Products - Infection - Emerging diseases

Emerging diseases

Contact our Infectious Disease Product Team for further details and information


Over the past years, the global spread of many new viruses and other pathogens has been observed. The associated diseases are called “emerging infectious diseases”. This term refers to infectious diseases that occur for the first time in a population or have increased rapidly in incidence or regional distribution. Viruses transmitted by arthropods, also known as arboviruses, are among the most common causative agents of diseases in humans worldwide and have posed a growing problem over the past decades. Arboviruses have a great ability to mutate and adapt, which is why they often cause outbreaks. Important examples are dengue and chikungunya fever as well as Zika fever, which spread to large parts of South America in 2015/2016. However, also in moderate climates – like in Europe – arboviruses such as West Nile virus and chikungunya virus have caused seasonal outbreaks in the past. The clinical courses of diseases caused by arboviruses are very similar, so that diagnosis cannot be based on the clinical picture alone.

In addition to the before-mentioned arboviruses, there are various other pathogens that cause large outbreaks and could develop into a significant global health problem, such as SARS-CoV-2, which led to a pandemic.


Diagnosis of these diseases is particularly challenging, as there are often no commercial diagnostic test systems available for the corresponding parameters. Generally, an infection with a causative agent of an emerging disease is diagnosed based on clinical and epidemiological criteria as well as laboratory findings. Laboratory diagnostics use both direct and indirect detection methods and are particularly important for testing travelers after trips to endemic areas and for screening large population groups in the case of an epidemic or a pandemic.

Emerging diseases products

For Research Use Only. Not For Use In Diagnostic Procedures.
The individual product regulatory statements may vary, please refer to the instructions for use for more information.

wdt_ID Method Parameter Substrate Species/ Antigen
negative control
709 IFA SARS coronavirus infected and non-
infected cells
(2 BIOCHIPs per field)
EU 14
710 IFA MERS coronavirus infected and non-
infected cells
(2 BIOCHIPs per field)
EU 14
711 ELISA MERS coronavirus antigen-coated
microplate wells
recombinant S1 antigen
of MERS coronavirus
712 ELISA SARS-CoV-2 antigen-coated
microplate wells
recombinant S1 antigen
of SARS-CoV-2
713 PCR EURORealTime SARS-CoV-2
715 IFA antibodies against TBE virus (TBEV)
IgG positive control
716 IFA antibodies against TBE virus (TBEV)
IgM positive control
717 IFA TBE virus (TBEV) infected and non-
infected cells
(2 BIOCHIPs per field)
EU 14
718 IFA TBE virus (TBEV)
negative control
719 ELISA TBE virus antigen-coated
microplate wells
TBE viral proteins
(strain "K23")
720 ELISA TBE virus
incl. IgG/RF absorbent
microplate wells
TBE viral proteins
(strain "K23")
721 IFA antibodies against Flaviviruses
IgG positive control
722 IFA Flavivirus Mosaic 1
TBE virus (TBEV)
West Nile virus (WNV)
Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV)
Yellow fever virus (YFV)
4 BIOCHIPs per field:
infected cells
infected cells
infected cells
infected cells
EU 14
EU 14
EU 14
EU 14
723 IFA Flaviviruses
negative control
724 ELISA TBE virus
avidity determination
microplate wells
TBE viral proteins
(strain "K23")
725 IFA Flavivirus Profile 2
upper row:
TBE virus (TBEV)
West Nile virus (WNV)
Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV)
Yellow fever virus (YFV)
bottom row:
Dengue virus
types 1 - 4 (DENV)
infected cells
infected cells
infected cells
infected cells
infected cells
EU 14
EU 14
EU 14
EU 14
EU 14
726 IFA Flavivirus Mosaic 3
TBE virus (TBEV)
West Nile virus (WNV)
Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV)
Yellow fever virus (YFV)
Dengue virus types 1 - 4 (DENV)
9 BIOCHIPs per field:
infected cells
infected cells
infected cells
infected cells
infected cells
non-infected cells
EU 14
EU 14
EU 14
EU 14
EU 14
EU 14
727 ELISA CSQ pair of controls
anti-TBE virus Vienna (IgG)
728 ELISA TBE virus
microplate wells
TBE viral proteins
(strain "K23")
729 ELISA CSQ pair of controls
anti-TBE virus (IgG)
730 ELISA CSQ pair of controls
anti-TBE virus (IgM)
731 ELISA TBE virus
antibody determination in CSF
microplate wells
TBE viral proteins
(strain "K23")
732 IFA antibodies against West Nile virus (WNV)
IgG positive control
Method Parameter Substrate Species/ Antigen
Contact our Infectious Disease Product Team for further details and information
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