Products - Autoimmune - Gastroenterology - Chronic inflammatory bowel

Chronic inflammatory bowel

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Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (CIBD) are characterized by inflammation in different parts of the gastrointestinal tract and occur in episodes. Symptomatic phases (relapses) alternate with remission phases, in which the disease is inactive. The severity of the symptoms and the duration of the episodes vary from patient to patient. The etiology of CIBD is still relatively unknown, but it is assumed that genetic susceptibility and certain environmental factors (antibiotic treatment, smoking, “Western diet”) may cause the disease. The most frequent forms of CIBD are ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD).

UC belongs to the CIBD with autoimmune reactions against the mucosa and submucosa of the colon or rectum and increased immune reactions against the intestinal flora. The inflammation spreads continuously from the rectum, that is from the anal region upwards.

CD is classified as an autoimmune disease of the intestinal mucosa and is among the CIBD with a high recurrence rate. The chronic granulomatous inflammation, which can affect the whole digestive tract from the oral cavity to the anus, is found in most cases only in the lower small intestine (terminal ileum) and the large intestine (colon), very rarely in the esophagus and mouth. CD is characterized by discontinuous, segmental involvement of the intestinal mucosa, whereby several sections of the intestine may be affected simultaneously, divided by healthy sections.

Diagnostic Guidelines

CIBD diagnostics are based on the clinical picture of the patient as well as on a combination of laboratory, endoscopic, histological and radiological examinations. The severity of the symptoms and the duration of the episodes vary from patient to patient.The fecal inflammation marker calprotectin is an important parameter in laboratory analyses. In addition to early diagnosis, it enables discrimination of CIBD from functional bowel diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome. The additional detection of CIBD-associated autoantibodies (IgA and IgG) in serum can further secure the diagnosis. EUROIMMUN offers BIOCHIP combinations with different IIFT substrates to detect specific autoantibodies against intestinal goblet cells, exocrine pancreas, anti-neutrophil cytoplasm antibodies (ANCA) as well as antibodies against Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ASCA). In addition, the detection of ASCA can be performed monospecifically by EUROLINE or ELISA.

To discriminate irritable bowel syndrome from CIBD and to further differentiate CIBD from each other, the EUROIMMUN portfolio includes ELISA, EUROLINE and IIFT test systems.
In around 10% of cases, a mixed form is observed, which cannot be clearly classified as either of the two diseases (indeterminate colitis).

In both CD and UC, the intestinal barrier of the mucosa and intestinal epithelium is weakened so that pathogenic bacteria from the intestinal lumen can enter the epithelial cells and trigger an inflammatory response.

When the gastrointestinal tract is inflamed, neutrophil granulocytes pass through the intestinal mucosa into the lumen where they release calprotectin, a calcium- and zinc-binding protein that stimulates an immune response and has an antimicrobial effect. The calprotectin released into the intestinal lumen accumulates and is then excreted in the stool. Fecal calprotectin can therefore help to distinguish CIBD from irritable bowel syndrome.

For the differentiation of different CIBD and their differentiation from irritable bowel syndrome, targeted differential diagnostics are of great importance.

Chronic inflammatory bowel products

For Research Use Only. Not For Use In Diagnostic Procedures.
The individual product regulatory statements may vary, please refer to the instructions for use for more information.

wdt_ID Method Parameter Substrate Species/ Antigen
506 IFA antibodies against DNA-bound lactoferrin (pANCA)
(LFS ab control)
507 IFA DNA-bound lactoferrin (pANCA)
ANCA negative
LFS granulocytes
HSS granulocytes
(2 BIOCHIPs per field)

HSS granulocytes
(2 BIOCHIPs per field)
508 EUROLINE Autoimmune Gastrointestinal Diseases IgA
(tissue transglutaminase (endomysium), gliadin-analogue
fusion peptide (GAF-3X), mannan (ASCA))
509 EUROLINE Autoimmune Gastrointestinal Diseases IgG
(tissue transglutaminase (endomysium),
gliadin-analogue fusion peptide (GAF-3X),
parietal cell antigen (PCA) separately
Intrinsic factor, mannan (ASCA))
510 IFA intestinal goblet cells intestinal tissue monkey
511 IFA antibodies against intestinal goblet cells
(ulcerative colitis; UC IgA control)
512 IFA antibodies against intestinal goblet cells
(ulcerative colitis; UC IgG control)
513 IFA intestinal goblet cells goblet cells EU 80
514 IFA antibodies against pancreas acini
(CUZD1 control; associated with Crohn's disease)
515 IFA Crohn's Disease Mosaic 1
pancreas antigen rPAg1 (CUZD1)
pancreas antigen rPAg2 (GP2)
3 BIOCHIPs per field:
transfected cells
transfected cells
control transfection
EU 90
EU 90
EU 90
516 IFA Crohn's Disease Mosaic 2
pancreas ag rPAg1(CUZD1) / rPAg2(GP2)
2 BIOCHIPs per field:
transfected cells
control transfection
EU 90
EU 90
517 IFA CIBD Screen 3
pancreas ag rPAg1(CUZD1) / rPAg2(GP2)
intestinal goblet cells
3 BIOCHIPs per field:
transfected cells
goblet cells
control transfection
EU 90
EU 80
EU 90
518 IFA CIBD Profile 3
upper row:
pancreas ag rPAg1(CUZD1) / rPAg2(GP2)

intestinal goblet cells
DNA-bound lactoferrin (pANCA)
ANCA negative
bottom row:
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
transfected cells
control transfection
goblet cells
granulocytes (EOH)
LFS granulocytes
HSS granulocytes
fungal smear
EU 90
EU 90
EU 80

S. cerevisiae
519 IFA CIBD Screen 6
pancreas ag rPAg1(CUZD1) / rPAg2(GP2)
intestinal goblet cells
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
5 BIOCHIPs per field:
transfected cells
goblet cells
fungal smear
granulocytes (EOH)
control transfection
EU 90
EU 80
S. cerevisiae
EU 90
520 IFA CIBD Profile 7
upper row:
pancreas ag rPAg1(CUZD1) / rPAg2(GP2)
intestinal goblet cells
bottom row:
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
transfected cells
goblet cells
granulocytes (EOH)
control transfection
fungal smear
EU 90
EU 80
EU 90
S. cerevisiae
521 IFA antibodies against pancreas secretion
(GP2 control; associated with Crohn's disease)
522 IFA antibodies against Saccharomyces cerevisiae
IgA positive control
523 IFA antibodies against Saccharomyces cerevisiae
IgG positive control
524 IFA Saccharomyces cerevisiae fungal
525 IFA Saccharomyces cerevisiae
negative control
526 ELISA Saccharomyces cerevisiae antigen-coated
microplate wells
mannan of
S. cerevisiae
527 ELISA MabTrack level adalimumab
528 ELISA MabTrack anti-drug antibody adalimumab
529 ELISA MabTrack level infliximab
530 ELISA MabTrack anti-drug antibody infliximab
Method Parameter Substrate Species/ Antigen
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