Products - Autoimmune - Gastroenterology - Autoimmune gastritis/ pernicious anaemia

Autoimmune gastritis/ pernicious anaemia

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Autoimmune gastritis (AIG) is a chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes in the fundus and corpus of the stomach. Immune cells attack the oxyntic mucosa, resulting in the destruction of the parietal cells. After an asymptomatic course of many years, AIG can develop into chronic atrophic gastritis, which may manifest as iron deficiency anemia or pernicious anemia (PA). The cause of AIG is unknown.

Diagnostic Guidelines

Antibodies against parietal cells (APCA) are considered the most sensitive biomarker for AIG. They can be detected in 80% to 90% of patients. They mainly occur in the early stages of the disease and often several years before the onset of the first symptoms. In advanced gastritis, APCA are less frequently found because the reduction in the number of parietal cells is accompanied by a decrease in the antigen. Due to the fact that APCA are also associated with other autoimmune diseases, e.g. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, diabetes mellitus type I or celiac disease, they have limited specificity. For this reason EUROIMMUN developed the novel recombinant ATP4B antigen for a particularly specific determination of APCA. ATP4B stands for the extracellular domain of the β subunit of H+/ K+ ATPase and is the main antigen of APCA. The Anti-ATP4B ELISA (IgG) thus yields a significantly higher specificity without a loss in sensitivity compared to the Anti-PCA ELISA (IgG). APCA are rarely found in the healthy population, although their prevalence increases with age.

The destruction of the parietal cells leads to hypo- or achlorhydria. However, gastric acid is a necessary factor, especially for the absorption of iron. Young patients in particular therefore often develop iron deficiency anemia, which cannot be treated by additional oral administration of iron. Due to the progressive loss of parietal cells, the production of intrinsic factor decreases, which is essential for the absorption of B12 in the terminal small intestine. In the long term, this leads to a vitamin B12 deficit and thus to PA. The typical symptoms of anemia such as fatigue, drowsiness, pale skin and tachycardia are accompanied by diarrhea, anorexia, glossitis, jaundice and neurological symptoms.

Antibodies against intrinsic factor are highly specific for AIG/PA, although their prevalence is lower than that of APCA. Whereas anti-intrinsic factor antibodies can be detected in the gastric juice of 80% of PA patients, they are only found in the serum of 40% to 60% of patients, increasing to 80% in long-term illness.

EUROIMMUN offers different ELISA, EUROLINE and IIFT test systems for the detection of antibodies against parietal cells, ATP4B and intrinsic factor.

Autoimmune gastritis/ pernicious anaemia products

For Research Use Only. Not For Use In Diagnostic Procedures.
The individual product regulatory statements may vary, please refer to the instructions for use for more information.

wdt_ID Method Parameter Substrate Species/ Antigen
535 IFA Anti-Parietal cells (SM) IFA EUROPattern stomach monkey
536 IFA parietal cells
stomach monkey
537 EUROLINE Autoimmune Gastrointestinal Diseases IgA
(tissue transglutaminase (endomysium), gliadin-analogue
fusion peptide (GAF-3X), mannan (ASCA))
538 EUROLINE Autoimmune Gastrointestinal Diseases IgG
(tissue transglutaminase (endomysium),
gliadin-analogue fusion peptide (GAF-3X),
parietal cell antigen (PCA) separately
Intrinsic factor, mannan (ASCA))
539 IFA parietal cells (PCA)
mitochondria (AMA)
(2 BIOCHIPs per field)
540 IFA antibodies against parietal cells
(PCA control)
541 ELISA parietal cells
microplate wells
native, H+/K+ ATPase,
porcine gastric mucosa
542 ELISA ATP4B antigen-coated
microplate wells
543 IFA intrinsic factor intrinsic factor BIOCHIPs
544 ELISA intrinsic factor antigen-coated
microplate wells
native, porcine
gastric mucosa
parietal cells (PCA)
intrinsic factor
2 BIOCHIPs per field:
intrinsic factor BIOCHIPs
546 IFA antibodies against parietal cells + intrinsic factor
(PCA + intrinsic factor ab control)
Method Parameter Substrate Species/ Antigen
Contact our Autoimmune Product Team for further details and information
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