Products - Allergy - Insect venoms

Insect venoms

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Contact our Allergy Product Team for further details and information


Localized pain, swelling, itching and redness are normal reactions to an insect bite. However, insect bites can also cause allergic reactions that can manifest minutes or even hours after the bite.

Product Offerings

For clarification of insect venom allergies, it is recommended to identify the exact allergy-inducing species. EUROIMMUN offers different insect venoms profiles (EUROLINE) that contribute to the identification of sensitizations to the most common insect venoms. In addition to natural insect venom extracts, the profiles also include recombinant species-specific allergen components (defined partial allergen diagnostics (DPA-Dx)) for simultaneous in vitro determination of human IgE antibodies.

In addition, the total IgE concentration in serum or plasma can be determined using the Total IgE ELISA.

Insect venoms products

For Research Use Only. Not For Use In Diagnostic Procedures.
The individual product regulatory statements may vary, please refer to the instructions for use for more information.

wdt_ID Method Parameter Substrate Species/ Antigen
749 EUROLINE insect venoms
(i1, i3, CCD)
membrane strip with allergens
750 ELISA total IgE antigen-coated
microplate wells
anti-human IgE
751 EUROLINE DPA-Dx insect venoms 2
(i1, i208, i213, i216, i3, i209, i211, CCD)
membrane strip with allergens
752 EUROLINE DPA-Dx insect venoms 3
(i1, i3, i75, i208, i213, i216, i209, i211, CCD)
membrane strip with allergens
753 EUROASSAY DPA-Dx insect venoms 3
(i1, i3, i75, i208, i213, i216, i209, i211, CCD)
with allergens
754 EUROLINE DPA-Dx insect venoms "Southern Europe 1"
(i1, i3, i75, i77, i208, i213, i216, i210, i209, i220, i211, CCD)
membrane strip with allergens
Method Parameter Substrate Species/ Antigen
Contact our Allergy Product Team for further details and information
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