pANCA pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO), EUROPattern cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3), EUROPattern 10 x 10 FW 1201-1010-32 RUO
Autoimmune ELISA ANCA Profile (proteinase 3, MPO, elastase, cathepsin G, BPI, lactoferrin separately) 12 x 08 EA 1200-1208-1 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA cANCA: proteinase 3 (PR3-hn-hr) 96 x 01 EA 1201-9601-2 G IVD
Autoimmune ELISA pANCA: myeloperoxidase (MPO) 96 x 01 EA 1211-9601 G IVD
Autoimmune EUROLINE positive control serum: IgG, human, 100x concentrated for DL 1200-X G 05 x 07 CL 1200-0507-2 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE myeloperoxidase (MPO) proteinase 3 (PR3) 16 x 01 DL 1200-1601-2 G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE myeloperoxidase (MPO) proteinase 3 (PR3) 64 x 01 DL 1200-6401-2 G RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS MPO 50 x 01 IS-AI1701 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS PR3-II 50 x 01 IS-AI1702II RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA Anti-Proteinase 3 (PR3) ChLIA (IgG) 100 x 1 LA 1201-10010 G RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA Control set Anti-Proteinase 3 (PR3) ChLIA (IgG) 02 x 02 LR 1201-20210 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA Sa 48 x 02 EA 151a-4802 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA cyclic citrullinated peptides (CCP) 96 x 01 EA 1505-9601 G IVD
Autoimmune ELISA CEP-1 96 x 01 EA 151b-9601 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA IgA rheumatoid factor (ab of class IgA against IgG) 96 x 01 EA 1814-9601 A RUO
Autoimmune ELISA IgG rheumatoid factor (ab of class IgG against IgG) 96 x 01 EA 1814-9601 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA IgM rheumatoid factor (ab of class IgM against IgG) 96 x 01 EA 1814-9601 M RUO
Autoimmune ELISA circulating immune complexes (CIC) 96 x 01 EA 1818-9601 G RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA CRP Medium Control 01 x 01 CPCON-002 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA CRP High Control 01 x 01 CPCOX-002 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA CRP Calibrator Set 01 x 01 CPREK-000 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA CRP 01 x 190 CPTXL-H00/IDS RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS CCP 100 x 01 IS-AI1201 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS CCP Control Set 2 concentrations IS-AI1230 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA Anti-CCP ChLIA (IgG) 01 x 00 LA 1505-0100 G RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA Control set Anti-CCP ChLIA (IgG) 02 x 02 LR 1505-0160 G RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA Rheumatoid Factor Control Set 2 concentrations RFCOK-000/IDS RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA Rheumatoid Factor 100 x 01 RFCOL-B00/IDS RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA Rheumatoid Factor Control 1 concentration RFCON-002/IDS RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA Rheumatoid Factor Calibration Set 5 concentrations RFREK-000/IDS RUO
Autoimmune ELISA calprotectin 96 x 01 EQ 6831-9601 W RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS Calprotectin 100 x 01 IS-AI26000 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS Calprotectin Calibrator Set 5 concentration levels IS-AI26020 RUO
Autoimmune ChLIA IDS Calprotectin Control Set 2 concentration levels IS-AI26030 RUO
Consumable NUL IDS Calprotectin Extraction Device 01 x 01 IS-AI26040 RUO
Infection IIFT antibodies against Saccharomyces cerevisiae IgA positive control 05 x 02 CV 2841-0502 A RUO
Infection IIFT antibodies against Saccharomyces cerevisiae IgG positive control 05 x 02 CV 2841-0502 G RUO
Infection IIFT Saccharomyces cerevisiae negative control 05 x 02 CV 2841-0502 Z RUO
Infection IIFT Saccharomyces cerevisiae 10 x 05 FV 2841-1005 A RUO
Infection IIFT Saccharomyces cerevisiae 10 x 05 FV 2841-1005 G RUO
Infection IIFT Saccharomyces cerevisiae 10 x 10 FV 2841-1010 A RUO
Infection IIFT Saccharomyces cerevisiae 10 x 10 FV 2841-1010 G RUO
Infection IIFT Saccharomyces cerevisiae 20 x 05 FV 2841-2005 A RUO
Infection IIFT Saccharomyces cerevisiae 20 x 05 FV 2841-2005 G RUO
Infection IIFT Saccharomyces cerevisiae 10 x 05 FX 2841-1005 RUO
Infection IIFT Saccharomyces cerevisiae 10 x 10 FX 2841-1010 RUO
Infection IIFT Saccharomyces cerevisiae 20 x 05 FX 2841-2005 RUO
Infection ELISA Saccharomyces cerevisiae 96 x 01 EV 2841-9601 A RUO
Infection ELISA Saccharomyces cerevisiae 96 x 01 EV 2841-9601 G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA gliadin (GAF-3X) 96 x 01 EV 3011-9601 A IVD
Autoimmune ELISA gliadin (GAF-3X) 96 x 01 EV 3011-9601 G IVD
Infection ELISA CSQ pair of controls anti-TBE virus (IgM) 02 x 20 CK 2661-0220-L M RUO
Infection ELISA Anti-TBE Virus CSF ELISA 2.0 (IgG) 96 x 01 EI 2661-9601-2L G RUO
Infection ELISA TBE virus antibody determination in CSF 96 x 01 EI 2661-9601-L M RUO
Infection ELISA CSQ pair of controls anti-HSV-1/2 Pool (IgG) 02 x 20 CK 2531-0220-1 L G RUO
Infection ELISA Herpes simplex virus (HSV-1/2 Pool) antibody determination in CSF 96 x 01 EI 2531-9601-1 L G RUO
Infection ELISA CSQ pair of controls anti-EBV-CA (IgG) 02 x 20 CK 2791-0220-L G RUO
Infection ELISA Epstein-Barr virus capsid antigen (EBV-CA) antibody determination in CSF 96 x 01 EI 2791-9601-L G RUO
Infection ELISA CSQ pair of controls anti-Cytomegalovirus (IgG) 02 x 20 CK 2570-0220-L G RUO
Infection ELISA Cytomegalovirus (CMV) antibody determination in CSF 96 x 01 EI 2570-9601-L G RUO
Infection ELISA CSQ pair of controls anti-VZV (IgG) 02 x 20 CK 2650-0220-L G RUO
Infection ELISA CSQ pair of controls anti-Toxoplasma gondii (IgG) 02 x 20 CK 2410-0220-L G RUO
Infection ELISA Toxoplasma gondii antibody determination in CSF 96 x 01 EI 2410-9601-L G RUO
Infection ELISA CSQ pair of controls anti-Treponema pallidum (IgG) 02 x 20 CK 2111-0220-L G RUO
Infection ELISA Treponema pallidum antibody determination in CSF 96 x 01 EI 2111-9601-L G RUO
Infection ELISA CSQ pair of controls anti-Rubella virus (IgG) 02 x 20 CK 2590-0220-L G RUO
Infection ELISA Rubella virus antibody determination in CSF 96 x 01 EI 2590-9601-L G RUO
Infection ELISA CSQ pair of controls anti-Borrelia (IgG) 02 x 20 CK 2132-0220-L G RUO
Infection ELISA CSQ pair of controls anti-Borrelia (IgM) 02 x 20 CK 2132-0220-L M RUO
Infection ELISA Borrelia PLUS VlsE antibody determination in CSF 96 x 01 EI 2132-9601-L G RUO
Infection ELISA Borrelia antibody determination in CSF 96 x 01 EI 2132-9601-L M RUO
Infection EUROLINE EUROLINE Borrelia-RN-AT (p18, p19, p20, p21, p58, OspC (p25), p39, p83, LBb, LBa, VlsE Bg, VlsE Bb, VlsE Ba separately) 240 x 01 DN 2131-24001 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE EUROLINE Borrelia-RN-AT (p18, p19, p20, p21, p58, OspC (p25), p39, p83, LBb, LBa, VlsE Bg, VlsE Bb, VlsE Ba separately) 32 x 01 DN 2131-3201 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE EUROLINE Borrelia-RN-AT (p18, p19, p20, p21, p58, OspC (p25), p39, p83, LBb, LBa, VlsE Bg, VlsE Bb, VlsE Ba separately) 50 x 01 DN 2131-5001 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE EUROLINE Borrelia-RN-AT (OspC Bg native, OspC Bb native, OspC Ba native, p39, VlsE Bb separately) 240 x 01 DN 2131-24001 M RUO
Infection EUROLINE EUROLINE Borrelia-RN-AT (OspC Bg native, OspC Bb native, OspC Ba native, p39, VlsE Bb separately) 32 x 01 DN 2131-3201 M RUO
Infection EUROLINE EUROLINE Borrelia-RN-AT (OspC Bg native, OspC Bb native, OspC Ba native, p39, VlsE Bb separately) 50 x 01 DN 2131-5001 M RUO
Infection ELISA CSQ pair of controls anti-Measles virus (IgG) 02 x 20 CK 2610-0220-L G RUO
Infection ELISA CSQ pair of controls anti-Mumps virus (IgG) 02 x 20 CK 2630-0220-L G RUO
Infection ELISA Measles virus antibody determination in CSF 96 x 01 EI 2610-9601-L G RUO
Infection ELISA Mumps virus antibody determination in CSF 96 x 01 EI 2630-9601-L G RUO
Infection EUROArray EUROArray Dermatomycosis 05 x 05 MN 2850-0505 RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray Dermatomycosis 08 x 03 MN 2850-0803 RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray Dermatomycosis 10 x 05 MN 2850-1005 RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray Dermatomycosis 20 x 05 MN 2850-2005 RUO
Infection IIFT West Nile virus (WNV) 10 x 05 FI 2662-1005 G RUO
Infection IIFT West Nile virus (WNV) 10 x 05 FI 2662-1005 M RUO
Infection IIFT West Nile virus (WNV) 10 x 10 FI 2662-1010 G RUO
Infection IIFT West Nile virus (WNV) 10 x 10 FI 2662-1010 M RUO
Infection IIFT Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) 10 x 05 FI 2663-1005 G RUO
Infection IIFT Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) 10 x 05 FI 2663-1005 M RUO
Infection IIFT Yellow fever virus (YFV) 10 x 05 FI 2665-1005 G RUO
Infection IIFT Yellow fever virus (YFV) 10 x 05 FI 2665-1005 M RUO
Infection IIFT Yellow fever virus (YFV) 10 x 10 FI 2665-1010 G RUO
Infection IIFT Yellow fever virus (YFV) 10 x 10 FI 2665-1010 M RUO
Infection IIFT Mosaic Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) 10 x 05 FI 266a-1005-1 G RUO
Infection IIFT Mosaic Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) 10 x 05 FI 266a-1005-1 M RUO
Infection IIFT Mosaic Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) 10 x 10 FI 266a-1010-1 G RUO
Infection IIFT Mosaic Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) 10 x 10 FI 266a-1010-1 M RUO
Infection IIFT Mosaic Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) 20 x 05 FI 266a-2005-1 G RUO
Infection IIFT Mosaic Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) 20 x 05 FI 266a-2005-1 M RUO
Infection IIFT Sandfly fever virus Mosaic 1 types Sicilian, Naples, Toscana, Cyprus 10 x 05 FI 277a-1005-1 G RUO
Infection IIFT Sandfly fever virus Mosaic 1 types Sicilian, Naples, Toscana, Cyprus 10 x 05 FI 277a-1005-1 M RUO
Infection IIFT Sandfly fever virus Mosaic 1 types Sicilian, Naples, Toscana, Cyprus 10 x 10 FI 277a-1010-1 G RUO
Infection IIFT Sandfly fever virus Mosaic 1 types Sicilian, Naples, Toscana, Cyprus 10 x 10 FI 277a-1010-1 M RUO
Infection IIFT Hantavirus Mosaic 1 types Hantaan (HTNV), Sin Nombre (SNV), Puumala (PUUV), Dobrava (DOBV), Seoul (SEOV), Saaremaa (SAAV) 10 x 05 FI 278h-1005-1 G RUO
Infection IIFT Hantavirus Mosaic 1 types Hantaan (HTNV), Sin Nombre (SNV), Puumala (PUUV), Dobrava (DOBV), Seoul (SEOV), Saaremaa (SAAV) 10 x 05 FI 278h-1005-1 M RUO
Infection IIFT Hantavirus Mosaic 1 types Hantaan (HTNV), Sin Nombre (SNV), Puumala (PUUV), Dobrava (DOBV), Seoul (SEOV), Saaremaa (SAAV) 10 x 10 FI 278h-1010-1 G RUO
Infection IIFT Hantavirus Mosaic 1 types Hantaan (HTNV), Sin Nombre (SNV), Puumala (PUUV), Dobrava (DOBV), Seoul (SEOV), Saaremaa (SAAV) 10 x 10 FI 278h-1010-1 M RUO
Infection IIFT Hantavirus Mosaic 2 Eurasia types Hantaan (HTNV), Puumala (PUUV), Dobrava (DOBV), Seoul (SEOV), Saaremaa (SAAV) 10 x 05 FI 278h-1005-2 G RUO
Infection IIFT Hantavirus Mosaic 2 Eurasia types Hantaan (HTNV), Puumala (PUUV), Dobrava (DOBV), Seoul (SEOV), Saaremaa (SAAV) 10 x 05 FI 278h-1005-2 M RUO
Infection IIFT Hantavirus Mosaic 2 Eurasia types Hantaan (HTNV), Puumala (PUUV), Dobrava (DOBV), Seoul (SEOV), Saaremaa (SAAV) 10 x 10 FI 278h-1010-2 G RUO
Infection IIFT Hantavirus Mosaic 2 Eurasia types Hantaan (HTNV), Puumala (PUUV), Dobrava (DOBV), Seoul (SEOV), Saaremaa (SAAV) 10 x 10 FI 278h-1010-2 M RUO
Infection IIFT Hantavirus Mosaic 3: America types Sin Nombre (SNV), Andes (ANDV) 10 x 05 FI 278m-1005-3 G RUO
Infection IIFT Hantavirus Mosaic 3: America types Sin Nombre (SNV), Andes (ANDV) 10 x 05 FI 278m-1005-3 M RUO
Infection IIFT Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) 10 x 05 FI 293a-1005 G RUO
Infection IIFT Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) 10 x 05 FI 293a-1005 M RUO
Infection IIFT Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) 10 x 10 FI 293a-1010 G RUO
Infection IIFT Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) 10 x 10 FI 293a-1010 M RUO
Infection IIFT Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) 20 x 05 FI 293a-2005 G RUO
Infection IIFT Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) 20 x 05 FI 293a-2005 M RUO
Infection IIFT Arbovirus Fever Mosaic 1 Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) 10 x 05 FI 293a-1005-1 G RUO
Infection IIFT Arbovirus Fever Mosaic 1 Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) 10 x 05 FI 293a-1005-1 M RUO
Infection IIFT Arbovirus Fever Mosaic 1 Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) 10 x 10 FI 293a-1010-1 G RUO
Infection IIFT Arbovirus Fever Mosaic 1 Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) 10 x 10 FI 293a-1010-1 M RUO
Infection IIFT Yellow fever virus (YFV) EUROPattern 10 x 05 FR 2665-1005 G RUO
Infection IIFT Yellow fever virus (YFV) EUROPattern 10 x 05 FR 2665-1005 M RUO
Infection IIFT Mosaic Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) EUROPattern 10 x 05 FR 266a-1005-1 G RUO
Infection IIFT Mosaic Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) EUROPattern 10 x 05 FR 266a-1005-1 M RUO
Infection IIFT Mosaic Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) EUROPattern 10 x 10 FR 266a-1010-1 G RUO
Infection IIFT Mosaic Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) EUROPattern 10 x 10 FR 266a-1010-1 M RUO
Infection IIFT Sandfly fever virus Mosaic 1 EUROPattern types Sicilian, Naples, Toscana, Cyprus 10 x 05 FR 277a-1005-1 G RUO
Infection IIFT Sandfly fever virus Mosaic 1 EUROPattern types Sicilian, Naples, Toscana, Cyprus 10 x 05 FR 277a-1005-1 M RUO
Infection IIFT Hantavirus Mosaic 1 EUROPattern types Hantaan (HTNV), Sin Nombre (SNV), Puumala (PUUV), Dobrava (DOBV), Seoul (SEOV), Saaremaa (SAAV) 10 x 05 FR 278h-1005-1 G RUO
Infection IIFT Hantavirus Mosaic 1 EUROPattern types Hantaan (HTNV), Sin Nombre (SNV), Puumala (PUUV), Dobrava (DOBV), Seoul (SEOV), Saaremaa (SAAV) 10 x 05 FR 278h-1005-1 M RUO
Infection IIFT Hantavirus Mosaic 3: America EUROPattern types Sin Nombre (SNV), Andes (ANDV) 10 x 05 FR 278m-1005-3 G RUO
Infection IIFT Hantavirus Mosaic 3: America EUROPattern types Sin Nombre (SNV), Andes (ANDV) 10 x 05 FR 278m-1005-3 M RUO
Infection IIFT Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) EUROPattern 10 x 05 FR 293a-1005 G RUO
Infection IIFT Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) EUROPattern 10 x 05 FR 293a-1005 M RUO
Infection IIFT Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) EUROPattern 10 x 10 FR 293a-1010 G RUO
Infection IIFT Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) EUROPattern 10 x 10 FR 293a-1010 M RUO
Infection ELISA West Nile virus (WNV) 96 x 01 EI 2662-9601 G IVD
Infection ELISA West Nile virus (WNV) incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 2662-9601 M IVD
Infection ELISA West Nile virus (WNV) avidity determination 96 x 01 EI 2662-9601-1 G RUO
Infection ELISA Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) 96 x 01 EI 2663-9601 G RUO
Infection ELISA Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) 96 x 01 EI 2663-9601 M RUO
Infection ELISA Usutu virus 96 x 01 EI 2667-9601 G RUO
Infection ELISA Dengue virus (DENV) type 1-4 96 x 01 EI 266a-9601-1 G RUO
Infection ELISA Dengue virus (DENV) type 1-4 incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 266a-9601-1 M RUO
Infection ELISA Dengue virus NS1 (DENV) type 1-4 96 x 01 EI 266a-9601-2 G RUO
Infection ELISA Toscana virus 96 x 01 EI 277c-9601 G RUO
Infection ELISA Hantavirus Pool 1 "Eurasia" 96 x 01 EI 278h-9601-1 G RUO
Infection ELISA Hantavirus Pool 1 "Eurasia" incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 278h-9601-1 M RUO
Infection ELISA Hantavirus Pool 2 "America" 96 x 01 EI 278h-9601-2 G RUO
Infection ELISA Hantavirus Pool 2 "America" 96 x 01 EI 278h-9601-2 M RUO
Infection ELISA Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) 96 x 01 EI 293a-9601 G RUO
Infection ELISA Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 293a-9601 M RUO
Infection ELISA Mayaro virus (MAYV) 96 x 01 EI 295c-9601 G RUO
Infection ELISA Mayaro virus (MAYV) 96 x 01 EI 295c-9601 M RUO
Infection ELISA Dengue virus NS1 antigen detection 96 x 01 EQ 266a-9601-1 RUO
Infection EUROLINE positive control serum: IgG, human, 100x concentrated for Hantavirus Profile 0 05 x 07 CL 278h-0507-1 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE positive control serum: IgM, human, 100x concentrated for Hantavirus profiles 05 x 07 CL 278h-0507-1 M RUO
Infection EUROLINE Hantavirus Profile 1 (PUUV, DOBV, HTNV separately) 16 x 01 DN 278h-1601-1 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE Hantavirus Profile 1 (PUUV, DOBV, HTNV separately) 16 x 01 DN 278h-1601-1 M RUO
Infection IIFT Zika virus (ZIKV) 10 x 05 FI 2668-1005 G RUO
Infection IIFT Zika virus (ZIKV) 10 x 05 FI 2668-1005 M RUO
Infection IIFT Zika virus (ZIKV) 10 x 10 FI 2668-1010 G RUO
Infection IIFT Zika virus (ZIKV) 10 x 10 FI 2668-1010 M RUO
Infection IIFT Arbovirus Fever Mosaic 2 Zika virus (ZIKV) Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) 10 x 05 FI 2668-1005-1 G RUO
Infection IIFT Arbovirus Fever Mosaic 2 Zika virus (ZIKV) Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) 10 x 05 FI 2668-1005-1 M RUO
Infection IIFT Arbovirus Fever Mosaic 2 Zika virus (ZIKV) Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) 10 x 10 FI 2668-1010-1 G RUO
Infection IIFT Arbovirus Fever Mosaic 2 Zika virus (ZIKV) Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) 10 x 10 FI 2668-1010-1 M RUO
Infection IIFT Arbovirus Profile 3 upper row : Zika virus (ZIKV) Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) bottom row: TBE virus (TBEV) West Nile virus (WNV) Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) Yellow fever virus (YFV) 10 x 05 FI 2668-1005-3 G RUO
Infection IIFT Arbovirus Profile 3 upper row : Zika virus (ZIKV) Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) bottom row: TBE virus (TBEV) West Nile virus (WNV) Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) Yellow fever virus (YFV) 10 x 05 FI 2668-1005-3 M RUO
Infection IIFT Arbovirus Fever Mosaic 2 EUROPattern Zika virus (ZIKV) Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) 10 x 05 FR 2668-1005 G RUO
Infection IIFT Arbovirus Fever Mosaic 2 EUROPattern Zika virus (ZIKV) Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) 10 x 05 FR 2668-1005 M RUO
Infection IIFT Arbovirus Fever Mosaic 2 EUROPattern Zika virus (ZIKV) Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) 10 x 10 FR 2668-1010 G RUO
Infection IIFT Arbovirus Fever Mosaic 2 EUROPattern Zika virus (ZIKV) Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) 10 x 10 FR 2668-1010 M RUO
Infection IIFT Arbovirus Fever Mosaic 2 EUROPattern Zika virus (ZIKV) Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) 10 x 05 FR 2668-1005-1 G RUO
Infection IIFT Arbovirus Fever Mosaic 2 EUROPattern Zika virus (ZIKV) Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) 10 x 05 FR 2668-1005-1 M RUO
Infection IIFT Arbovirus Fever Mosaic 2 EUROPattern Zika virus (ZIKV) Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) 10 x 10 FR 2668-1010-1 G RUO
Infection IIFT Arbovirus Fever Mosaic 2 EUROPattern Zika virus (ZIKV) Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) 10 x 10 FR 2668-1010-1 M RUO
Infection ELISA Zika virus (ZIKV) 96 x 01 EI 2668-9601 A RUO
Infection ELISA Zika virus (ZIKV) 96 x 01 EI 2668-9601 G RUO
Infection ELISA Zika virus (ZIKV) incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 2668-9601 M RUO
Infection ELISA Zika virus (ZIKV) incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 2668-9601 Q RUO
Infection ELISA SARS-CoV-2 96 x 01 EI 2606-9601 A RUO
Infection ELISA SARS-CoV-2 96 x 01 EI 2606-9601 G IVD
Infection ELISA SARS-CoV-2 QuantiVac 96 x 01 EI 2606-9601-10 G RUO
Infection ELISA SARS-CoV-2 NCP 96 x 01 EI 2606-9601-2 G RUO
Infection ELISA SARS-CoV-2 (Omicron Variante) 96 x 01 EI 2606-9601-30 G RUO
Infection ELISA Quan-T-Cell ELISA 96 x 01 EQ 6841-9601 RUO
Infection ELISA Quan-T-Cell SARS-CoV-2 30 x 03 ET 2606-3003 RUO
Infection EUROLINE Positive control serum (IgG, 50x concentrated) 05 x 07 CL 2606-0507 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE EUROLINE Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Profile ( IgG) 16 x 01 DN 2606-1601-1 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE EUROLINE Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Profile ( IgG) 50 x 01 DN 2606-5001-1 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE EUROLINE Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Profile ( IgG) 64 x 01 DN 2606-6401-1 G RUO
Infection ChLIA Anti-SARS-CoV-2 RBD ChLIA (IgG) 100 x 1 LI 2606-10010-1 G RUO
Infection ChLIA Control set Anti-SARS-CoV-2 RBD ChLIA (IgG) 02 x 02 LR 2606-20210-1 G RUO
Infection PCR EURORealTime SARS-CoV-2/Influenza A/B 01 x 100 MP 2606-0100-20 RUO
Infection PCR EURORealTime SARS-CoV-2/Influenza A/B 01 x 200 MP 2606-0200-20 RUO
Infection PCR EURORealTime SARS-CoV-2/Influenza A/B 01 x 1000 MP 2606-1000-20 RUO
Infection PCR EURORealTime SARS-CoV-2 01 x 200 MP 2606-0200 RUO
Infection PCR EURORealTime SARS-CoV-2 01 x 1000 MP 2606-1000 RUO
Infection PCR EURORealTime SARS-CoV-2 Fast 01 x 200 MP 2606-0200-8 RUO
Infection PCR EURORealTime SARS-CoV-2 Fast 01 x 1000 MP 2606-1000-8 RUO
Infection ELISA MERS coronavirus 96 x 01 EI 2604-9601 G RUO
Infection ELISA Crimean Congo fever virus (CCHFV) 96 x 01 EI 279a-9601 G RUO
Infection ELISA Crimean Congo fever virus (CCHFV) incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 279a-9601 M RUO
Infection IIFT TBE virus (TBEV) 10 x 05 FI 2661-1005 G RUO
Infection IIFT TBE virus (TBEV) 10 x 05 FI 2661-1005 M RUO
Infection IIFT TBE virus (TBEV) 10 x 10 FI 2661-1010 G RUO
Infection IIFT TBE virus (TBEV) 10 x 10 FI 2661-1010 M RUO
Infection IIFT Flavivirus Mosaic 1 TBE virus (TBEV) West Nile virus (WNV) Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) Yellow fever virus (YFV) 10 x 05 FI 2661-1005-1 G RUO
Infection IIFT Flavivirus Mosaic 1 TBE virus (TBEV) West Nile virus (WNV) Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) Yellow fever virus (YFV) 10 x 05 FI 2661-1005-1 M RUO
Infection IIFT Flavivirus Mosaic 1 TBE virus (TBEV) West Nile virus (WNV) Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) Yellow fever virus (YFV) 10 x 10 FI 2661-1010-1 G RUO
Infection IIFT Flavivirus Mosaic 1 TBE virus (TBEV) West Nile virus (WNV) Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) Yellow fever virus (YFV) 10 x 10 FI 2661-1010-1 M RUO
Infection IIFT Flavivirus Profile 2 upper row: TBE virus (TBEV) West Nile virus (WNV) Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) Yellow fever virus (YFV) bottom row: Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) 10 x 05 FI 2661-1005-2 G RUO
Infection IIFT Flavivirus Profile 2 upper row: TBE virus (TBEV) West Nile virus (WNV) Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) Yellow fever virus (YFV) bottom row: Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) 10 x 05 FI 2661-1005-2 M RUO
Infection IIFT Flavivirus Profile 2 upper row: TBE virus (TBEV) West Nile virus (WNV) Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) Yellow fever virus (YFV) bottom row: Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) 20 x 05 FI 2661-2005-2 G RUO
Infection IIFT Flavivirus Profile 2 upper row: TBE virus (TBEV) West Nile virus (WNV) Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) Yellow fever virus (YFV) bottom row: Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV) 20 x 05 FI 2661-2005-2 M RUO
Infection ELISA TBE virus incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 2661-9601 M RUO
Infection ELISA Anti-TBE Virus ELISA 2.0 (IgG) 96 x 01 EI 2661-9601-2 G RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray FV / FII+ / MTHFR Direct 05 x 05 MN 5820-0505-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray FV / FII+ / MTHFR Direct 08 x 03 MN 5820-0803-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray FV / FII+ / MTHFR Direct 10 x 05 MN 5820-1005-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray FV / FII+ / MTHFR Direct 20 x 05 MN 5820-2005-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray FV / FII+ Direct 05 x 05 MN 5821-0505-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray FV / FII+ Direct 08 x 03 MN 5821-0803-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray FV / FII+ Direct 10 x 05 MN 5821-1005-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray FV / FII+ Direct 20 x 05 MN 5821-2005-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray FV Leiden Direct 05 x 05 MN 5822-0505-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray FV Leiden Direct 08 x 03 MN 5822-0803-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray FV Leiden Direct 10 x 05 MN 5822-1005-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray FV Leiden Direct 20 x 05 MN 5822-2005-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray FII+ Direct 05 x 05 MN 5823-0505-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray FII+ Direct 08 x 03 MN 5823-0803-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray FII+ Direct 10 x 05 MN 5823-1005-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray FII+ Direct 20 x 05 MN 5823-2005-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray MTHFR Direct 05 x 05 MN 5824-0505-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray MTHFR Direct 08 x 03 MN 5824-0803-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray MTHFR Direct 10 x 05 MN 5824-1005-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray MTHFR Direct 20 x 05 MN 5824-2005-V RUO
Infection ELISA Hepatitis E virus 96 x 01 EI 2525-9601 G RUO
Infection ELISA Hepatitis E virus 96 x 01 EI 2525-9601 M RUO
Infection ELISA Hepatitis E virus (HEV) 96 x 01 EI 2525-9601 P RUO
Infection EUROLINE Positive control serum (IgA, 50x concentrated) for Hepatitis E Virus 05 x 07 CL 2525-0507 A RUO
Infection EUROLINE Positive control serum (IgG, 50x concentrated) for hepatitis E virus 05 x 07 CL 2525-0507 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE EUROLINE Hepatitis E Virus (separat: GT1 ORF2, GT2 ORF2, GT3 ORF2, GT4 ORF2) 05 x 10 DN 2525-0510 A RUO
Infection EUROLINE EUROLINE Hepatitis E Virus (separat: GT1 ORF2, GT2 ORF2, GT3 ORF2, GT4 ORF2) 16 x 01 DN 2525-1601 A RUO
Infection EUROLINE EUROLINE Hepatitis E Virus (separat: GT1 ORF2, GT2 ORF2, GT3 ORF2, GT4 ORF2) 16 x 01 DN 2525-1601 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE EUROLINE Hepatitis E Virus (separat: GT1 ORF2, GT2 ORF2, GT3 ORF2, GT4 ORF2) 50 x 01 DN 2525-5001 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE EUROLINE Hepatitis E Virus (separat: GT1 ORF2, GT2 ORF2, GT3 ORF2, GT4 ORF2) 64 x 01 DN 2525-6401 A RUO
Infection EUROLINE EUROLINE Hepatitis E Virus (separat: GT1 ORF2, GT2 ORF2, GT3 ORF2, GT4 ORF2) 64 x 01 DN 2525-6401 G RUO
Infection IIFT Listeria monocytogenes 1/2a and 4b 10 x 05 FI 2141-1005-1 G RUO
Infection IIFT Listeria monocytogenes 1/2a and 4b 10 x 10 FI 2141-1010-1 G RUO
Infection ELISA Helicobacter pylori 96 x 01 EI 2080-9601 A RUO
Infection ELISA Helicobacter pylori 96 x 01 EI 2080-9601 G RUO
Infection ELISA Helicobacter pylori (CagA) 96 x 01 EI 2081-9601 A RUO
Infection ELISA Campylobacter jejuni 96 x 01 EI 2091-9601 A RUO
Infection ELISA Campylobacter jejuni 96 x 01 EI 2091-9601 G RUO
Infection ELISA Yersinia enterocolitica 96 x 01 EI 2173-9601 A RUO
Infection ELISA Yersinia enterocolitica 96 x 01 EI 2173-9601 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE positive control serum: IgA, human, 50x concentrated for Yersinia enterocolitica IgA EUROLINE 05 x 07 CL 2173-0507 A RUO
Infection EUROLINE positive control serum: IgG, human, 50x concentrated for Yersinia enterocolitica IgG EUROLINE 05 x 07 CL 2173-0507 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE Yersinia enterocolitica Detection of antibodies against virulence factors of the Yersinia enterocolitica pathogen in human serum 16 x 01 DN 2173-1601 A RUO
Infection EUROLINE Yersinia enterocolitica Detection of antibodies against virulence factors of the Yersinia enterocolitica pathogen in human serum 16 x 01 DN 2173-1601 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE Yersinia enterocolitica Detection of antibodies against virulence factors of the Yersinia enterocolitica pathogen in human serum 64 x 01 DN 2173-6401 A RUO
Infection EUROLINE Yersinia enterocolitica Detection of antibodies against virulence factors of the Yersinia enterocolitica pathogen in human serum (for diagnosing various forms of arthritis). 64 x 01 DN 2173-6401 G RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT antibodies against Helicobacter pylori IgA positive control 50 x 05 CW 2080-5005 A RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT antibodies against Helicobacter pylori IgG positive control 50 x 05 CW 2080-5005 G RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT antibodies against Yersinia enterocolitica IgA positive control (for diagnosing various forms of arthritis) 50 x 05 CW 2173-5005 A RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT antibodies against Yersinia enterocolitica IgG positive control (for diagnosing various forms of arthritis) 50 x 05 CW 2173-5005 G RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT EUROLINE-WB Helicobacter pylori 16 x 01 DY 2080-1601-1 A RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT EUROLINE-WB Helicobacter pylori 16 x 01 DY 2080-1601-1 G RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT EUROLINE-WB Helicobacter pylori 30 x 01 DY 2080-3001-1 A RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT EUROLINE-WB Helicobacter pylori 30 x 01 DY 2080-3001-1 G RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT Yersinia enterocolitica Detection of antibodies against virulence factors of the Yersinia enterocolitica pathogen in human serum (for diagnosing various forms of arthritis). 16 x 01 DY 2173-1601 A RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT Yersinia enterocolitica Detection of antibodies against virulence factors of the Yersinia enterocolitica pathogen in human serum (for diagnosing various forms of arthritis). 16 x 01 DY 2173-1601 G RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT Yersinia enterocolitica Detection of antibodies against virulence factors of the Yersinia enterocolitica pathogen in human serum (for diagnosing various forms of arthritis). 30 x 01 DY 2173-3001 A RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT Yersinia enterocolitica Detection of antibodies against virulence factors of the Yersinia enterocolitica pathogen in human serum (for diagnosing various forms of arthritis). 30 x 01 DY 2173-3001 G RUO
Infection IIFT Schistosoma mansoni 10 x 05 FI 2300-1005 G IVD
Infection IIFT Schistosoma mansoni 10 x 05 FI 2300-1005 M RUO
Infection ELISA Strongyloides 96 x 01 EI 2290-9601 G IVD
Infection ELISA Schistosoma 96 x 01 EI 2300-9601 G IVD
Infection ELISA Schistosoma incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 2300-9601 M RUO
Infection ELISA Adenovirus 96 x 01 EI 2680-9601 A RUO
Infection ELISA Adenovirus 96 x 01 EI 2680-9601 G IVD
Infection ELISA Adenovirus incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 2680-9601 M RUO
Infection PCR EntericBio C. difficile lyophilized EBCDA-v2 RUO
Infection PCR EntericBio CPE lyophilized EBCPE RUO
Infection PCR EntericBio Gastro Panel 2 lyophilized EBGP2A-v2 RUO
Infection PCR EntericBio Dx lyophilized EBGPDX RUO
Infection PCR EntericBio Viral Panel 1 lyophilized EBVP1 RUO
Infection PCR EntericBio Viral Panel 2 lyophilized EBVP2 RUO
Infection PCR EntericBio Viral Panel 3 lyophilized EBVP3 RUO
Infection PCR EntericBio Stool Preparation Solution V2 ESPSA-V2 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Adenovirus PCR Kit MH 0011-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Adenovirus PCR Kit MH 0011-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Aspergillus PCR Kit MH 0013-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Parvovirus B19 PCR Kit MH 0015-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Parvovirus B19 PCR Kit MH 0015-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof BK/JC Virus (BK/JC) PCR Kit MH 0017-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof BK/JC Virus (BK/JC) PCR Kit MH 0017-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof BK Virus (BKV) PCR Kit MH 0019-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof BK Virus (BKV) PCR Kit MH 0019-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Cytomegalovirus (CMV) PCR Kit MH 0021-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Cytomegalovirus (CMV) PCR Kit MH 0021-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) PCR Kit MH 0023-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) PCR Kit MH 0023-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Enterovirus PCR Kit MH 0025-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Human Herpesvirus 6/7 /(HHV-6/7) PCR Kit MH 0027-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Human Herpesvirus 6/7 /(HHV-6/7) PCR Kit MH 0027-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Human Herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) PCR Kit MH 0029-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Human Herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) PCR Kit MH 0029-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-1/2) PCR Kit MH 0031-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-1/2) PCR Kit MH 0031-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof JC Virus (JCV) PCR Kit MH 0033-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof JC Virus (JCV) PCR Kit MH 0033-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Varicella- Zoster Virus (VZV) PCR Kit MH 0035-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Varicella- Zoster Virus (VZV) PCR Kit MH 0035-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Borrelia PCR Kit MH 0037-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Borrelia PCR Kit MH 0037-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Bordetella pertussis/parapertussis PCR Kit MH 0039-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Bordetella pertussis/parapertussis PCR Kit MH 0039-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Chlamydia pneumoniae PCR Kit MH 0041-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Chlamydia pneumoniae PCR Kit MH 0041-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Legionella pneumophila PCR Kit MH 0043-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Legionella pneumophila PCR Kit MH 0043-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Mycoplasma pneumoniae PCR Kit MH 0046-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Mycoplasma pneumoniae PCR Kit MH 0046-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof SARS-CoV-2 Advanced PCR kit MH 0047-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof SARS-CoV-2 Advanced PCR kit MH 0047-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof SARS-CoV-2 Screening PCR kit MH 0049-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof SARS-CoV-2 Screening PCR kit MH 0049-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Flu Multiplex PCR Kit MH 0051-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Flu Multiplex PCR Kit MH 0051-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Screening PCR Kit MH 0053-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Screening PCR Kit MH 0053-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Chlamydia trachomatis PCR Kit MH 0055-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Chlamydia trachomatis PCR Kit MH 0055-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof CT/NG/MG Multiplex PCR Kit MH 0057-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof CT/NG/MG Multiplex PCR Kit MH 0057-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Gardnerella vaginalis PCR Kit MH 0059-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Gardnerella vaginalis PCR Kit MH 0059-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Mycoplasma genitalium/hominis PCR Kit MH 0061-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Mycoplasma genitalium/hominis PCR Kit MH 0061-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof MH/UU/UP Multiplex PCR Kit MH 0063-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof MH/UU/UP Multiplex PCR Kit MH 0063-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Neisseria gonorrhoeae PCR Kit MH 0065-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Neisseria gonorrhoeae PCR Kit MH 0065-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Treponema pallidum PCR Kit MH 0067-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Treponema pallidum PCR Kit MH 0067-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Trichomonas vaginalis PCR Kit MH 0069-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Trichomonas vaginalis PCR Kit MH 0069-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Ureaplasma PCR Kit MH 0071-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Ureaplasma PCR Kit MH 0071-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof VRE PCR Kit MH 0079-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof VRE PCR Kit MH 0079-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Mycobacterium tuberculosis PCR Kit MH 0081-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Mycobacterium tuberculosis PCR Kit MH 0081-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Factor II Prothrombin PCR Kit MH 0083-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Factor II Prothrombin PCR Kit MH 0083-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Factor V Leiden PCR Kit MH 0085-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Factor V Leiden PCR Kit MH 0085-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Factor XIII V34L PCR Kit MH 0087-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Factor XIII V34L PCR Kit MH 0087-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof MTHFR A1298C PCR Kit MH 0089-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof MTHFR A1298C PCR Kit MH 0089-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof MTHFR C677T PCR Kit MH 0091-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof MTHFR C677T PCR Kit MH 0091-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof PAI - 1 Genotyping PCR Kit MH 0093-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof PAI - 1 Genotyping PCR Kit MH 0093-0125 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof Universal Internal Control MH 0095-0100 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof PathogenFree DNA Isolation Kit MH 0096-0150 RUO
Genetics PCR GeneProof PathogenFree RNA Isolation Kit MH 0097-0150 RUO
Infection IIFT HHV-6 10 x 05 FI 2536-1005 G RUO
Infection IIFT HHV-6 10 x 05 FI 2536-1005 M RUO
Infection IIFT HHV-6 10 x 10 FI 2536-1010 G RUO
Infection IIFT HHV-6 10 x 10 FI 2536-1010 M RUO
Infection IIFT HHV-6 20 x 05 FI 2536-2005 G RUO
Infection IIFT HHV-6 20 x 05 FI 2536-2005 M RUO
Infection IIFT HHV-6 20 x 10 FI 2536-2010 G RUO
Infection IIFT HHV-6 20 x 10 FI 2536-2010 M RUO
Infection IIFT HHV-6 EUROPattern 10 x 05 FR 2536-1005 G RUO
Infection IIFT HHV-6 EUROPattern 10 x 05 FR 2536-1005 M RUO
Infection IIFT HHV-6 EUROPattern 10 x 10 FR 2536-1010 G RUO
Infection IIFT HHV-6 EUROPattern 10 x 10 FR 2536-1010 M RUO
Infection IIFT HHV-6 EUROPattern 20 x 05 FR 2536-2005 G RUO
Infection IIFT HHV-6 EUROPattern 20 x 05 FR 2536-2005 M RUO
Infection IIFT HHV-6 EUROPattern 20 x 10 FR 2536-2010 G RUO
Infection IIFT HHV-6 EUROPattern 20 x 10 FR 2536-2010 M RUO
Infection EUROArray EUROArray HSV1/2 VZV 05 x 05 MN 2530-0505-1 RUO
Infection EUROArray EUROArray HSV1/2 VZV 08 x 03 MN 2530-0803-1 RUO
Infection EUROArray EUROArray HSV1/2 VZV 10 x 05 MN 2530-1005-1 RUO
Infection EUROArray EUROArray HSV1/2 VZV 20 x 05 MN 2530-2005-1 RUO
Infection ELISA Herpes simplex virus (HSV-1/2 Pool) 96 x 01 EI 2531-9601-1 G RUO
Infection ELISA Herpes simplex virus (HSV-1/2 Pool) incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 2531-9601-1 M RUO
Infection ELISA Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) 96 x 01 EI 2531-9601-2 G RUO
Infection ELISA Herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2) 96 x 01 EI 2532-9601-2 G RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT antibodies against Herpes simplex virus (HSV) IgG positive control 50 x 05 CW 2531-5005 G RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT EUROLINE-WB Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) plus HSV-2 type-specific glycoprotein G1 16 x 01 DY 2531-1601-1 G RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT EUROLINE-WB Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) plus HSV-2 type-specific glycoprotein G0 16 x 01 DY 2531-1601-1 M RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS HSV-1 IgG 100 x 01 IS-ID5601 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS HSV-2 IgG 100 x 01 IS-ID5602 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS HSV 1/2 IgG Control Set 2 concentrations IS-ID5630 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS HSV 1/2 IgM 100 x 01 IS-ID5701 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS HSV 1/2 IgM Control Set 2 concentrations IS-ID5730 RUO
Infection ChLIA Anti-Herpes simplex virus 1 ChLIA (IgG) 100 x 1 LI 2531-10010 G RUO
Infection ChLIA Control set Anti-Herpes simplex virus 1 ChLIA (IgG) 02 x 02 LR 2531-20210 G RUO
Infection PCR EURORealTime HSV-1/2 01 x 25 MP 2530-0125 RUO
Infection PCR EURORealTime HSV-1/2 02 x 25 MP 2530-0225 RUO
Infection PCR EURORealTime HSV-1/2 04 x 25 MP 2530-0425 RUO
Infection IIFT Epstein-Barr virus capsid antigen (EBV-CA) 10 x 05 FI 2791-1005 G RUO
Infection IIFT Epstein-Barr virus capsid antigen (EBV-CA) 10 x 05 FI 2791-1005 M RUO
Infection IIFT Epstein-Barr virus capsid antigen (EBV-CA) 10 x 10 FI 2791-1010 G RUO
Infection IIFT Epstein-Barr virus capsid antigen (EBV-CA) 10 x 10 FI 2791-1010 M RUO
Infection IIFT Epstein-Barr virus capsid antigen (EBV-CA) 20 x 05 FI 2791-2005 M RUO
Infection IIFT Epstein-Barr virus capsid antigen (EBV-CA) 20 x 10 FI 2791-2010 G RUO
Infection IIFT Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen (EBNA, complement-fixing antibodies) 10 x 10 FI 2793-1010 C RUO
Infection IIFT Epstein-Barr virus early antigen (EBV-EA) 10 x 05 FI 2795-1005 G RUO
Infection IIFT Epstein-Barr virus early antigen (EBV-EA) 10 x 10 FI 2795-1010 G RUO
Infection IIFT BIOCHIP Sequence EBV fields A and B: EBV-CA (IgG) field C: EBV-CA (IgM) field D: EBV-EA field E: EBNA 10 x 01 FI 2799-1001-1 X RUO
Infection IIFT BIOCHIP Sequence EBV fields A and B: EBV-CA (IgG) field C: EBV-CA (IgM) field D: EBV-EA field E: EBNA 10 x 02 FI 2799-1002-1 X RUO
Infection IIFT BIOCHIP Sequence EBV fields A and B: EBV-CA (IgG) field C: EBV-CA (IgM) field D: EBV-EA field E: EBNA 20 x 01 FI 2799-2001-1 X RUO
Infection IIFT BIOCHIP Sequence EBV fields A and B: EBV-CA (IgG) field C: EBV-CA (IgM) field D: EBV-EA field E: EBNA 20 x 02 FI 2799-2002-1 X RUO
Infection IIFT EUROPLUS BIOCHIP Sequence EBV field A: EBV-CA (IgG), gp125 ag, p19 ag field B: EBV-CA (IgG) field C: EBV-CA (IgM), gp125 ag, p19 ag field D: EBV-EA field E: EBNA 10 x 01 FI 2799-1001-21 X RUO
Infection IIFT EUROPLUS BIOCHIP Sequence EBV field A: EBV-CA (IgG), gp125 ag, p19 ag field B: EBV-CA (IgG) field C: EBV-CA (IgM), gp125 ag, p19 ag field D: EBV-EA field E: EBNA 10 x 02 FI 2799-1002-21 X RUO
Infection IIFT EUROPLUS BIOCHIP Sequence EBV field A: EBV-CA (IgG), gp125 ag, p19 ag field B: EBV-CA (IgG) field C: EBV-CA (IgM), gp125 ag, p19 ag field D: EBV-EA field E: EBNA 20 x 01 FI 2799-2001-21 X RUO
Infection IIFT EUROPLUS BIOCHIP Sequence EBV field A: EBV-CA (IgG), gp125 ag, p19 ag field B: EBV-CA (IgG) field C: EBV-CA (IgM), gp125 ag, p19 ag field D: EBV-EA field E: EBNA 20 x 02 FI 2799-2002-21 X RUO
Infection IIFT Epstein-Barr virus capsid antigen (EBV-CA) EUROPattern 10 x 05 FR 2791-1005 G RUO
Infection IIFT Epstein-Barr virus capsid antigen (EBV-CA) EUROPattern 10 x 10 FR 2791-1010 G RUO
Infection IIFT Epstein-Barr virus capsid antigen (EBV-CA) EUROPattern 20 x 10 FR 2791-2010 G RUO
Infection IIFT Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen (EBNA) EUROPattern 10 x 10 FR 2793-1010 C RUO
Infection IIFT Epstein-Barr virus early antigen (EBV-EA) EUROPattern 10 x 05 FR 2795-1005 G RUO
Infection IIFT Epstein-Barr virus early antigen (EBV-EA) EUROPattern 10 x 10 FR 2795-1010 G RUO
Infection ELISA Epstein-Barr virus capsid antigen (EBV-CA) 96 x 01 EI 2791-9601 A RUO
Infection ELISA Epstein-Barr virus capsid antigen (EBV-CA) 96 x 01 EI 2791-9601 G RUO
Infection ELISA Epstein-Barr virus capsid antigen (EBV-CA) incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 2791-9601 M RUO
Infection ELISA Epstein-Barr virus capsid antigen (EBV-CA) avidity determination 96 x 01 EI 2791-9601-1 G RUO
Infection ELISA Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen (EBNA-1) 96 x 01 EI 2793-9601 G RUO
Infection ELISA Epstein-Barr virus early antigen (EBV-EA) 96 x 01 EI 2795-9601 A RUO
Infection ELISA Epstein-Barr virus early antigen (EBV-EA) 96 x 01 EI 2795-9601 G RUO
Infection ELISA Epstein-Barr virus early antigen (EBV-EA) incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 2795-9601 M RUO
Infection EUROLINE positive control serum: IgG, human, 50x concentrated for EBV-Profil 2 G 05 x 07 CL 2790-0507-12 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE positive control serum: IgM, human, 50x concentrated for EBV-Profil 2 M 05 x 07 CL 2790-0507-12 M RUO
Infection EUROLINE EBV Profile 2 (VCA gp125, VCA p19, EBNA-1, p22, EA-D separately) 05 x 10 DN 2790-0510-2 M RUO
Infection EUROLINE EBV Profile 2 (VCA gp125, VCA p19, EBNA-1, p22, EA-D separately) 16 x 01 DN 2790-1601-2 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE EBV Profile 2 (VCA gp125, VCA p19, EBNA-1, p22, EA-D separately) 16 x 01 DN 2790-1601-2 M RUO
Infection EUROLINE EBV Profile 2 (VCA gp125, VCA p19, EBNA-1, p22, EA-D separately) 50 x 01 DN 2790-5001-2 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE EBV Profile 2 (VCA gp125, VCA p19, EBNA-1, p22, EA-D separately) 64 x 01 DN 2790-6401-2 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE EBV Profile 2 (VCA gp125, VCA p19, EBNA-1, p22, EA-D separately) 64 x 01 DN 2790-6401-2 M RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS EBV VCA IgG 100 x 01 IS-ID5801 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS EBV VCA IgM 100 x 01 IS-ID5802 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS EBV EBNA-1 IgG 100 x 01 IS-ID5803 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS EBV EA IgG 50 x 01 IS-ID5804 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS EBV Control Set 2 concentrations IS-ID5830 RUO
Infection ChLIA Anti-EBV-CA ChLIA (IgG) 100 x 1 LI 2791-10010 G RUO
Infection ChLIA Anti-EBV-CA ChLIA (IgM) 100 x 1 LI 2791-10010 M RUO
Infection ChLIA Anti-EBNA-1 ChLIA (IgG) 100 x 1 LI 2793-10010 G RUO
Infection ChLIA Control set Anti-EBV-CA ChLIA (IgG) 02 x 02 LR 2791-20210 G RUO
Infection ChLIA Control set Anti-EBV-CA ChLIA (IgM) 02 x 02 LR 2791-20210 M RUO
Infection ChLIA Control set Anti-EBNA-1 ChLIA (IgG) 02 x 02 LR 2793-20210 G RUO
Infection ELISA Cytomegalovirus (CMV) 96 x 01 EI 2570-9601 G RUO
Infection ELISA Cytomegalovirus (CMV) incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 2570-9601 M RUO
Infection ELISA Cytomegalovirus (CMV) avidity determination 96 x 01 EI 2570-9601-1 G RUO
Infection ELISA Cytomegalovirus (CMV) p52 incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 2570-9601-2 M RUO
Infection ELISA Cytomegalovirus (CMV) gB 96 x 01 EI 2570-9601-3 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE positive control serum: IgG, human, 50x concentrated for CMV 05 x 07 CL 2570-0507 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE positive control serum: IgM, human, 50x concentrated for CMV 05 x 07 CL 2570-0507 M RUO
Infection EUROLINE EUROLINE Cytomegalovirus (CMV) (gpB, p150, p65, p52, CMV lysate separately) 16 x 01 DN 2570-1601 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE EUROLINE Cytomegalovirus (CMV) (gpB, p150, p65, p52, CMV lysate separately) 50 x 01 DN 2570-5001 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE EUROLINE Cytomegalovirus (CMV) (gpB, p150, p65, p52, CMV lysate separately) 64 x 01 DN 2570-6401 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE EUROLINE Cytomegalovirus (CMV) ( p150, p65, p52, CMV lysate separately) 16 x 01 DN 2570-1601 M RUO
Infection EUROLINE EUROLINE Cytomegalovirus (CMV) ( p150, p65, p52, CMV lysate separately) 50 x 01 DN 2570-5001 M RUO
Infection EUROLINE EUROLINE Cytomegalovirus (CMV) ( p150, p65, p52, CMV lysate separately) 64 x 01 DN 2570-6401 M RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS CMV IgG 100 x 01 IS-ID5401 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS CMV IgM 100 x 01 IS-ID5402 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS CMV Control Set 2 concentrations IS-ID5430 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS CMV IgG Avidity 50 x 01 IS-ID5501 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS CMV Avidity Control Set 2 concentrations IS-ID5530 RUO
Infection ChLIA Anti-Herpes simplex virus 2 ChLIA (IgG) 100 x 1 LI 2532-10010 G RUO
Infection ChLIA Control set Anti-Herpes simplex virus 2 ChLIA (IgG) 02 x 02 LR 2532-20210 G RUO
Infection IIFT Varicella zoster virus 10 x 05 FI 2650-1005 G RUO
Infection IIFT Varicella zoster virus (VZV) 10 x 05 FI 2650-1005 M RUO
Infection IIFT Varicella zoster virus (VZV) 10 x 10 FI 2650-1010 G RUO
Infection IIFT Varicella zoster virus (VZV) 10 x 10 FI 2650-1010 M RUO
Infection ELISA Varicella zoster virus (VZV) 96 x 01 EI 2650-9601 A RUO
Infection ELISA Varicella zoster virus (VZV) 96 x 01 EI 2650-9601 G RUO
Infection ELISA Varicella zoster virus (VZV) incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 2650-9601 M RUO
Infection ELISA Varicella zoster virus (VZV) avidity determination 96 x 01 EI 2650-9601-1 G RUO
Infection ELISA Varicella zoster virus (VZV) glycoprotein incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 2650-9601-2 M RUO
Infection ELISA Varicella zoster virus (VZV) antibody determination in CSF 96 x 01 EI 2650-9601-L A RUO
Infection ELISA Varicella zoster virus (VZV) antibody determination in CSF 96 x 01 EI 2650-9601-L G RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS VZV IgG 50 x 01 IS-ID5903 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS VZV IgM 50 x 01 IS-ID6003 RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray Haemochromatosis (4 SNP+) Direct 05 x 05 MN 5520-0505-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray Haemochromatosis (4 SNP+) Direct 08 x 03 MN 5520-0803-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray Haemochromatosis (4 SNP+) Direct 10 x 05 MN 5520-1005-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray Haemochromatosis (4 SNP+) Direct 20 x 05 MN 5520-2005-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray Haemochromatosis (2 SNP+) Direct 05 x 05 MN 5521-0505-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray Haemochromatosis (2 SNP+) Direct 08 x 03 MN 5521-0803-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray Haemochromatosis (2 SNP+) Direct 10 x 05 MN 5521-1005-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray Haemochromatosis (2 SNP+) Direct 20 x 05 MN 5521-2005-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray HLA-B27 Direct 05 x 05 MN 5110-0505-V RUO
Autoimmune EUROArray EUROArray HLA-B27 Direct 08 x 03 MN 5110-0803-V RUO
Autoimmune EUROArray EUROArray HLA-B27 Direct 10 x 05 MN 5110-1005-V RUO
Autoimmune EUROArray EUROArray HLA-B27 Direct 20 x 05 MN 5110-2005-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray HLA-B57:01 Direct 05 x 05 MN 5210-0505-V RUO
Autoimmune EUROArray EUROArray HLA-B57:01 Direct 08 x 03 MN 5210-0803-V RUO
Autoimmune EUROArray EUROArray HLA-B57:01 Direct 10 x 05 MN 5210-1005-V RUO
Autoimmune EUROArray EUROArray HLA-B57:01 Direct 20 x 05 MN 5210-2005-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray HLA-Cw6 Direct 05 x 05 MN 5410-0505-V RUO
Autoimmune EUROArray EUROArray HLA-Cw6 Direct 08 x 03 MN 5410-0803-V RUO
Autoimmune EUROArray EUROArray HLA-Cw6 Direct 10 x 05 MN 5410-1005-V RUO
Autoimmune EUROArray EUROArray HLA-Cw6 Direct 20 x 05 MN 5410-2005-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray HLA-DQ2/DQ8-h Direct 05 x 05 MN 5320-0505-V RUO
Autoimmune EUROArray EUROArray HLA-DQ2/DQ8-h Direct 08 x 03 MN 5320-0803-V RUO
Autoimmune EUROArray EUROArray HLA-DQ2/DQ8-h Direct 10 x 05 MN 5320-1005-V RUO
Autoimmune EUROArray EUROArray HLA-DQ2/DQ8-h Direct 20 x 05 MN 5320-2005-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray HLA-DQ2/DQ8 Direct 05 x 05 MN 5321-0505-V RUO
Autoimmune EUROArray EUROArray HLA-DQ2/DQ8 Direct 08 x 03 MN 5321-0803-V RUO
Autoimmune EUROArray EUROArray HLA-DQ2/DQ8 Direct 10 x 05 MN 5321-1005-V RUO
Autoimmune EUROArray EUROArray HLA-DQ2/DQ8 Direct 20 x 05 MN 5321-2005-V RUO
Infection EUROArray EUROArray HPV 05 x 05 MN 2540-0505 RUO
Infection EUROArray EUROArray HPV 08 x 03 MN 2540-0803 RUO
Infection EUROArray EUROArray HPV 10 x 05 MN 2540-1005 RUO
Infection EUROArray EUROArray HPV 20 x 05 MN 2540-2005 RUO
Infection EUROArray GynTect® 01 x 06 MN 254a-0106 RUO
Infection EUROArray GynTect® 01 x 10 MN 254a-0110 RUO
Infection IIFT Chlamydia pneumoniae 10 x 05 FI 2192-1005-80 A RUO
Infection IIFT Chlamydia pneumoniae 10 x 05 FI 2192-1005-80 G RUO
Infection IIFT Chlamydia pneumoniae 10 x 05 FI 2192-1005-80 M RUO
Infection IIFT Bartonella henselae 10 x 05 FI 219b-1005 G RUO
Infection IIFT Bartonella henselae 10 x 10 FI 219b-1010 G RUO
Infection IIFT Bartonella henselae 10 x 05 FI 219b-1005 M RUO
Infection IIFT Bartonella henselae 10 x 10 FI 219b-1010 M RUO
Infection IIFT Bartonella henselae Bartonella quintana 10 x 05 FI 219b-1005-1 G RUO
Infection IIFT Bartonella henselae Bartonella quintana 10 x 10 FI 219b-1010-1 G RUO
Infection IIFT Bartonella henselae 10 x 05 FI 219b-1005-1 M RUO
Infection IIFT Bartonella henselae Bartonella quintana 10 x 10 FI 219b-1010-1 M RUO
Infection IIFT Mosaic Coxsackie virus types A7, A9, A16, A24, B1, B2, B3, B4, B3 10 x 05 FI 2730-1005-1 G IVD
Infection IIFT Mosaic Coxsackie virus types A7, A9, A16, A24, B1, B2, B3, B4, B4 10 x 05 FI 2730-1005-1 M RUO
Infection IIFT Mosaic Coxsackie virus A types types A7, A9, A16, A19 10 x 05 FI 2730-1005-2 G IVD
Infection IIFT Mosaic Coxsackie virus A types types A7, A9, A16, A20 10 x 05 FI 2730-1005-2 M RUO
Infection IIFT Mosaic Coxsackie virus A types types A7, A9, A16, A21 20 x 05 FI 2730-2005-2 G IVD
Infection IIFT Mosaic Coxsackie virus A types types A7, A9, A16, A22 20 x 05 FI 2730-2005-2 M RUO
Infection IIFT Mosaic Coxsackie virus A types types A7, A9, A16, A23 20 x 10 FI 2730-2010-2 G IVD
Infection IIFT Mosaic Coxsackie virus A types types A7, A9, A16, A24 20 x 10 FI 2730-2010-2 M RUO
Infection IIFT Mosaic Coxsackie virus B types types B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B3 10 x 05 FI 2730-1005-3 G IVD
Infection IIFT Mosaic Coxsackie virus B types types B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B4 10 x 05 FI 2730-1005-3 M RUO
Infection IIFT Mosaic Coxsackie virus B types types B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B5 20 x 05 FI 2730-2005-3 G IVD
Infection IIFT Mosaic Coxsackie virus B types types B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6 20 x 05 FI 2730-2005-3 M RUO
Infection IIFT Coxsackie virus type A7 Coxsackie virus type B1 10 x 05 FI 2730-1005-4 A RUO
Infection IIFT Coxsackie virus type A7 Coxsackie virus type B0 10 x 05 FI 2730-1005-4 G IVD
Infection IIFT Chlamydia pneumoniae EUROPattern 10 x 05 FR 2192-1005-80 A RUO
Infection IIFT Chlamydia pneumoniae EUROPattern 10 x 05 FR 2192-1005-80 G RUO
Infection IIFT Chlamydia pneumoniae EUROPattern 10 x 05 FR 2192-1005-80 M RUO
Infection IIFT Bartonella henselae EUROPattern Bartonella quintana EUROPattern 10 x 05 FR 219b-1005-1 G RUO
Infection IIFT Bartonella henselae EUROPattern Bartonella quintana EUROPattern 10 x 10 FR 219b-1010-1 G RUO
Infection IIFT Bartonella henselae EUROPattern Bartonella quintana EUROPattern 20 x 10 FR 219b-2010-1 M RUO
Infection IIFT Coxsackie virus screen (types A) EUROPattern types A7, A9, A16, A24 20 x 10 FR 2730-2010-2 G RUO
Infection IIFT Coxsackie virus screen (types A) EUROPattern types A7, A9, A16, A24 20 x 10 FR 2730-2010-2 M RUO
Infection IIFT Coxsackie virus screen (types B) EUROPattern types B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6 20 x 10 FR 2730-2010-3 G RUO
Infection IIFT Coxsackie virus screen (types B) EUROPattern types B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6 20 x 10 FR 2730-2010-3 M RUO
Infection ELISA Brucella abortus 96 x 01 EI 2189-9601 G IVD
Infection ELISA Brucella abortus incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 2189-9601 M RUO
Infection ELISA Chlamydia pneumoniae 96 x 01 EI 2192-9601 A RUO
Infection ELISA Chlamydia pneumoniae 96 x 01 EI 2192-9601 G RUO
Infection ELISA Chlamydia pneumoniae incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 2192-9601 M RUO
Infection ELISA Enterovirus 96 x 01 EI 2730-9601-1 A RUO
Infection ELISA Enterovirus 96 x 01 EI 2730-9601-1 G RUO
Infection ELISA Enterovirus incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 2730-9601-1 M RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT negative control for infectious serology blot systems (IgA) 00 x 05 CW 2000-0005 ZA RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT negative control for infectious serology blot systems (IgG) 00 x 05 CW 2000-0005 ZG RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT negative control for infectious serology blot systems (IgM) 00 x 05 CW 2000-0005 ZM RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT EUROLINE-WB Chlamydia, human pathogen 01 x 48 DY 2190-0148-1 A RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT EUROLINE-WB Chlamydia, human pathogen 16 x 01 DY 2190-1601-1 A RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT EUROLINE-WB Chlamydia, human pathogen 16 x 01 DY 2190-1601-1 G RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT EUROLINE-WB Chlamydia, human pathogen 48 x 01 DY 2190-4801-1 G RUO
Infection PCR EURORealTime C. auris ECH-R 1 x 100 MP 2866-0100 RUO
Infection PCR EURORealTime C. auris ECH-R 01 x 25 MP 2866-0125* RUO
Infection EUROArray EUROArray PneuVir 05 x 05 MN 2821-0505-1 RUO
Infection EUROArray EUROArray PneuVir 08 x 03 MN 2821-0803-1 RUO
Infection EUROArray EUROArray PneuVir 10 x 05 MN 2821-1005-1 RUO
Infection EUROArray EUROArray PneuVir 20 x 05 MN 2821-2005-1 RUO
Infection IIFT Leishmania donovani (promastigote) 10 x 05 FI 2231-1005 G RUO
Infection IIFT Leishmania donovani (promastigote) 10 x 05 FI 2231-1005 M RUO
Infection IIFT Leishmania donovani (promastigote) 10 x 10 FI 2231-1010 G RUO
Infection IIFT Leishmania donovani (promastigote) 10 x 10 FI 2231-1010 M RUO
Infection ELISA Trypanosoma cruzi 96 x 01 EI 2212-9601 G RUO
Infection ELISA Plasmodium 96 x 01 EI 2260-9601 G RUO
Infection ELISA Toxocara 96 x 01 EI 2311-9601 G IVD
Infection ELISA Echinococcus 96 x 01 EI 2320-9601-1 G IVD
Infection WESTERNBLOT antibodies against Echinococcus IgG positive control 50 x 05 CW 2321-5005 G RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT Toxocara 16 x 01 DY 2311-1601 G RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT EUROLINE-WB Echinococcus 16 x 01 DY 2321-1601-1 G IVD
Infection WESTERNBLOT EUROLINE-WB Echinococcus 16 x 01 DY 2321-1601-2 G RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT EUROLINE-WB Echinococcus 48 x 01 DY 2321-4801-2 G RUO
Infection IIFT Toxoplasma gondii EUROPattern 10 x 05 FI 2410-1005 G RUO
Infection IIFT Toxoplasma gondii EUROPattern 10 x 05 FI 2410-1005 M RUO
Infection IIFT Toxoplasma gondii EUROPattern 10 x 10 FI 2410-1010 G RUO
Infection IIFT Toxoplasma gondii EUROPattern 10 x 10 FI 2410-1010 M RUO
Infection IIFT Toxoplasma gondii EUROPattern 20 x 05 FR 2410-2005 G RUO
Infection IIFT Toxoplasma gondii EUROPattern 20 x 05 FR 2410-2005 M RUO
Infection IIFT Toxoplasma gondii EUROPattern 20 x 10 FR 2410-2010 G RUO
Infection IIFT Toxoplasma gondii EUROPattern 20 x 10 FR 2410-2010 M RUO
Infection ELISA Toxoplasma gondii 96 x 01 EI 2410-9601 A RUO
Infection ELISA Toxoplasma gondii 96 x 01 EI 2410-9601 G RUO
Infection ELISA Toxoplasma gondii incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 2410-9601 M RUO
Infection ELISA Toxoplasma gondii Screen 96 x 01 EI 2410-9601 P RUO
Infection ELISA Toxoplasma gondii avidity determination 96 x 01 EI 2410-9601-1 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE positive control serum: IgG, human, 50x concentrated for TO.R.C.H. Profile 05 x 07 CL 2410-0507-4 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE positive control serum: IgM, human, 50x concentrated for TO.R.C.H. Profile 05 x 07 CL 2410-0507-4 M RUO
Infection EUROLINE "TO.R.C.H. 10" (Toxoplasma gondii, Rubella virus, CMV, HSV-1, HSV-2, Bordetella pertussis, Chlamydia trachomatis, Parvovirus B19, Treponema pallidum, VZV separately) 16 x 01 DN 2410-1601-11 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE "TO.R.C.H. 10" (Toxoplasma gondii, Rubella virus, CMV, HSV-1, HSV-2, Bordetella pertussis, Chlamydia trachomatis, Parvovirus B19, Treponema pallidum, VZV separately) 50 x 01 DN 2410-5001-11 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE "TO.R.C.H. 10" (Toxoplasma gondii, Rubella virus, CMV, HSV-1, HSV-2, Bordetella pertussis, Chlamydia trachomatis, Parvovirus B19, Treponema pallidum, VZV separately) 64 x 01 DN 2410-6401-11 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE "TO.R.C.H. Profile" (Toxoplasma gondii, Rubella virus, CMV, HSV-1, HSV-2 separately) 16 x 01 DN 2410-1601-4 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE "TO.R.C.H. Profile" (Toxoplasma gondii, Rubella virus, CMV, HSV-1, HSV-2 separately) 50 x 01 DN 2410-5001-4 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE "TO.R.C.H. Profile" (Toxoplasma gondii, Rubella virus, CMV, HSV-1, HSV-2 separately) 64 x 01 DN 2410-6401-4 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE "TO.R.C.H. Profile" (Toxoplasma gondii, ROP1, Rubella virus, CMV, HSV-1, HSV-2 separately) 16 x 01 DN 2410-1601-4 M RUO
Infection EUROLINE "TO.R.C.H. Profile" (Toxoplasma gondii, ROP1, Rubella virus, CMV, HSV-1, HSV-2 separately) 50 x 01 DN 2410-5001-4 M RUO
Infection EUROLINE "TO.R.C.H. Profile" (Toxoplasma gondii, ROP1, Rubella virus, CMV, HSV-1, HSV-2 separately) 64 x 01 DN 2410-6401-4 M RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS TOXO IgG 100 x 01 IS-ID5001 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS TOXO IgM 100 x 01 IS-ID5002 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS TOXO Control Set 2 concentrations IS-ID5030 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS TOXO IgG Avidity 50 x 01 IS-ID5101 RUO
Infection ELISA Parvovirus 96 x 01 EI 2580-9601 G RUO
Infection ELISA Parvovirus B19 incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 2580-9601 M RUO
Infection EUROLINE positive control serum: IgG, human, 50x concentrated for parvovirus 05 x 07 CL 2580-0507 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE positive control serum: IgM, human, 50x concentrated for parvovirus 05 x 07 CL 2580-0507 M RUO
Infection EUROLINE Parvovirus B19 (VP1, VLP, VP2, NS1 separately) 16 x 01 DN 2580-1601 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE Parvovirus B19 (VP1, VLP, VP2, NS1 separately) 16 x 01 DN 2580-1601 M RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS Parvovirus B19 IgG 50 x 01 IS-ID6301 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS Parvovirus B19 IgM 50 x 01 IS-ID6302 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS Parvovirus B19 Control Set 2 concentrations IS-ID6330 RUO
Infection IIFT Treponema pallidum (FTA-ABS) 10 x 05 FI 2111-1005 G RUO
Infection IIFT Treponema pallidum (FTA-ABS) 10 x 05 FI 2111-1005 M RUO
Infection IIFT Treponema pallidum (FTA-ABS) 10 x 10 FI 2111-1010 G RUO
Infection IIFT Treponema pallidum (FTA-ABS) 10 x 10 FI 2111-1010 M RUO
Infection IIFT Treponema pallidum (FTA-ABS) 10 x 05 FI 2112-1005 G RUO
Infection IIFT Treponema pallidum (FTA-ABS) 10 x 05 FI 2112-1005 M RUO
Infection IIFT Treponema pallidum (FTA-ABS) 10 x 10 FI 2112-1010 G RUO
Infection IIFT Treponema pallidum (FTA-ABS) 10 x 10 FI 2112-1010 M RUO
Infection IIFT Anti-Chlamydia MIF Chlamydia trachomatis Chlamydia pneumoniae Chlamydia psittaci 10 x 05 FI 2191-1005-3 A RUO
Infection IIFT Anti-Chlamydia MIF Chlamydia trachomatis Chlamydia pneumoniae Chlamydia psittaci 10 x 05 FI 2191-1005-3 G RUO
Infection IIFT Anti-Chlamydia MIF Chlamydia trachomatis Chlamydia pneumoniae Chlamydia psittaci 10 x 05 FI 2191-1005-3 M RUO
Infection IIFT Anti-Chlamydia MIF Chlamydia trachomatis Chlamydia pneumoniae Chlamydia psittaci 10 x 10 FI 2191-1010-3 A RUO
Infection IIFT Anti-Chlamydia MIF Chlamydia trachomatis Chlamydia pneumoniae Chlamydia psittaci 10 x 10 FI 2191-1010-3 G RUO
Infection IIFT Anti-Chlamydia MIF Chlamydia trachomatis Chlamydia pneumoniae Chlamydia psittaci 10 x 10 FI 2191-1010-3 M RUO
Infection IIFT Chlamydia trachomatis 10 x 05 FI 2191-1005-80 A RUO
Infection IIFT Chlamydia trachomatis 10 x 05 FI 2191-1005-80 G RUO
Infection IIFT Chlamydia trachomatis 10 x 05 FI 2191-1005-80 M RUO
Infection IIFT Anti-Chlamydia MIF EUROPattern Chlamydia trachomatis Chlamydia pneumoniae Chlamydia psittaci 10 x 05 FR 2191-1005-3 A RUO
Infection IIFT Anti-Chlamydia MIF EUROPattern Chlamydia trachomatis Chlamydia pneumoniae Chlamydia psittaci 10 x 05 FR 2191-1005-3 G RUO
Infection IIFT Anti-Chlamydia MIF EUROPattern Chlamydia trachomatis Chlamydia pneumoniae Chlamydia psittaci 10 x 05 FR 2191-1005-3 M RUO
Infection IIFT Anti-Chlamydia MIF EUROPattern Chlamydia trachomatis Chlamydia pneumoniae Chlamydia psittaci 10 x 10 FR 2191-1010-3 A RUO
Infection IIFT Anti-Chlamydia MIF EUROPattern Chlamydia trachomatis Chlamydia pneumoniae Chlamydia psittaci 10 x 10 FR 2191-1010-3 G RUO
Infection IIFT Anti-Chlamydia MIF EUROPattern Chlamydia trachomatis Chlamydia pneumoniae Chlamydia psittaci 10 x 10 FR 2191-1010-3 M RUO
Infection ELISA Treponema pallidum incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 2111-9601 G RUO
Infection ELISA Treponema pallidum incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 2111-9601 M RUO
Infection ELISA Treponema pallidum Screen ELISA 96 x 01 EI 2111-9601 O RUO
Infection ELISA Chlamydia trachomatis 96 x 01 EI 2191-9601 A RUO
Infection ELISA Chlamydia trachomatis 96 x 01 EI 2191-9601 G RUO
Infection ELISA Chlamydia trachomatis 96 x 01 EI 2191-9601 M RUO
Infection EUROLINE positive control serum: IgG, human, 50x concentrated for Treponema pallidum 05 x 07 CL 2111-0507 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE positive control serum: IgM, human, 50x concentrated for Treponema pallidum 05 x 07 CL 2111-0507 M RUO
Infection EUROLINE Treponema pallidum (TpN15, TpN17, TmpA, TpN47 separately) 16 x 01 DN 2111-1601 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE Treponema pallidum (TpN15, TpN17, TmpA, TpN47 separately) 16 x 01 DN 2111-1601 M RUO
Infection EUROLINE Treponema pallidum (TpN15, TpN17, TmpA, TpN47 separately) 64 x 01 DN 2111-6401 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE Treponema pallidum (TpN15, TpN17, TmpA, TpN47 separately) 64 x 01 DN 2111-6401 M RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT antibodies against Treponema pallidum IgG positive control 50 x 05 CW 2111-5005 G RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT antibodies against Treponema pallidum IgM positive control 50 x 05 CW 2111-5005 M RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT Treponema pallidum 16 x 01 DY 2111-1601 G RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT Treponema pallidum 16 x 01 DY 2111-1601 M RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT Treponema pallidum 24 x 01 DY 2111-2401 G RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT Treponema pallidum 24 x 01 DY 2111-2401 M RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT EUROLINE-WB Treponema pallidum plus cardiolipin 16 x 01 DY 2111-1601-1 G RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT EUROLINE-WB Treponema pallidum plus cardiolipin 16 x 01 DY 2111-1601-1 M RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT EUROLINE-WB Treponema pallidum plus cardiolipin 24 x 01 DY 2111-2401-1 G RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT EUROLINE-WB Treponema pallidum plus cardiolipin 24 x 01 DY 2111-2401-1 M RUO
Infection ELISA Rubella virus 96 x 01 EI 2590-9601 G RUO
Infection ELISA Rubella virus avidity determination 96 x 01 EI 2590-9601-1 G RUO
Infection ELISA Rubella virus glycoprotein incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 2590-9601-2 M RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT Rubella virus 24 x 01 DY 2590-2401 G RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT Rubella virus 48 x 01 DY 2590-4801 G RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS TOXO Avidity Control Set 2 concentrations IS-ID5130 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS Rubella IgG 100 x 01 IS-ID5201 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS Rubella IgM 100 x 01 IS-ID5202 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS Rubella Control Set 2 concentrations IS-ID5230 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS Rubella IgG Avidity 50 x 01 IS-ID5301 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS Rubella Avidity Control Set 2 concentrations IS-ID5330 RUO
Infection IIFT Legionella Mosaic 8 Legionella pneumophila mixture 5 Legionella longbeachae 10 x 05 FI 2150-1005-8 P RUO
Infection IIFT Legionella pneumophila 10 x 05 FI 2151-1005 P RUO
Infection IIFT Legionella pneumophila serotype 1 10 x 10 FI 2151-1010 P RUO
Infection IIFT Legionella pneumophila mixture 5 (serotype 1 - 7) 10 x 05 FI 215k-1005-1 P RUO
Infection IIFT Legionella pneumophila mixture 5 (serotype 1 - 7) 10 x 10 FI 215k-1010-1 P RUO
Infection ELISA Legionella pneumophila 96 x 01 EI 2150-9601 G IVD
Infection ELISA Legionella pneumophila incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 2150-9601 M RUO
Infection ELISA Mycoplasma pneumoniae 96 x 01 EI 2202-9601 A RUO
Infection ELISA Mycoplasma pneumoniae 96 x 01 EI 2202-9601 G IVD
Infection ELISA Mycoplasma pneumoniae incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 2202-9601 M RUO
Infection ELISA Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) 96 x 01 EI 2670-9601 A RUO
Infection ELISA Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) 96 x 01 EI 2670-9601 G IVD
Infection ELISA Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 2670-9601 M RUO
Infection ELISA Parainfluenza virus types 1 - 4 (Pool) 96 x 01 EI 2721-9601-1 A RUO
Infection ELISA Parainfluenza virus types 1 - 4 (Pool) 96 x 01 EI 2721-9601-1 G IVD
Infection PCR EURORealTime MTB 01 x 25 MP 2145-0125 RUO
Infection PCR EURORealTime MTB 02 x 25 MP 2145-0225 RUO
Infection PCR EURORealTime MTB 04 x 25 MP 2145-0425 RUO
Infection ELISA Bordetella pertussis toxin 96 x 01 EI 2050-9601 A RUO
Infection ELISA Bordetella pertussis toxin 96 x 01 EI 2050-9601 G RUO
Infection ELISA Bordetella pertussis incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 2050-9601 M RUO
Infection ELISA Bordetella FHA 96 x 01 EI 2050-9601-3 A RUO
Infection ELISA Bordetella FHA 96 x 01 EI 2050-9601-3 G RUO
Infection ELISA Influenza virus type A 96 x 01 EI 2691-9601 A RUO
Infection ELISA Influenza virus type A 96 x 01 EI 2691-9601 G IVD
Infection ELISA Influenza virus type B 96 x 01 EI 2692-9601 A RUO
Infection ELISA Influenza virus type B 96 x 01 EI 2692-9601 G IVD
Infection EUROLINE positive control serum: IgA, human, 50x concentrated for Bordetella pertussis 05 x 07 CL 2050-0507 A RUO
Infection EUROLINE positive control serum: IgG, human, 50x concentrated for Bordetella pertussis 05 x 07 CL 2050-0507 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE Bordetella pertussis (FHA, PT, ACT separately) 16 x 01 DN 2050-1601 A RUO
Infection EUROLINE Bordetella pertussis (FHA, PT, ACT separately) 16 x 01 DN 2050-1601 G IVD
Infection EUROLINE Bordetella pertussis (FHA, PT, ACT separately) 240 x 01 DN 2050-24001 A RUO
Infection EUROLINE Bordetella pertussis (FHA, PT, ACT separately) 240 x 01 DN 2050-24001 G IVD
Infection IIFT Mycoplasma hominis Ureaplasma urealyticum 10 x 05 FI 2201-1005-1 G RUO
Infection IIFT Mycoplasma hominis Ureaplasma urealyticum 10 x 05 FI 2201-1005-1 M RUO
Infection IIFT Mycoplasma hominis Ureaplasma urealyticum 10 x 10 FI 2201-1010-1 G RUO
Infection IIFT Mycoplasma hominis Ureaplasma urealyticum 10 x 10 FI 2201-1010-1 M RUO
Infection IIFT Mycoplasma hominis EUROPattern Ureaplasma urealyticum EUROPattern 10 x 05 FR 2201-1005-1 G RUO
Infection IIFT Mycoplasma hominis EUROPattern Ureaplasma urealyticum EUROPattern 10 x 10 FR 2201-1010-1 G RUO
Infection IIFT EUROPLUS Borrelia afzelii Borrelia burgdorferi (USA) OspC antigen VlsE antigen 10 x 05 FI 2136-1005-1 G RUO
Infection IIFT EUROPLUS Borrelia afzelii Borrelia burgdorferi (USA) OspC antigen VlsE antigen 10 x 05 FI 2136-1005-1 M RUO
Infection IIFT EUROPLUS Borrelia afzelii Borrelia burgdorferi (USA) OspC antigen VlsE antigen 10 x 10 FI 2136-1010-1 G RUO
Infection IIFT EUROPLUS Borrelia afzelii Borrelia burgdorferi (USA) OspC antigen VlsE antigen 10 x 10 FI 2136-1010-1 M RUO
Infection ELISA Borrelia incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 2132-9601 M RUO
Infection ELISA Borrelia plus VlsE 96 x 01 EI 2132-9601-2 G RUO
Infection ELISA Lyme ELISA 96 x 01 EI 2132-9601-24 O IVD
Infection ELISA Borrelia Select: recombinant antigens with VlsE 96 x 01 EI 2132-9601-5 G RUO
Infection ELISA Borrelia Select: recombinant antigens with OspC advanced 96 x 01 EI 2132-9601-5 M RUO
Infection ELISA Coxiella burnetii phase 1 96 x 01 EI 217a-9601-1 G RUO
Infection ELISA Coxiella burnetii phase 2 96 x 01 EI 217a-9601-2 G RUO
Infection ELISA Coxiella burnetii phase 2 96 x 01 EI 217a-9601-2 M RUO
Infection EUROLINE positive control serum: IgG, human, 50x concentrated for Borrelia 05 x 07 CL 2131-0507 G RUO
Infection EUROLINE positive control serum: IgM, human, 50x concentrated for Borrelia 05 x 07 CL 2131-0507 M RUO
Infection EUROLINE EUROLINE Borrelia-RN-AT-adv (OspC-adv Bsp, OspC-adv Bg, OspC-adv Bb, OspC-adv Ba, p39, VlsE Bb separately) 240 x 01 DN 2131-24001-2 M RUO
Infection EUROLINE EUROLINE Borrelia-RN-AT-adv (OspC-adv Bsp, OspC-adv Bg, OspC-adv Bb, OspC-adv Ba, p39, VlsE Bb separately) 32 x 01 DN 2131-3201-2 M RUO
Infection EUROLINE EUROLINE Borrelia-RN-AT-adv (OspC-adv Bsp, OspC-adv Bg, OspC-adv Bb, OspC-adv Ba, p39, VlsE Bb separately) 50 x 01 DN 2131-5001-2 M RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT antibodies against Borrelia afzelii IgG positive control (Westernblot/EUROLINE-WB) 50 x 05 CW 2131-5005 G RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT antibodies against Borrelia afzelii IgM positive control (Westernblot/EUROLINE-WB) 50 x 05 CW 2131-5005 M RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi IgG positive control 50 x 05 CW 2132-5005 G RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi IgM positive control 50 x 05 CW 2132-5005 M RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT antibodies against Borrelia garinii IgG positive control 50 x 05 CW 2134-5005 G RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT antibodies against Borrelia garinii IgM positive control 50 x 05 CW 2134-5005 M RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT EUROLINE-WB Borrelia 16 x 01 DY 2131-1601-1 G RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT EUROLINE-WB Borrelia 16 x 01 DY 2131-1601-1 M RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT EUROLINE-WB Borrelia 240 x 01 DY 2131-24001-1 G RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT EUROLINE-WB Borrelia 240 x 01 DY 2131-24001-1 M RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT EUROLINE-WB Borrelia 30 x 01 DY 2131-3001-1 G RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT EUROLINE-WB Borrelia 30 x 01 DY 2131-3001-1 M RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT EUROLINE-WB Borrelia 48 x 01 DY 2131-4801-1 G RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT EUROLINE-WB Borrelia 48 x 01 DY 2131-4801-1 M RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT Borrelia afzelii 240 x 01 DY 2131-24001 G RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT Borrelia afzelii 240 x 01 DY 2131-24001 M RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT Borrelia afzelii 30 x 01 DY 2131-3001 G RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT Borrelia afzelii 30 x 01 DY 2131-3001 M RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT Borrelia burgdorferi 30 x 01 DY 2132-3001 G RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT Borrelia burgdorferi 30 x 01 DY 2132-3001 M RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT Borrelia garinii 30 x 01 DY 2134-3001 G RUO
Infection WESTERNBLOT Borrelia garinii 30 x 01 DY 2134-3001 M RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS Borrelia Burgdorferi IgG 100 x 01 IS-ID6201 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS Borrelia Burgdorferi IgM 100 x 01 IS-ID6202 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS Borrelia Burgdorferi Control Set 2 concentrations IS-ID6230 RUO
Infection ChLIA Anti-Borrelia ChLIA (IgG)  100 x 1 LI 2132-10010 G RUO
Infection ChLIA Anti-Borrelia ChLIA (IgM)  100 x 1 LI 2132-10010 M RUO
Infection ChLIA Control set Anti-Borrelia ChLIA (IgG)  02 x 02 LR 2132-20210 G RUO
Infection ChLIA Control set Anti-Borrelia ChLIA (IgM)  02 x 02 LR 2132-20210 M RUO
Infection MICROBLOT EUROMicroblot Anti Borrelia (IgG) 96 x 01 KN 2131-9601 G RUO
Infection MICROBLOT EUROMicroblot Anti Borrelia (IgM) 96 x 01 KN 2131-9601 M RUO
Infection ELISA diphtheria toxoid 96 x 01 EI 2040-9601 G RUO
Infection ELISA tetanus toxoid 96 x 01 EI 2060-9601 G RUO
Infection ELISA Measles virus 96 x 01 EI 2610-9601 G IVD
Infection ELISA Measles virus incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 2610-9601 M RUO
Infection ELISA Measles virus avidity determination 96 x 01 EI 2610-9601-1 G RUO
Infection ELISA Measles virus NP: recombinant nucleoprotein incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 2610-9601-4 M RUO
Infection ELISA Mumps virus 96 x 01 EI 2630-9601 G IVD
Infection ELISA Mumps virus 96 x 01 EI 2630-9601 M RUO
Infection ELISA Mumps virus AT: strains "Enders" and "Jeryl Lynn" 96 x 01 EI 2630-9601-3 G IVD
Infection ELISA Mumps virus G5: native antigens, genotype "G5" incl. IgG/RF absorbent 96 x 01 EI 2630-9601-5 M RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS Measles IgG 50 x 01 IS-ID5901 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS Mumps IgG 50 x 01 IS-ID5902 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS MMV IgG Control Set 2 concentrations IS-ID5930 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS Measles IgM 50 x 01 IS-ID6001 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS Mumps IgM 50 x 01 IS-ID6002 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS MMV IgM Control Set 2 concentrations IS-ID6030 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS Tetanus IgG 100 x 01 IS-ID6101 RUO
Infection ChLIA IDS Tetanus IgG Control Set 2 concentrations IS-ID6130 RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray Lactose/Fructose Intolerance Direct 05 x 05 MN 5350-0505-V RUO
Allergy EUROArray EUROArray Lactose/Fructose Intolerance Direct 08 x 03 MN 5350-0803-V RUO
Allergy EUROArray EUROArray Lactose/Fructose Intolerance Direct 10 x 05 MN 5350-1005-V RUO
Allergy EUROArray EUROArray Lactose/Fructose Intolerance Direct 20 x 05 MN 5350-2005-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray Lactose Intolerance Direct 05 x 05 MN 5351-0505-V RUO
Allergy EUROArray EUROArray Lactose Intolerance Direct 08 x 03 MN 5351-0803-V RUO
Allergy EUROArray EUROArray Lactose Intolerance Direct 10 x 05 MN 5351-1005-V RUO
Allergy EUROArray EUROArray Lactose Intolerance Direct 20 x 05 MN 5351-2005-V RUO
Genetics EUROArray EUROArray Fructose Intolerance Direct 05 x 05 MN 5352-0505-V RUO
Allergy EUROArray EUROArray Fructose Intolerance Direct 08 x 03 MN 5352-0803-V RUO
Allergy EUROArray EUROArray Fructose Intolerance Direct 10 x 05 MN 5352-1005-V RUO
Allergy EUROArray EUROArray Fructose Intolerance Direct 20 x 05 MN 5352-2005-V RUO
Infection EUROArray EUROArray STI - 11 05 x 05 MN 2830-0505 RUO
Infection EUROArray EUROArray STI - 11 08 x 03 MN 2830-0803 RUO
Infection EUROArray EUROArray STI - 11 10 x 05 MN 2830-1005 RUO
Infection EUROArray EUROArray STI - 11 20 x 05 MN 2830-2005 RUO
Infection EUROArray EUROArray STI - 7 05 x 05 MN 2830-0505-1 RUO
Infection EUROArray EUROArray STI - 7 08 x 03 MN 2830-0803-1 RUO
Infection EUROArray EUROArray STI - 7 10 x 05 MN 2830-1005-1 RUO
Infection EUROArray EUROArray STI - 7 20 x 05 MN 2830-2005-1 RUO
Infection EUROArray EUROArray STI - CT/NG 05 x 05 MN 2830-0505-2 RUO
Infection EUROArray EUROArray STI - CT/NG 08 x 03 MN 2830-0803-2 RUO
Infection EUROArray EUROArray STI - CT/NG 10 x 05 MN 2830-1005-2 RUO
Infection EUROArray EUROArray STI - CT/NG 20 x 05 MN 2830-2005-2 RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE Autoimmune Liver Diseases 8G (AMA-M2, M2-3E, Sp100, PML, gp210, LKM-1, LC-1, SLA/LP) 16 x 01 DL 1300-1601-8 G IVD
Autoimmune EUROLINE Autoimmune Liver Diseases 8G (AMA-M2, M2-3E, Sp100, PML, gp210, LKM-1, LC-1, SLA/LP) 64 x 01 DL 1300-6401-8 G IVD
Autoimmune EUROLINE ENA Profile 9 AG (nRNP/Sm, SM, SS-A (SS-A native and Ro-52), SS-B, SCL-70, Jo-1, CENP B, Rib P Proteins DL 1590-1601-9G RUO
Autoimmune EUROLINE ENA Profile 9 AG (nRNP/Sm, SM, SS-A (SS-A native and Ro-52), SS-B, SCL-70, Jo-1, CENP B, Rib P Proteins DL 1590-6401-9G RUO
Autoimmune ELISA ENA Profile 9 AG (nRNP/Sm, SM, SS-A (SS-A native and Ro-52), SS-B, SCL-70, Jo-1, CENP B, Rib P Proteins DL 1590-1601-9 G IVD
Infection ELISA Herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2) EI 2532-9601-24 G IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Cell nuclei (ANA) IFA 40 EUROPattern FC 1522-12010-1 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Cell nuclei (ANA) IFA 40 EUROPattern FC 1522-18010-1 IVD
Automation IIFT EUROIMMUN Analyzer I YG 0014-0101 IVD
Automation EUROLINE EUROBlotOne YG 0153-0101 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS-iSYS Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein 3 (IGFBP-3) Control Set IS-4430 IVD
Endocrinology ELISA total testosterone EQ 6151-9601-1 IVD
Infection EUROLINE Borrelia burgdorferi US DY 2133-3001 G IVD
Infection WESTERNBLOT Borrelia burgdorferi US EUROLINE-WB DY 2133-3001-1 M IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Cell nuclei (ANA) IFA 40 FA 1522-2010-1 IVD
Automation IIFT EUROPattern microscope YG 0333-0101 IVD
Automation IIFT EUROLabWorkstation IFA 45 YG 0852-0101 IVD
Endocrinology ELISA Serum CrossLaps® (CTX-I) ELISA AC-02F1 IVD
Endocrinology ELISA Urine CartiLaps ® (CTX-II) EIA AC-10F1 IVD
Endocrinology ELISA Ostase BAP EIA AC-20F1 IVD
Endocrinology ELISA 1,25-Dihydroxy Vitamin D EIA AC-62F1 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Cell nuclei (ANA) IFA 40 EUROPattern FC 1522-2010-1 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Cell nuclei (ANA) IFA 40 EUROPattern FC 1522-2450-1 IVD
Autoimmune EUROLINE ENA ProfilePlus 4 (nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, Ro-52, SS-B, Scl-70, ribosomal P-proteins separately) DL 1590-6401-4 G IVD
Infection WESTERNBLOT Borrelia burgdorferi US DY 2133-24001 G IVD
Infection WESTERNBLOT Borrelia burgdorferi US EUROLINE-WB DY 2133-24001-1 M IVD
Infection ELISA Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) EI 2531-9601-24 G IVD
Endocrinology ELISA free triiodothyronine (FT3) EQ 1016-9601 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Cytoplasm of granulocytes (cANCA, pANCA), nuclei of granulocytes (GS-ANA) FA 1200-2010 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Cell nuclei (ANA) IFA 40 FA 1522-1010-1 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Cell nuclei (ANA) IFA 40 FA 1522-1050-1 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Endomysium FA 1911-1005 A IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Endomysium FA 1911-1010 A IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Endomysium FA 1911-2010 A IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Coeliac Disease Screen (EM) EUROPattern endomysium FC 1911-1005 A IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Coeliac Disease Screen (EM) EUROPattern endomysium FC 1911-2005 A IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Coeliac Disease Screen (EM) EUROPattern endomysium FC 1911-2010 A IVD
Autoimmune IIFT Coeliac Disease Screen (EM) EUROPattern endomysium FC 1911-12010 A IVD
Automation EUROLINE EUROLineScanSoftware YG 0006-0101 IVD
Automation EUROLINE EUROLineScanSoftware EUROPicture Software on CD YG 0011-0101 IVD
Automation ELISA EUROIMMUN Analyzer I-2P YG 0015-0101 IVD
Automation IIFT IF Sprinter - IFA-ReSa-Trax6 with integrated barcode scanner YG 0032-0101 IVD
Automation EUROLINE EUROBlotMaster(for 30x incubation tray)' YG 0151-0101 IVD
Automation EUROLINE EUROBlotMaster 44 YG 0151-0101-1 IVD
Automation EUROLINE EUROLabOffice YG 0250-0101-1 IVD
Automation IIFT EUROStar III Plus YG 0306-0101-3 IVD
Automation EUROArray EUROArrayProcessor (EAP) YG 0671-0101-1 IVD
Automation ELISA EUROLabWorkstation ELISA YG 0851-0101 IVD
Automation ELISA Device qualification test kit EUROLabWorkstation ELISA ZG 0866-0101-2 IVD
Automation IIFT Device qualification test kit EUROLabWorkstation IFA ZG 0866-0101-3 IVD
Autoimmune ELISA EUROLINE ENA ProfilePlus 4 (IgG) DL 1590-1601-4 G IVD
Endocrinology ELISA Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate (DHEA-S) ELISA EQ 6155-9601 IVD
Endocrinology ELISA Free Estriol ELISA EQ 6167-9601 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT IFA: Oesophagus (Monkey) IgA FA 1911-2005 A IVD
Autoimmune IIFT IFA: Oesophagus (Monkey) IgA EUROPattern FC 1911-1010 A IVD
Infection IIFT IFA Mosaic: Coxsackie virus Type A7 / Type B1 (IgG) FI 2730-1010-4 G IVD
Automation ELISA / IIFT Sprinter XL YG 0033-0101 IVD
Automation IIFT EUROPattern Classifier YG 0071-0101 IVD
Automation IIFT EUROLabOffice 4.0 YG 0250-0101-7 IVD
Automation IIFT System liquid concentrate ZG 0862-1050 IVD
Automation ELISA / IIFT Device Qualification Test Kit EUROLabLiquidHandler ZG 0866-0101-1 IVD
Automation ELISA Device Qualification Test Kit EUROIMMUN Analyzer I / I-2P ZG 0866-0101-4 IVD
Endocrinology ELISA Urine CrossLaps® (CTX-I) EIA AC-03F1 IVD
Endocrinology ELISA Alpha CrossLaps® (CTX-I) EIA AC-04F1 IVD
Endocrinology ELISA Urine BETA CrossLaps® (CTX-I) ELISA AC-05F1 IVD
Automation ChLIA IDS-iSYS Diluent A IS-10DA IVD
Automation ChLIA IDS-iSYS Diluent B IS-10DB IVD
Automation ChLIA IDS-iSYS Diluent C IS-10DC IVD
Endocrinology ELISA N-MID® Osteocalcin ELISA AC-11F1 IVD
Endocrinology ELISA IGF-I ELISA AC-27F1 IVD
Endocrinology RIA 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D RIA AA-35F1 IVD
Endocrinology RIA 1,25-Dihydroxy Vitamin D RIA AA-54F1 IVD
Endocrinology RIA 1,25-Dihydroxy Vitamin D RIA AA-54F2 IVD
Endocrinology ELISA 25-Hydroxy Vitamin DS EIA AC-57SF1 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Intact PTHN IS-2200 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS iSYS 1,25 Dihydroxy Vitamin D IS-2400 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS iSYS 1,25 Dihydroxy Vitamin D IS-2410 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS iSYS 1,25 Dihydroxy Vitamin D Control Set IS-2430 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS iSYS 1,25 Dihydroxy Vitamin D Calibration Verifiers IS-2435 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS-iSYS 25 VitDS IS-2500N IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS-iSYS 25 VitDS Control Set IS-2530N IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS-iSYS 25 VitDS Calibrator Set IS-2520N IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS-iSYS Ostase® BAP IS-2800US IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS-iSYS Ostase® BAP Control Set IS-2830US IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS-iSYS Ostase® BAP Calibration Verifiers IS-2835US IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS-iSYS CTX-I (CrossLaps®) IS-3000 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS-iSYS CTX-I (Crosslaps) Control Set IS-3030 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS-iSYS CTX-I (Crosslaps) Calibration Verifiers IS-3035A IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS-iSYS Intact PTH IS-3200 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS-iSYS Intact PTH Control Set IS-3230 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS-iSYS Intact PTH Calibration Verifiers IS-3235 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS-iSYS Aldosterone IS-3300 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS-iSYS Aldosterone Control Set IS-3330 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS-iSYS Aldosterone Calibration Verifiers IS-3335 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS-iSYS Human Growth Hormone (hGH) IS-3700 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS-iSYS Human Growth Hormone (hGH) Calibration Verifiers IS-3735 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS-iSYS Insulin like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I) IS-3900 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS-iSYS Insulin like Growth Factor–I (IGF-I) Control Set IS-3930 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS-iSYS Insulin-like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I) Calibration Verifiers IS-3935 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS-iSYS Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein 3 (IGFBP-3) IS-4400 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS-iSYS Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein-3 (IGFBP-3) Calibration Verifiers IS-4435 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Cortisol IS-4600 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Cortisol Calibrator Set IS-4620 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Cortisol Control Set IS-4630 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS-iSYS Direct Renin IS-4800 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS-iSYS Direct Renin Control Set IS-4830 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS-iSYS Direct Renin Calibration Verifiers IS-4835 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS-iSYS 17-OH Progesterone IS-5100 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS-iSYS 17-OH Progesterone Control Set IS-5130 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS-iSYS 17-OH Progesterone Calibration Verifiers IS-5135 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS SHBG IS-5600 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS SHBG Control Set IS-5630 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS SHBG Calibration Verifiers IS-5635 IVD
Automation ChLIA IDS-iSYS Cartridge Check System (CCS) IS-6010 IVD
Automation ChLIA IDS iSYS Multi Discipline Automated System IS-310400 IVD
Automation ChLIA IDS-i10 IS-810400 IVD
Automation ChLIA IDS-iSYS System Liquid (Syst l) IS-CS100 IVD
Automation ChLIA IDS-iSYS Trigger Set IS-CT100 IVD
Automation ChLIA IDS-iSYS Wash Solution (Wash S) IS-CW100 IVD
Automation ChLIA IDS-iSYS Cuvettes IS-CC100 IVD
Automation ChLIA IDS-iSYS D-Sorb Solution IS-DS200 IVD
Automation ChLIA IDS Immunocleaner IS-IM100 IVD
Automation ChLIA IDS Top Cap Set IS-CAP300 IVD
Automation ChLIA IDS-iSYS XPrep IS-XP01 IVD
Automation ChLIA IDS SDSpeed Calc IS-SDSCALC IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS ACTH II IS-4500NG IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS ACTH II Calibrator Set IS-4520NG IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS ACTH II Control Set IS-4530NG IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Beta CrossLaps® (CTX-I) IS-3000N IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Beta CrossLaps® (CTX-I) Calibrator Set IS-3020N IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Beta CrossLaps® (CTX-I) Control Set IS-3030N IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Androstenedione IS-5400 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Androstenedione Calibrator Set IS-5420 IVD
Endocrinology ChLIA IDS Androstenedione Control Set IS-5430 IVD
Automation IIFT UNIQO 160 YG 2900-0101-1 IVD
Automation EUROArray EUROArrayProcessor Pre-PCR Software YG 0671-0101-2 IVD
Automation EUROArray EUROArrayScanner YG 0602-0101 IVD
Automation IIFT MERGITE! 10 YG 0064-0101-1 IVD
Automation IIFT MERGITE! 50 YG 0064-0101-2 IVD
Automation IIFT EUROPattern Classifier YG 0071 IVD
Infection IIFT Anti-Echo virus Type 7 IFA (IgG) FI 275a-1003 G IVD
Infection IIFT Anti-Echo virus Type 7 IFA (IgG) FI 275a-1005 G IVD
Infection IIFT Anti-Echo virus Type 7 IFA (IgG) FI 275a-1010 G IVD
Infection IIFT Anti-Echo virus Type 7 IFA (IgG) FI 275a-2005 G IVD
Infection IIFT Anti-Echo virus Type 7 IFA (IgG) FI 275a-2010 G IVD
Infection IIFT Mosaic Bordetella pertussis / Bordetella parapertussis IFA (IgG) FI 2050-1003-1 G IVD
Infection IIFT Mosaic Bordetella pertussis / Bordetella parapertussis IFA (IgG) FI 2050-1005-1 G IVD
Infection IIFT Mosaic Bordetella pertussis / Bordetella parapertussis IFA (IgG) FI 2050-1010-1 G IVD
Infection IIFT Mosaic Bordetella pertussis / Bordetella parapertussis IFA (IgG) FI 2050-2005-1 G IVD
Autoimmune IIFT IFA: Crithidia luciliae sensitive (anti-dsDNA) EUROPattern FC 1572-2450-1 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT IFA: Crithidia luciliae (anti- dsDNA) EUROPattern FC 1572-2450 IVD
Autoimmune IIFT EUROPLUS Granulocyte Mosaic 32 FA 1201-12010-32 IVD
Endocrinology ELISA Estrone ELISA EQ-6165-9601-1 IVD
Automation EUROArray EUROArrayProcessor Reagent tray set ZM 9999-0640-5 IVD
Automation IIFT Mounting medium ZF 1200-06500 IVD
Automation IIFT Mounting medium Pipettor Validation Test Kit ZG 0410-0101 IVD
Automation IIFT Mounting medium Pipettor Validation Test Kit System Qualification Test Kit ZG 0865-0101 IVD
Automation EUROLINE EUROIMMUN Immunoblot Washbuffer ZM 0123-0101 IVD
Indication Method Description Order No Regulatory Status